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(Sgd.) Kaprediem [ (])
== Presidential Proclamations ==
=== '''Proclamation 1 of January 27, 2021''' ===
'''Providing Civilians the Right to Bear Arms'''
By the power vested in me by the Free State of Lambat, it is hereby ordered as follows:
'''Section 1.''' In anticipation of an increase in mob spawns, all citizens shall be entitled the right to produce, procure, and keep arms including, but not limited to:
<nowiki>*</nowiki> bows and arrows
<nowiki>*</nowiki> crossbows
<nowiki>*</nowiki> TNT and redstone-powered arms
<nowiki>*</nowiki> swords
Provided that citizens shall use their arms for self-defense and hunting against mobs and suspected raiders.
'''Section 2.''' Citizens are hereby discouraged to engage in supplying arms to suspected rebels, raiders, and rogue nations.
'''Section 3.''' Acts in violation of Section 2 shall result in suspension of the rights prescribed in Section 1 and a fine of 100 iron ingots.
'''Section 4.''' Any duties not vested under this order shall be proposed or decreed by the President, or upon the suggestion of the appointed ministers.
'''Section 5.''' The order shall be effective on 0900 GMT, 28 January 2021.
=== '''Proclamation 2 of January 29, 2021''' ===
'''Authorizing Homesteading for Non-Citizens in the City of Lambat'''
By the power vested in me by the Free State of Lambat, it is hereby ordered as follows:
'''Section 1''' Non-citizens are hereby authorized to settle and homestead within the City of Lambat, provided that:
(a)  A formal application is submitted to the Office of the President using available channels, and that such application must be approved by the seating President;
(b)  The homesteader may not build outside the authorized land area;
(c)   A non-citizen may only apply for citizenship after one (1) week after arrival in Lambat
'''Section 2''' All structures built in connection with this executive order shall be covered within the public domain, therefore allowing the Government of the Free State of Lambat to:
(a)  Levy taxes not more than five (5) percent of the assessed land value;
(b)  Seize property being used for activities in violation of existing laws, particularly those endangering the lives of the people of Lambat and their sovereignty, including:
a.      Unauthorized storage of weapons of mass destruction; and
b.      Harboring suspected and convicted enemies of state.
'''Section 3''' Property that has been seized shall be kept by the Government for three (3) weeks before it is handed back to the owner free of penalty, or, in the absence thereof, auctioned off to prospective buyers.
'''Section 4.''' Any rules not vested under this order shall be proposed or decreed by the President, or upon the suggestion of the appointed ministers.
'''Section 5.''' The order shall be effective on 0900 GMT, 30 January 2021.