Minemaster933: Difference between revisions

filled in two more instances of minemaster winning
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(filled in two more instances of minemaster winning)
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|caption=Minemaster933 uses the default Steve skin.
{{flagflagicon|Sovia}} New [[Sovia]]
|* Criminal Activity
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On January 4 2021, [[SoundTech]] filed suit against minemaster933 in an [[Icenia]]n court; in an unusual request, [[SoundTech]] did not demand any pearl time, but rather the revocation of minemaster933's [[Icenia]]n citizenship "under a special case as described in IV.B [of the Icenian constitution], to remove an active threat to [[Icenia]]". [[SoundTech]] cited "the obsidian phallus debacle with [[FreeStyleJr]]", "the stealing of [[Amelorate]]'s precious workbench", "the shitfest with [[Eddie Murphy]]", "the recent court case with @mason", and "harmed...external relations of [[Icenia]] and [[Eddie Murphy]], as well as [harmed] internal relations of [[Icenia]] and [[Columbia]] within the [[UDF]]"; Judge [[FreeStyleJr08]], however, only cited the fact that "Minemaster has expressed that he doesn't even want to be here anymore" in his ruling, revoking his citizenship.<br>
As of the end of March of 2021, Minemaster has been cleared of his crimes in Icenia<ref>[[ChrisChrispie]] lifts ban on Minemaster : [https://old.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/mbujdh/in_response_to_some_hilarious_false_allegations/gs02rv1/ https://reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/mbujdh/in_response_to_some_hilarious_false_allegations/gs02rv1/] ; "“Find me proof”. I’d like to thank you Kayla. From now on I’ll have a stronger backbone when protecting my citizens, up to and including pearling people who fake logs to ruin them internally. Minemaster robbed in Icenia and was a perpetual problem for our court systems , but it sure is stupid that trusted allies of Icenia sold him down the river so EM could cover their asses after not being able to manage a group properly. Pathetic." ; Retrieved on 24 March 2021</ref> however, he still owes reparations to Juniortide for breaking into his house.
====Involvement in Gul-Veldt Conflict====
During the [[DUMP]]'s ill-fated attempt to arbitrate the [[Gul]]-[[Veldt]] border conflict on February 4 2021, minemaster933 hypothesized to [[Veldt]] leader [[Camokool]] that "that [[Eddie Murphy|people]] may be trying some funny business", resulting in [[Camokool]] quitting negotiations and "object[ing] to anything and everything [[Gul]] has to counter claim", and leading to the [[One-Hour War]]. This resulted in his expulsion from [[Dormount]] (through which he had had access to [[DUMP]] internal channels).
====Leadership of New Sovia====
On March 30 2021, minemaster933 re-established New [[Sovia]] (formerly [[Pirater]]'s nation) from its old capital of Ceylon. Due to New [[Sovia]]'s previous challenges with [[weepee|powerful nations on CivClassic]], many anticipated that minemaster933 would be attacked<ref>{{Cdisc|sender-link=Metriximor|sender=Metriximor|date=30 March 2021|url=https://discord.com/channels/810436686021394492/814024376004771850/826582160411852800|text=minemaster is already fucked lol|channel=foreign-office-lobby|server=Lambat|access-date=10 September 2021|screenshot-link=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/561592328243118086/885839426545127444/unknown.png}}</ref>, but this did not occur.
====Brief Pearling by IMC====
On June 14 2021, [[Imperial Mountain of Casson]] briefly pearled minemaster933 in [[Mount September]] and took his pearl home for unknown reasons. [[IMC]] unpearled him later the same day.
