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[[File:Aulos.png|thumb|186x186px|The Aulos, Medic symbol: two dots, identical, one inside the circle, one outside, equidistant from the circle]]
Medicism or Medic philosophy is a religion and school of thought which arose out of the [[The Commonwealth (CivClassic 2.0)|Commonwealth]] city of [[Meditat]] during the first days of the [[Somber War]]. Medics regard [[Main Page|Civcraft]] as the intended foundation for the establishment of the Aquarian religion prophesied in the turning of the astrological age into that of Aquarius, and a necessary stage in the development of social consciousness. King [[Peter5930]] is identified as the central figure of the Medic mysteryand seeks to cultivate "Praxis", a state of enlightenment reached through a radical belief in the game world. Various writings are currently being produced by [[Reffelruz]] on Mount Olympus in CW(CMC).
Adherents regard [[Main Page|Civcraft]] as the intended foundation for the establishment of the Aquarian religion prophesied in the turning of the astrological age into
that of Aquarius, and a necessary stage in the development of social consciousness. Founder [[reffelruz]] identifies King [[Peter5930]] as the central figure of the Medic mystery, and seeks to cultivate "Praxis", a state of enlightenment reached through a radical belief in the game world. Various writings are currently being produced by [[Reffelruz]] on Mount Olympus in CW(CMC).
== Conception ==
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== Praxis ==
''[[Praxis]]'' ''wa''s the codename for a project created by [[Ttk2]] to produce an original stand-alone platform for Civcraft to take place in perpetually; the project was ambitious but ultimately fell through, and Civcraft has remained to this day a Minecraft genre; though experiments have been undertaken on alternative platforms, none have threatened to replace Minecraft anytime soon.
Medic activism takes the name ''Praxis'' to refer to the ideal Civcraft: one permanent world, utterly self-sustaining and full of life, culture and political happenings, all of which are genuine and unforced by a need to roleplay situations that would not otherwise occur; thus, ''Praxis'' refers to a state of harmony between the ideal form of the game imagined by its players, and the actual reality of the current server; further thus, ''Praxis'' is a state of being that is content with the simulation, finding it sufficient for one's desire to inhabit it.
''Praxis'' as a general term usually refers to actions taken in the world to further a certain view or goal, especially in the realm of politics. Medic Praxis is a conscious use of one's in-game actions to bring the world closer to the ideal Civcraft as imagined based on its potential; Medics recognize that a jumpstart is necessary on behalf of a smaller population of creatives, who must produce cultural content aimed at attracting new players and, convincing them to be invested in the world; furthermore, the type of player brought into the world is important, and should be considered in relation to all actions in the world: one's actions in the world suggest what the game is about, and therefore creates an image of the world and the game that will attract players of a certain taste and proclivity; simply put, if what goes on in the world is war, the world will attract those who seek war; if the world is full of culture, the world will attract those who seek culture - those who exist in the world today must choose the world they wish to live in; this is contrary to orthodox civ wisdom, which prescribes an endless war against the baddies, which the Medic sees as counterproductive.
In this framing, the ideal Civ is achieved through the mass production and proliferation of cultural content including art, literature, drama, history, education, philosophy, religion and festival - which will bring in a population of new players who are looking to engage with these aspects of the game over those of war and state-drama; the playerbase must be genetically altered by producing a gameplay space that cultivates certain types of players over others.
The religion has the added intention of giving players a stronger resistance to death(quitting); it provides a framework that cannot be lost or tainted by in game actions in any way - on the contrary, even in-game events with a negative impact on a player can carry strong meaning within the religious framework, and therefore has gameplay value beyond what it would have without the framework overlayed.
