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Wanting to have more area to build farms, Monaco negotiated buying land that was owned by NDZ on the main island that the latter city sat on. On January 19, 2014, Cheshirelulcat and NDZ founder Gant2000 drafted the Treaty of Monte Carlo.<ref></ref>In exchange for the land owned by NDZ, Monaco promised to pay 150 diamonds to the city, lease out the use of its vanilla chunk for a U3P-owned vault, and promised that, should NDZ development reach a certain point, Monaco would forfeit its sovereignty and join NDZ as a territory. The treaty was unpopular among the Danzilonans, who had concerns about the viability of actually building a vault within the terms of the agreement, as well as the obligation to annex a city in the future not knowing what the situation in it would be by then. A vote was held on January 24th on the ratification of the treaty, and when most Danzilonans voted no, the decision was postponed for further negotiations.<ref></ref>
The negotiations ended when, on February 11th, Cheshire and a number of Danzilonan officials claimed to have made a backdoor deal for the city without the ratification of the voters.<ref></ref> With a deal secured, the Monacans built a wall around their claims on the Danzilonan mainland and a new checkpoint that guarded the way into the claims. Upset that they had no choice in the matter and that the Treaty of Monte Carlo was never ratified, Danzilonan citizens peacefully protested the seizure of their lands. Protests intensified when Monacans burned down the home of a Danzilonan that was found on the side of the wall they claimed.<ref></ref>Both Monacan and NDZ officials largely ignored these protests for their first week.
The government of New Danzilona turned against Monaco, however, when Cheshirelulcat and Thymos, no longer tolerating the protests, raided NDZ and pearled one of its founders on February 22nd.<ref></ref>They also attacked NDZ ally and U3P member Pella when they broke into its King's home. The Monacans demanded reparations for supposed damages done during the protests, but their legitimacy fell apart when they pearled first and asked questions later. After their raids ended, NDZ and U3P citizens mobilized against Monaco and pearled Chesh and another raider the following day. Though Chesh attempted to distance Thymos away from Monaco, the Danzilonans hunted him down over the next month, finally pearling him on March 28th. The island Monaco sat on was officially annexed by New Danzilona on February 24th.
