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Tybug (talk | contribs)
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[[Civ]] servers include many mechanics and plugins which are designed to encourage emergent behavior between players, including nation building, trade and economy, and player-enforced justice. For instance, a tech tree in the form of [[Factory|factories]] encourages pooling resources, items can be traded at [[Item Exchange|item exchanges]], and a nation's laws (or whims) can be enforced by [[Exile Pearl|killing and exiling]] a player.
Though not every civCiv server uses the same set of mechanics, those used by [[mainline]] servers have stayed relatively consistent throughout the years.
== Core Mechanics ==
These five mechanics have been present in every [[mainline]] civCiv server, and are core to the identity of Civ as a genre. Additionally, almost all non-mainline civCiv servers have included mechanics similar to these, though some servers may rework, tweak, or rename them.
* [[Citadel]] - reinforce blocks to make them harder for others to break
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== Common Mechanics ==
These mechanics are commonly included in both mainline and non-mainline civCiv servers. Some may address a problem that is important, but has other valid approaches as a solution. Others have become a staple of civCiv more by coincidence than any underlying justification.
* [[Orebfuscation]] - hidden blocks are rendered as junk, to prevent x-raying
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== Minor Mechanics ==
These mechanics are either only occasionally included in civCiv servers, or are so inconsequential to gameplay that they could be easily removed without impacting the experience.
* [[Spawning]] - players spawn randomly in the world, potentially at predetermined "new player friendly" locations