List of Nations On CivClassic 2.0: Difference between revisions

Kaprediem was leader for a majority of Lambat's existence in CC
(Kaprediem was leader for a majority of Lambat's existence in CC)
(120 intermediate revisions by 22 users not shown)
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== Nations Extant at End of the World ==
== Currently Existing Nations ==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Nations That Existed as of 11/15/2021<ref>Due to EOTW, All "Currently Existing Nations" no longer exist</ref>
!Government Type
!Date Founded
!Discord Link
!Activity Level
|[[Imperial TruidenceAcadia]]
|[[ObtainableSpatulaOwain X]]
|Parliamentary republic
|January 10th, 2021
|[[Icenia (CivClassic)|Icenia]]
|Constitutional Republic
|September 7th, 2021
|July 13th, 2021
|September 27th, 2021
|Parliamentary Democracy
|January 8th, 2019
|February 2018
|September 1st, 2018
|October 10th, 2020
|Constitutional monarchy
|September 9th, 2021
|July 2018
|Parliamentary republic
|March 2021
|[[Carson (CivClassic)|Carson]]
|Anarchist cooperative
|[[Confederation of Cities Communes and Protectorates|CCCP]]
|Decentralized direct democracy
|October 16th, 2021
|August 17th, 2021
|[[City of England]]
|Libertarian monarchy
|August 2017
|October 7th, 2017
|Not public - ask for invite
|[[The Commonwealth]]
|Parliamentary monarchy
|May 13th, 2017
|August 3th, 2021
|Parliamentary Monarchy
|December 12th, 2020
|Somewhat Active
|[[Cortesia Del Mar]]
|Constitutional Republicrepublic
|January 2nd, 2021
|Unitary meritocracy
|Some kind of Autocracy?
|June 12th 2017
|?<ref>Amyr's wikipage does not list a date, for some reason</ref>
|[[LLE2]], masterwinner96 and legosteenHD
|Anarchical Council
|October 17th, 2021
|[[Confederation of Cities Communes and Protectorates|CCCP]]
|Decentralized Direct Democracy
|OctoberApril 16th27th, 2021
|July 13th, 2021
|[[East Lambat]]
|One-party democracy
|[[BritishWanderer]] and [[Gobblin]]
|Democratic republic
|June 10th, 2018
|April 2020
|May 22nd, 2021
|Not public - ask for invite
|Regency Council
|June 1st 2014
|"Chadocracy" (Autocracy)
|April 23rd, 2019
|[[measle_patches, formerly LivingFungi]]
|Holy Empire, formerly a Theocracy
|SeptemberOctober 27th11th, 2021
|Somewhat Active
|[[BuckeyeHia Mek]]
|Constitutional Monarchy
|September 18,Mid 2021
|Federal monarchy
|June 1st, 2017
|Not public - ask for invite
|[[Icenia (CivClassic 2.0)|Icenia]]
|Semi-democratic constitutional republic
|July 8th, 2015
|Absolute monarchy
|June 2017
|[[Imperial Federation of Eddie Murphy|Imp. Fed. of Eddie Murphy]]
|Federal Republic
|October 23rd, 2021
|[[Imperial Truidence]]
|Constitutional monarchy with theocratic elements
|April 1st, 2019
|[[Islamic Caliphate]]
|Late 2021
|Constitutional monarchy with theocratic elements
|September 22nd, 2021
|[[Jomsviking Confederation]]
|Clan-based democratic confederation
|October 2021
|Oligarchical dictatorship
|March 11th, 2021
|Not public - ask for invite
|Constitutional monarchy
|August 18th, 2018
|[[Kingdom of Fish]]
|June 2nd, 2021
|Council anarchy
|May 2021
|[[BuckyHD]] and [[FRESH_candy]]
|[[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|Lambat]]
|Presidential republic
|January 13th, 2021
|[[Little Appalachia]]
|October 29th, 2021
|[[Lusitania (CivClassic 2.0)|Lusitania]]
|Parliamentary monarchy
|September 2nd, 2017
|City state
|November 15th, 2021
|Mid 2021
|Not public - ask for invite
|Not public - ask for invite
|Parliamentary monarchy
|December 12th, 2020
|Mid 2021
|Islamic republic
|Mid 2021
|[[Mount September]]
|Weak-mayor direct democracy
|September 1st, 2020
|Parliamentary monarchy
|December 25th, 2018
|[[New Sovia]]
|Representative Democracy
|[[New Thoria]]
|Parliamentary Monarchy
|October 17th, 2021
|[[DankMemesTopKek]], ''contested''
|Clan-based confederation
|October 2019
|[[BennyZ]] and [[cat_alunya]]
|Socialist dictatorship
|Libertarian republic
|June 12th, 2017
|Semi-anarchist meritocracy with shitpost elements
|AugustSeptember 23rd15th, 2021
|May 22nd, 2021
|July 29th, 2021
|September 24th, 2020
|[[South Augusta]]/[[Antipodean Union]]
|Absolute patriciate
|August 2018
|Not public - ask for invite
|[[StrPlatinum]], [[Felnstaren]], and [[Cinzar]]
|Triumvirate Monarchy
|June 25th 2017
|Constitutional empire
|September 19th 2021
|Constitutional monarchy
|October 10th, 2021
|Constitutional monarchy
|July 2018
|Not public - ask for invite
|Late 2020
|Not public - ask for invite
|Direct democracy
|April 8th, 2021
|July 2021
|Early 2021
|Constitutional monarchy
|Not public - ask for invite
== DissolvedDefunct Nations ==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+Historical CivClassic Nations
Line 98 ⟶ 494:
!Cause Of Dissolution
|Before May 20th, 2018
|Unknown, [[Pinkertown]] is built on its ruins
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Before January 6th, 2019
|After June 23rd, 2019
|[[Free City of Arlington]]
|Free city
|November 3rd, 2019
|November 22nd, 2019
|Annexed by [[Astonia]]
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|May 10th, 2019
|Became Estiran Confederacy
|[[Astanna (CivClassic)|Astanna]]
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|[[Astonia|Astonia (First State of)]]
|May 30th, 2019
|Late 2018
|June 2nd, 2019
|Annexed by [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]] due to conflicting claims.
|[[Astonia|Astonia (Second Kingdom of)]]
|[[SinjoroJoCrafter]], later [[Pirater]]
|June 17th, 2019
|September 26th, 2019
|Fell into inactivity after losing a war to [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]]
|[[Astonia|Astonia (Third Kingdom of)]]
|September 28th, 2019
|October 20th, 2019
|Invaded by [[Varkonia|Aurum]] and [[Imperial Truidence]], forcibly reorganized.
|[[Astonia|Astonia (Fourth State of)]]
|October 20th, 2019
|November 31st, 2019
|KingServal quit, handing the lands back to [[SinjoroJoCrafter|SinjoroJoCrafter.]]
|[[Astonia|Astonia (Fifth Kingdom of)]]
|December 1st, 2019
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|June 8th, 2017
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|[[Chiss Association]]
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|June 8th, 2017
|Before July 2017
|Supposedly the first abandoned nation of CivClassic
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Start of Civclassic
|Unclear, region eventually ended up as part of [[Imperial Truidence]]
|June 9th, 2021
|Members pearled for attacking [[Wolken]]
|Non-state entity / Corporate claim
|September 2021
|November 2021
|Dissolved by the founder due to unfeasibility. Claims were handed over to Vestilige and Little Appalachia by virtue of an agreement
|[[Eddie Murphy People's Interim Royal Empire]]
|[[Essence Isles]]
|Before February 2018
|After February 2018
|[[Confederation of Georgia|Georgia (Confederation of)]]
|Mrdoombringer moved to the +,+
|[[Georgia|Georgia (Second Republic of)]]
|[[Republic of Georgia|Georgia (Third Republic of)]]
|Mid 2018
|Mid 2018
|Absorbed into Vitelia
|[[Republic of Georgia|Georgia (Fourth Republic of)]]
|Early 2019
|Vault broken due to alt-raiding
|Became Asiro
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|[[Holy Tree (CivClassic)|Holy Tree]]
|April 19th 2018
|Before February 2018
|After February 2018
|[[Large Potentially Oversized Dog Peoples Democratic Republic of Dictatorship]] (LPODPDRoD)
|September 27th 2021
|October 17th 2021
|Effectively dissolved after player quit the server
|[[Lasopena]]<ref>Still yet to be researched</ref>
|[[Las Royals]]
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Before July 2017
|Absorbed into [[United States of America]]
|[[Lotus Monastery]]
|June 4th, 2017
|June 19th, 2017
|Merged into [[Coventhia]]
|June 4th, 2017
|June 8th, 2017
|[[New Antioch]]
|June 16th, 2017
|[[New Jerusalem]]
|June 8th, 2017
|June 4th, 2017
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Unknown, existed where the city of [[Mount Augusta (CivClassic)|Mount Augusta]] lies today
|[[Ohio Crisis|Ohio]]
|September 3th, 2021
|Late September 2021
|All players pearled due to association to the Discord server "Autismo"; settlement made inaccessible via hostile bastion
|Socialist republic
|Driven away, and offline by the rise of Vitelia
|[[Pinegarden Commonwealth]]
|Parliamentary democracy
|July 30th, 2021
|November 2021
|Derelicted via [[Unified Map Project]]
|Before May 20, 2018
|On or after May 20th, 2018
|Defeated by the [[Holy Jaded Empire]] in the [[Pinkertown Conflict]]
|June 8th, 2017
Line 112 ⟶ 858:
|United with the Thalassocracy to form Vitelia
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|June 8th, 2017
|Mid 2018
|Late 2018
|United with Pruthenia to form Vitelia
|[[Risk Republic]]
Line 126 ⟶ 879:
|Reformed into the Thalassocracy
|[[Riverland]]<ref>Still yet to be researched</ref>
|Riverland<ref>Still yet to be researched</ref>
|Became part of Osenkirch
|? and then it became part of Osenkirch
|June 16th, 2017
|[[Sussex|Sussex (Empire of)]]
|June 24th, 2021
|August 27, 2021
|Leader pearled and nation given to Chief Advisor
|[[Thaegon]]<ref>Still yet to be researched</ref>
|Start of Civclassic
|Mid 2018
|Due to inactivity the Thaegonites elected ninjackh12 to hold Thaegon as a personal claim
|Thaegon<ref>Still yet to be researched</ref>
|Someone named Jenny?<ref>According to CCMap notes</ref>
|Merchant republic<ref>Based on what I remember they were trying to be like a trading sea faring group initially.</ref>
|Mid 2018
|Late 2018?
|United with Pruthenia to form Vitelia
|[[The No State Commune]]
|Lasopena<ref>Still yet to be researched</ref>
|Dictatorship (de facto), Anarchy (de jure)
|July 22nd 2021
|August 3th 2021
|Changed into Consortium after overthrowing RainofPain125
|Confed. of Georgia
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Mrdoombringer moved to the +,+
|[[Republic of Georgia|3rd Rep, of Georgia]]
|Before July 2017
|Mid 2018
|After July 2017
|Mid 2018
|Absorbed into Vitelia
|[[Republic of Georgia|4th Rep. of Georgia]]
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|Direct democracy
|January 30th, 2018
|Unknown, now part of [[Yoahtl]]
|Late 2018
|Early 2019
|Vault broken due to alt-raiding
|Became Asiro
|[[Asiro|Rep.Walt ofDisney AsiroWorld]]
|MayJune 10th4th, 20192017
|Not sure
|Became Estiran Confederacy
|[[Estiran Confederacy|Estiran Confed.]]
|Before February 2018
|After February 2018
|[[Estiran Confederacy]]
Line 196 ⟶ 977:
|Became Monterrey
|[[Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate|CCC-PCCCP]]
|One-Partyparty Socialistsocialist Staterepublic
|October 9th, 2019
|October 16th, 2021
|Annexed by the [[Confederation of Socialist Augusta]]
|Dissolved and reorganized into Confed. of Cities, Communes, and Protectorates
|[[Lenin Isle]]
|[[Pripyat]]<ref>Has a kind of meh wikipage that seems to have been embellished with some chernobyl RP thing</ref>
|Socialist Republicrepublic
|Start of Civclassics
|Late 2018
|Incorporated into the New Federal Republic of [[Pripyat]]
|Socialist republic
|Early 2018
|October 9th, 2019
|United with [[Maltovia]] to form the [[CCCP]]
|?<ref>No leader is listed in the infobox</ref>
|Libertarian Socialistsocialist republic
|July 6th, 2017
|November of 2018
|Voted to join the New Federal Republic of [[Pripyat]]
|Joined Pripyat after being greifed by shitters
|One-Partyparty Socialistsocialist Republicrepublic
|June 17th, 2018
|October 9th, 2019
|United with [[Pripyat]] to form the CCC-P?[[CCCP]]
|[[Dithmarschen]]<ref>Doesn't have a page</ref>
|Socialist republic
|Late 2017
|Late 2018
|Annexed by the People's Federal Republic of [[Maltovia]]
|Became part of the CCC-P somehow
|April 15th, 2018
|July 25th, 2018
Line 240 ⟶ 1,028:
|[[Rowan Stronghold]]
|Macguy73 and Samrules14
|Dual Monarchymonarchy
|Defeated by the Thalassocracy/Vitelia
|[[Entranan Republic]]
|Merchant republic
|July 16th, 2018
|August 5th, 2019
|Playerbase moved to [[Pacem]]
|October 5th, 2021
|October 7th 2021
|Players decided to move to a more worldbuilding/rp focused server
|October 15th, 2021
|October 19, 2021
|Combination of pearling of leadership and a land dispute with [[Kaltsburg]]
|[[Air Bud Republic]]
|Fl. April 2018
|April 2018
|Unknown, area later claimed by [[Bloom]] (now [[Icenia]])
|Parliamentary democracy
|May 19th, 2018
|Late 2020
|Playerbase left for [[CivRealms]], most territory now owned by [[Icenia]]
|October 2021
|Joined [[Varkonia]]
|June 4th, 2021
|October 2021
|Joined [[CCCP]]
|[[Omerican Federal Republic]]
|Fl. April 2018
|April 2018
|Unknown, [[Garundistan]] continues to be OFR rump state
|Constitutional monarchy
|June 2nd, 2017
|February 2020
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], annexed by [[Varkonia]]
|Before 2019
|October 5th, 2020
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], annexed and leveled by [[Columbia]]
|December 18th, 2018
|November 2019
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], joined [[Columbia]]
|August 2018
|November 5th, 2020
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], annexed by [[Columbia]]
|May 14, 2018
|Indirect casualty of the [[Infinity War]], territory taken over by [[Nyasaland]]
|Constitutional monarchy
|June 26th, 2017
|Indirect casualty of the [[Infinity War]], went inactive
|[[Holy Jaded Empire]]
|November 2017
|July 18th, 2020
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], territory partitioned by the Coalition
|April 2019<ref name=":0">[[:File:Claims-map-april-2019.png|File:Claims-map-april-2019.png]]</ref>
|April 2019
|[[Jefferson Confederacy]]
|Late 2019-early 2020
|Joined [[Hjaltland]]
|[[Nudist Beach]]
|September 7th, 2019
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], annexed by [[Yoahtl]]
|Casualty of the [[Infinity War]], annexed by [[Hjaltland]]
|[[Tel Aviv]]
|October 24th, 2018
|Indirect casualty of the [[Infinity War]], abandoned
|[[Free Republik of Unitas|Unitas (Free Republik of)]]
|Communist republic
|August 22nd, 2018
|[[Eon Empire]]
|[[FE Flags]]
|July 18th, 2021
|September 12th, 2021
|Joined [[Imperial Truidence]]
|[[Free City of Cairo]]
|[[FE Flags]]
|October 2021
|October 23, 2021
|Joined [[CCCP]]
|[[Halcyon|Halcyon (Theocracy of)]]
|Theocratic Monarchy
|September 27th, 2021
|October 11th, 2021
|Reorganized into Holy Empire
|August 2017<ref></ref>
|April 2019<ref name=":0" />
|Unknown, currently claimed by [[Yoahtl]]
|Constitutional monarchy
|June 2nd, 2017
|July 19th, 2017
|Defeated in a war by [[Yoahtl]], divided between [[Vallera]] and [[Candria]]
|July 19th, 2017
|July 2017<ref></ref>
|Unknown, territory currently owned by [[Mir]]
|August 17th 2021
|Late August 2021
|Inactivity after players were pearled for racist comments and threats of griefing to Acadia
|July 19th, 2017
|July 2017
|Circa 2020
|October 1st, 2021
|Joined [[Varkonia]]
|August 2018
|April 3, 2019
|Joined [[Gensokyo]], later became [[New Cascadia]]
|[[Magna Soria]]
|Federal representative democracy
|July 2021
|August 15th, 2021
|Nation dissolved due to inactivity
|Anarchist commune
|March 2021
|July 29th, 2021
|Ceded to [[New Sovia]] due to inactivity
|[[Prospectors' Guild]]
|Februrary 24, 2021
|Before July 29th, 2021
|Inactivity, now replaced by [[Plagadonia]]
|[[Tivian Socialist Democracy]]
|Socialist democracy
|July 2nd, 2021
|September 2021
|Inactivity, area annexed by [[Sussex]]
|February 13, 2021
|March 2021
|Constitutional monarchy
|Early 2018
|Unknown, area currently claimed by [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|Lambat]]
|[[Brotherhood of Steel]]
|Constitutional monarchy
|Early 2018
|June 10th, 2019
|Joined [[Caledonia]]
|August 8th, 2020
|February 23rd, 2021
|Destroyed during the [[Columbia-Cascadia War]], annexed by [[Columbia]]
|[[Chanseatic State]]
|May 2018<ref name=":1"></ref>
|April 1st, 2019<ref></ref>
|Dissolved partially due to the balkanization of 8chan, and partially due to attack by [[NATO]] members - lands ceded to [[Mir]]
|Socialist republic
|August 3rd, 2018
|March 14th, 2020
|Joined [[Lusitania (CivClassic 2.0)|Lusitania]]
|[[Tierra de Conciencia]]
|September 30th, 2017
|Inactivity, area currently part of [[New Thoria]]/[[Coroseia]]
|[[New Cascadia]]
|Parliamentary republic
|November 15th, 2019
|January 2nd, 2020
|Ceded to [[Nyasaland]]
|July 29th, 2021
|Before August 18th, 2021
|Inactivity, area currently part of [[Plagadonia]] and [[Partyland]]
|June 10th, 2017
|April 2019
|Unknown, area currently part of [[Valencia]]
|February 2018
|January 2019<ref></ref>
|June 5th, 2017
|February 6th, 2018
|Merged with [[Nymph]]
|February 2018
|July 2018
|Joined [[The Commonwealth]]
|[[Partyland|Party Island]]
|August 23rd, 2021
|September 15th, 2021
|Renamed to [[Partyland]]
|Late 2018
|October 3rd, 2019
|Joined [[The Commonwealth]]
|[[Sister Republics]]
|January 10th, 2019
|Joined [[Aurora]]
|Early 2020
|Purchased by [[Odresh]] (now [[Yoahtl]])
|September 24th, 2018
|September 2019
|Joined [[Yoahtl]]
|January 26th, 2018
|Late 2019
|Joined [[Yoahtl]]
|January 30th, 2018
|Unclear if territory belongs to [[Yoahtl]] or [[Nro'meagh]]
|February 2018 <ref></ref>
|May 10th, 2018
|Joined [[Yoahtl]]
|[[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]]
|[[ImperatorMendes]], [[Incentives]]
|June 15th, 2019
|22nd July 2020
|Currently an autonomous region of [[Caledonia]].
|[[Matriarchy of Kaga|Kaga (Matriarchy of)]]
|July 16th, 2018
|July 2nd, 2019
|Merged into [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]]
|[[Ipeni Collective]]
|Before 2019
|Inactivity - area currently belongs to [[Gempire]]
|Constitutional monarchy
|February 16, 2021
|August 17th, 2021
|Ceded to [[Caledonia]]
|[[Empire of Eddie Murphy|Eddie Murphy (Empire of)]]
|Federative monarchy
|December 9, 2020
|February 22, 2021
|Breakup into [[The EMPIRE]] and [[Anyakova]]
|[[The EMPIRE]]
|February 22, 2021
|May 2021
|June 2017
|Inactivity, area currently belongs to [[Monterrey]]
|[[Knights Templar]]
|August 2018
|Early 2020
|[[Nueva Myrador]]
|September 13th, 2018
|Circa February 2019
|Destroyed by [[Mount Augusta (CivClassic 2.0)|Mount Augusta]]
|[[Don Republic]]
|Dec 23rd, 2019
|Merged into [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]]
|July 2018
|Merged into [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]]
|April 3, 2019
|Merged into [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]]
|[[Xalta Moro]]
|Unknown; area eventually ended up as part of [[Yoahtl]]
|December 2018<ref></ref>
|June 2019<ref></ref>
|Area currently part of [[Resimere]] ([[Yoahtl]])
|May 2018<ref name=":1" />
|Early 2020
|Inactivity, area currently part of [[Kallos]]
|[[El Caro]]
|August 2018
|Merged into [[Antipodean Union]]
|[[Antipodean Union]]
|Anarcho-capitalist despotism
|August 2018
|August 2021
|Union dissolved into [[South Augusta]] and [[Sankt Most]]
|February 1, 2020
|October 25th, 2021
|Ceded to [[Imperial Federation of Eddie Murphy]]
|June 12th, 2017
|August 26th, 2019
|Joined [[Gensokyo]]
|[[Grand Imperium (CivClassic 2.0)|Grand Imperium]]
|November 2019
|Mid-late 2020
|Unknown, area currently part of [[Yoahtl]]
|September 11th, 2018
|October 2018
|Integrated into [[Varkonia]]
|Mid 2018
|August 31st, 2019<ref></ref>
|Integrated into [[Varkonia]]
|Fl. May 2018<ref name=":1" />
|December 2018
|Integrated into [[Varkonia]]
|Territory currently part of [[Nyasaland]]
|Mid 2017
|April 8th, 2018
|[[Fall of Lexington|Complete debellation]] due to defeat in the [[Somber War]]
|Mid 2017
|Mid-late 2018
|Conquered by [[Mir]] during the [[Somber War]]
|Constitutional monarchy
|Mid 2017
|October 2017<ref></ref>
|[[War in Dumnonia|Dumnonia]]
|October 2021
|October 2021
|Reannexed by [[Yoahtl]], leader pearled
|January 26th, 2021
|September 4th, 2021
|Territory sold to [[South Augusta]]
|June 23rd, 2017
|Late 2018
|June 2017
|Before October 2020
|Presumably inactivity - area became [[Beretia]]
|[[Federation of Rhodesia|Rhodesia (Federation of)]]
|June 26th, 2019
|July 26th, 2019
|Renamed to [[German Empire]]
|[[German Empire]]
|July 26th, 2019
|February 12th, 2018
|Annexed by [[Appomattox]]
|Corporate state
|Start of server
|Soon after start of server
|Apparently destroyed by [[Hjaltland]]. [[Nexus]] ([[Icenia]]) now stands in its place
|June 19th, 2017
|Unknown. [[Capeland]], [[Plagadonia]], and [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|Lambat]] own most of its former claim as of October 2021
|Apparently formed in [[Okashima]] without their permission, and was likely reabsorbed by Okashima
|[[Champtown|New Champtown]]
|October 2018
|January 2019
|The return of [[Polska]] led to ChampionEmperor being pearled, and the purchase of [[Carpathia]]
|[[Communist Republic of Rostov|Rostov (Communist Republic of)]]
|Communist republic
|April 23rd, 2019
|Unknown. Land is unclaimed as of October 2021
|March 3rd, 2018
|Unknown. Comprises much of modern [[Icenia|Icenian]] [[Bloom]]
|Representative bureaucracy
|October 2018
|May 31st, 2019
|Declared dead by leader. Comprises southern [[Mount September]]
|Free state
|July 2018
|Unknown. Comprises northeastern [[Cortesia Del Mar]]
|[[Gamut Empire]]
|November 2019
|Likely absorbed by [[Cascadia]].
|[[NannerB]], [[ThePantyRaider]], and [[Fatkid145]]
|Triumvirate monarchy
|March 2018
|Before February 2020
|June 2018
|Unknown. Comprises northern [[Adina (CivClassics)|Adina]] ([[Caledonia]])
|[[Nova Prime]]
|Unitary republic
|August 11th, 2019
|Unknown, likely annexed by [[Nyasaland]]
|February 14th, 2018
|April 2018
|Abandoned by Topher3001
|After December 2019
|Likely annexed by [[Odresh]]
|Unitary republic
|August 4th, 2018
|Socialist monarchy
|June 2018
|[[United States of America]]
|Military dictatorship
|Start of server
|Likely developed into [[Holy Jaded Empire]]. Its cities are now in [[Kallos]]
|Late 2019
|Collapsed once due to inactivity, then reformed, then likely collapsed again. Now comprises central [[Kallos]]
|June 10th, 2017
|After December 2018
|Referred to as an "[[Iria|Irian]] island settlement", so it may be disputed as to whether it was truly an independent nation.
|City state
|January 7th, 2019
|Before February 2020
|Claimed by [[Nyasaland]]
|November 2017
|Theocratic republic
|December 19th, 2017
|Eventually became a state of the [[Holy Jaded Empire]], unclear if it was ever an actually independent nation
|June 4th, 2017
|June 23rd, 2017
|Annexed [[Pinnacle]] to form [[Verda]]
|June 5th, 2017
|June 23rd, 2017
|Was annexed by [[Greenmarsh]] to form [[Verda]]
|[[Ladezkik]] and [[Tabbynya]]
|[[Revolutionary Confederation]]
|June 2018
|Before September 2018
|Annexed by [[Wallachia]]
|[[Krypticly]], [[Sladerish]], and [[EvasiveObject]]
|September 11th, 2019 or earlier
|Before January 2020
|June 14th, 2021
|September 11th, 2021
|Land survey revealed this was a phantom claim
|[[Edens Island]]
|June 2021
|July 2021
|September 13th, 2021
|October 28th, 2021
|Founder announced its dissolution
|August 8th, 2021
|October 2021
|Made the mistake of settling a nether island; inactivity
|January 12th, 2021<ref></ref>
|Early 2021
|[[Kingdom of the Acadian Lewis Islands]]
|May 30th, 2021
|June 10th, 2021
|Defeated and annexed by [[Acadia]] in the [[Acadian Island War]]
|[[Commonwealth of Nyasaland|Nyasaland (Commonwealth of)]]
|Mid 2017
|May 22nd, 2019
|Marxist coup by [[BennyZ]], now [[Nyasaland|SFR Nyasaland]]
|June 2021
|October 2021
|Merged into [[New Thoria]]
|Constitutional monarchy
|August 2019
|Annexed into [[Kaltsburg]]
|May 28th, 2017
|July 19th, 2018
|Divided in condominium between [[Lusitania (CivClassic 2.0)|Lusitania]] and [[SPQR]]
|Direct democracy
|February 14th, 2020
|Unknown, comprises central [[Kaltsburg]] as of October 2021
|[[StickySwitch]] and [[Dr_Dre]]
|June 16th, 2017
|Before October 2019
|Inactivity, claimed by [[Nyasaland]] as of October 2021
|City state
|May 2018
|Absorbed by [[Nyasaland]]
|December 23rd, 2020
|March 19th, 2021
|"gul is kil bc monke no active, googbey"
|[[Sussex|Sussex (United States of)]]
|Constitutional Republic
|August 27th, 2021
|September 19th, 2021
|Given back to Ch1pR and turned back into the Constitutional Empire of Sussex
|Before July 2017
|[[Lowland Hundred]]
|Before July 2017
|After July 2017
|September 10th, 2019
|Before May 2020
|March 15th, 2020
|After April 7th, 2020
|Implied to be dissolved after its founder's pearling in relation to criminal activities in Cape Cocoa (later Capeland). Territory is presently occupied by Sussex.
== References ==
<references />
[[Category:CivClassic 2.0]]
