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==Crimes, Controversies, and Captures==
====False Theft Accusations by Eddie Murphy====
On December 31 2020, 48 diamond blocks inexplicably went missing from the in-progress [[Eddie Murphy]] vault. Lacking direct evidence as to the culprit's identity as a result of subpar snitching, [[Eddie Murphy]] accused minemaster933 of the theft based on circumstantial evidence (his access to Murphian namelayer groups, as well as further-away snitch hits provided by [[Kayla]]). On January 4, minemaster933 was tried by [[Eddie Murphy]] in "comedy court" (in which the defendant was asked "to give his the defense of why he is 'Funny'"), and ordered to repay the 432 diamonds which he was convicted of stealing. <br>
On March 23, [[Anyakova]] (among two successor states to [[Eddie Murphy]] learned and immediately revealed that [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/mbryyb/on_a_recent_revelation/ the snitch hits used to convict minemaster933 were falsified by Kayla], proving minemaster933 innocent of the crime for which he was chiefly known. The damage to minemaster933's reputation as a result of three months of false guilt, however, did not fully heal.
====Expulsion from Icenia====
On January 4 2021, [[SoundTech]] filed suit against minemaster933 in an [[Icenia]]n court; in an unusual request, [[SoundTech]] did not demand any pearl time, but rather the revocation of minemaster933's [[Icenia]]n citizenship "under a special case as described in IV.B [of the Icenian constitution], to remove an active threat to [[Icenia]]". [[SoundTech]] cited "the obsidian phallus debacle with [[FreeStyleJr]]", "the stealing of [[Amelorate]]'s precious workbench", "the shitfest with [[Eddie Murphy]]", "the recent court case with @mason", and "harmed...external relations of [[Icenia]] and [[Eddie Murphy]], as well as [harmed] internal relations of [[Icenia]] and [[Columbia]] within the [[UDF]]"; Judge [[FreeStyleJr08]], however, only cited the fact that "Minemaster has expressed that he doesn't even want to be here anymore" in his ruling, revoking his citizenship.<br>
As of the end of March of 2021, Minemaster has been cleared of his crimes in Icenia<ref>[[ChrisChrispie]] lifts ban on Minemaster : [https://old.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/mbujdh/in_response_to_some_hilarious_false_allegations/gs02rv1/ https://reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/mbujdh/in_response_to_some_hilarious_false_allegations/gs02rv1/] ; "“Find me proof”. I’d like to thank you Kayla. From now on I’ll have a stronger backbone when protecting my citizens, up to and including pearling people who fake logs to ruin them internally. Minemaster robbed in Icenia and was a perpetual problem for our court systems , but it sure is stupid that trusted allies of Icenia sold him down the river so EM could cover their asses after not being able to manage a group properly. Pathetic." ; Retrieved on 24 March 2021</ref> however, he still owes reparations to Juniortide for breaking into his house.
====Brief Pearling by IMC====
On June 14 2021, [[Imperial Mountain of Casson]] briefly pearled minemaster933 in [[Mount September]] and took his pearl home for unknown reasons. [[IMC]] unpearled him later the same day.
====Kayla-minemaster933 Bounty Crisis====
On July 26 2021, in a [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/os8hhb/not_hsm_kill_kill_kill_kill_kill/ Reddit post] titled "Not [[hsm]] [[kill]] [[kill]] [[kill]] [[kill]] [[kill]]", minemaster933 demanded that [[Kayla]] (who had been revealed four months prior to have framed minemaster933 for stealing 432 diamonds from [[Eddie Murphy]]) reimburse him the remainder of his unjust reparations payment - 332 diamonds ([[Kayla]] had reimbursed minemaster933 a prot set (worth 100 diamonds at the time) by the order of [[ChrisChrispie]] the day that her malfeasance was revealed, subtracting this from the total). He placed a 75 diamond bounty on [[Kayla]]'s pearl in order to facilitate this reimbursement.<br>
[[KnotNSA]] of [[Columbia]] responded 6 hours later with [https://www.reddit.com/comments/osf0my a 200 diamond bounty on minemaster933]. After 14 hours, Having already dodged an assassination attempt by [[sr_mango]] minemaster933 then [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/osqs2v/announcement_of_bounties_and_pos_markings/ increased his bounty on] [[Kayla]] [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/osqs2v/announcement_of_bounties_and_pos_markings/ to 275 diamonds, and bountied] [[KnotNSA]] [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/osqs2v/announcement_of_bounties_and_pos_markings/ for 175 diamonds as well]. 2 hours after that, [[K0mmi]] [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/ost159/more_bounties/ raised the] [[Columbia]][https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/ost159/more_bounties/ n-][[Kallos]][https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/ost159/more_bounties/ ian bounty on minemaster933 to 400 diamonds], [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/osun05/475_diamonds_for_the_pearl_of_minemaster933/ later 475], [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/ost159/more_bounties/ and added a 100 diamond bounty on "any individual who goes so far as to try and pearl knotnsa, Kaloa_HG or any other columbian"]. As [[FKA_Twink]] put it in the comments of each of these posts, [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/osqs2v/announcement_of_bounties_and_pos_markings/h6q8zb1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 "world tension increased"]. Both sides prepared for the worst, and [[Mount September]] retained [https://www.reddit.com/comments/ostf0m minemaster933 supporter] [[Gregy165]] as a defense consultant.<br>
On July 27, [https://www.reddit.com/comments/oswr42 minemaster933 dropped all of his bounties] after [[Kallos]]ian Jazz Committee member [[KingOfTheMochas]] repaid minemaster933 his 332 diamonds without [[Kayla]]'s consent (an action for which he was expelled from [[Kallos]]). However, [[K0mmi]] responded by [https://www.reddit.com/comments/oszwft hiking the counter-bounty to 500 diamonds, and placing a 150 diamond bounty on] [[NebulaSSR]] [https://www.reddit.com/comments/oszwft as well]. Following harsh backlash from [[Pirater]] and [[gregy165]] alike, [[K0mmi]] [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/otfhwx/no_more_bounties/ dropped all bounties on minemaster933] on July 28th.
====Mount September Ice Road Conflict====
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minemaster933 played a significant part in the [[Mount September Ice Road Conflict]], successfully suing [[SirTwiggles]] for harassment by means of @everyone snitches on August 14 2021. As a result, he was among three players [https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/pccma8/get_off_my_lawn_zoomer_an_explanation_of/ banned from the Boomer Ice Road by] [[bgbba]].
====Illegal Kallosian Extradition in Mount September====
On September 2 2021, newfriend [[Chernobeel]] pearled minemaster933 as a joke in [[Mount September]]. However, [[Chernobeel]] later lost the pearl (still in his inventory) as a result of falling to his death while attempting parkour, where it was picked up by an unknown agent and delivered to [[Kallos]]'s [[Vault#The Ark/Arx Centauri (Kallos)|vault]]. Under Septembrian law, this was an illegal extradition; this resulted in [https://www.reddit.com/comments/phdq7u backlash] from [[Mount September]], the [[Augustan Federation]], and all others sympathetic to minemaster933 or Septembrian law, but no military action was prepared or taken. <br>
[[Kallos]] demanded as a condition of release that minemaster933 reveal his "main account" (predicated on a discredited conspiracy theory that minemaster933 is an alt account of another player such as [[Pirater]] or [[poortea]]) - effectively a [[Jargon#Permapearled|permapearl]] sentence.<br>
On September 5, minemaster933 declared that he was quitting CivClassic, remaining only in [[Mount September]]'s, [[New Sovia]]'s, and the [[Alliance of Nuevo Luzon]]'s Discord servers. This brought minemaster933's pearl, previously ignored by many, firmly into the spotlight. <br>
On September 6, minemaster933 officially sued the government of [[Kallos]] ([[Kayla]], [[Kicky]], [[Troll_Bebek]], [[ColdBoy000]], [[ChickenWingGeek]] and [[Danirague]]) for "violating section 1 of the Wrongs Act" in [[Mount September]], retaining [[Pirater]] as a lawyer. [[Kayla]] stated that "we'll be contesting the plaintiffs claims", and a trial began. On September 8, in an effort to discredit minemaster933's claims, [[Kayla]] hastily extradited minemaster933's pearl to [[Yoahtl]], and stated in court that "if the prosecution cannot prove that [[kallos]] has jurisdiction over minemasters pearl, then the claim that we are restricting minemasters autonomy is false". However, [[NeoTide]] of [[Yoahtl]] proceeded to free minemaster933's pearl (an action for which he plead guilty to dereliction of duty in his own [[Yoahtl]]an trial), granting minemaster933 escape yet again.