Mount Augusta (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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Before Civclassic, Mount Augusta existed in different iterations of various civ-genre servers. The very first server that Mount Augusta was involved in was Civcraft 1.0. Originally founded as the Augustan Republic, it became one of the most widely known cities, famed for its welcoming attitude and friendliness to new players. Despite suffering through wars, theater performances, assassinations, and corruption scandals, Mount Augusta in Civcraft 1.0 was marked by the unity and fraternity of citizens, regardless of ideology.
As Civcraft 1.0 drew to an end, [[Mount Augusta in 2.0|Mount Augusta was reborn in Civcraft 2.0]]. During this time, it was led by many mayors, but the most famous Augustan leader of this period was Lord Mayor Prof_TANSTAAFL. During Civcraft 2.0, Mt. Augusta was involved in numerous conflicts, ranging from the feud with [[Gensokyo]] and related skirmishes such as the Goten Crisis and Fall of New Detroit to being a battleground between forces in the Libertas-Eden Cold War and later Nox War.
Mount Augusta's time in the short-lived Civcraft 3.0 was marked by intense cooperation. Led by Njordmir and aleksey_t, Mount Augusta quickly became a major player among the shards as an XP-producing trade powerhouse. This time would be short lived, however, as Civcraft 3.0 met its demise, and Mount Augusta moved on to Devoted 3.0.