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The '''Soria Crisis''' was ana territorial dispute regarding the status of the remnants of [[Magna Soria]].
== Prelude ==
Magna Soria was a small nation in the deep [[+,-]], located in the Palmyran Desert. It had extensive ties with the nearby nations of [[Hia Mek]] and [[Pinegarden Commonwealth]], which led it to join the then-fledgling [[NWO]] alliance on August 6th, 2021. However, one of Magna Soria's leaders, DeChatillon, ran into real life commitments. This, combined with a lack of interest in further play from Patchie_Man, caused the leaders to decide to dissolve the nation on August 15th, 2021.
The region was effectively ''terra nullius'' until the following month, when the [[Icenia|Icenian]] citizen [[Farifala]] claimed over Soria and a significant area surrounding it. He would name his claim "The Islamic Caliphate", in reference to his Islamic beliefs. In the meantime, a new nation (and another NWO member), [[Äggland]], claimed a region directly south of the Caliphate. They named the territory Kaphae. To the north, the [[Columbia|Columbian]] player [[Asuramaru]] claimed another wide stretch of the Palmyran desert, intending on constructing a [[Vault|world border vault]]. Formerly a quasi-independent state named Avantheim, it would be merged to Columbia in September as the province of "East Columbia".
== Conflict ==
Around the time [[Äggland]] colonized Kaphae, its King, [[Iceboy_Board]], noticed the town of Soria to his north. He learned about its heritage as a former NWO nation, and liked the town's architecture. Iceboy_Board attempted to get a hold of Farifala with the intent to purchase the town. However, real life circumstances got in the way of a reply.
Growing impatient, and believing Farifala was inactive, Äggland decided to occupy the town. With Caliphate forces not forthcoming, Äggland occupied Soria on October 14th.
== Crisis ==
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Soria Crisis
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*At least one {{flag|Acadia}}n
| commander1 = Actively fighting:
*{{flagicon|Äggland}} [[Iceboy BoardIceBoy_Board]]
*{{flagicon|Jolington}} [[SinjoroJoCrafter]]
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| strength2 = Unknown, at least 2 engaged
The bloodless conflict heated up upon the entry of [[Asuramaru]] on the night of October 15th. Asuramaru decided to intervene on behalf of the Caliphate. [[Asuramaru]] engaged and attacked Iceboy_Board on the alt Kanami_Minagawa, pearling him and taking his pearl to the [[Columbia|East Columbian]] vault, "[[Vault|Rhea]]". This would result in considerable amounts of chaotic Discord PVP during the morning of October 16th.
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In the meantime, the Discord PVP heated up, resulting in various character attacks against both sides of the dispute. During the afternoon, the [[Acadia|Acadian]] citizen [[Ferro|_Iron]] suddenly entered [[Jolington]] and pearled [[SinjoroJoCrafter]]. He too was taken to Rhea, and was upgraded to a Prison Pearl. After this the conflict prety much stopped, [[SinjoroJoCrafter]] was freed somedays later and IceBoy_Board was freed on the 26th October ending the Crisis.
== See Also ==
= [[IceBoy Board|IceBoys]] Perspective =
[[Magnasoria war/IceBoy's perspective|IceBoy_Board's perspective]]
(This is written by [[IceBoy Board|IceBoy]] himself (me) so im gonna tell it like how i remeber it)
So around this time i was home for some week and i was incredibly bored. I sat home and farmed Sugar cane day after day. Anyways i would give anything for some action. I was at this time settled in [[Kaphae]] and sold my sugarcane in [[Kingdom of Fish|Fish]]. On the way there you always come across the [[Islamic Caliphate]]<nowiki/>s Capital and [[Magna Soria|Magnasoria]]<nowiki/>s towns. I really like those towns, they are awesome builds and look gorgeous. I wondered if i could claim this land and somebody (not gonna tell the name) responded that [[Islamic Caliphate|the caliphate]] citizens hadent been online on the server for 2 months. Of course i wanted the towns if nobody owned them! I set the [[Islamic Caliphate|caliphate]] up for dereliction and as i was very bored and hungry for action i also declared war. What i did was that i said a kitten fight was a bloody war.
That was a stupid fuck idea. I got tons of angry messages on Discord of how idiotic i was and so i declaimed it and i thought that everything was over. Somedays later [[Asuramaru]], the number one head enemy of the caliphate as i have understanded it, think of a wonderful idea to pearl me. I got pealed. [[SinjoroJoCrafter|Sinjorojocrafter,]] my allie from [[NWO]], wanted to help me out as he hated [[Asuramaru]]. He tried to kill her and failed. Then he tried disocrd pvp wich didnt make anything better. More like the opposite. My sentence got longer. Because of the trouble [[SinjoroJoCrafter|Sinjoro]] had came with Äggland left the [[NWO]]. And [[Jolington|Jollington]] was kicked.
The following days nothing much happend. I rember waking up one day seeing i was unpearled. And thats it.
[[Category:CivClassic 2.0]]