Minemaster933: Difference between revisions

Added in a "Reputation" section for clarity.
(added category)
(Added in a "Reputation" section for clarity.)
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* Pirater (after jokingly admitting he was a [[Pirater]] alt)
* explicitlexicon
== Reputation ==
Minemaster933 has had a mixed reputation on the [[CivClassic]] server. Admitting to a dangerous past of criminal activity, it does not bode well for their present claims of not having done the "Eddie Murphy Diamond Heist". To multiple parties, Minemaster933 has gone on record stating that they did not, in fact, steal the [[Eddie Murphy]] diamonds and that there is a larger issue at play. To outside parties, [[EM]] has remained private about what evidence they possess on the matter. During the public court trial against Minemaster933, EM made a point of mocking the defendant and those who came to question its legitimacy.
As of January 2021, Minemaster933 has gone on to become a better Civ player. They have stated that they regret the criminal behaviours they partook in, and want to become something more meaningful. Their activity in [[Mount September]] has been a good example of that. Further, the Kingdom of [[Lusitania]] backs that Minemaster933 is on the road to reformation.
In any case, Minemaster933 possesses the potential to become a good, well adjusted server player. Only time will tell if the server allows them to reach this end.
