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<WRAP right 360px>

Capital Libra
Official Languages English
Demonym Libran
Government Direct Democracy
Leader Motown


Libra is a democratic city located at the center (0,0) of the swamp shard, Drakontas. It thrives on trade and industry and has made efforts to extend infrastructure through surrounding shards.



Libra (3.0) was established on the first day of the server at 0,0 in Drakontas under the leadership of the Sovereign, Yearn. The city quickly expanded and increased in population. Under Yearn's leadership, the city began construction of the city's citadel as well as extensive canals reaching into nearby shards. In mid-August Yearn resigned her position as Sovereign for personal reasons. On August 29th, Motown was elected as the second Sovereign of Libra. Motown oversaw the upgrades of Libra's factories, including pylons and the completion of the Libran Constitution.


Libra is a Direct Democracy i.e. the general populace acts as the legislature. The city also has an executive position, the Sovereign as well as a panel of three judges. The sovereign is empowered to appoint citizens to ministerial positions to oversee and direct specific parts of the government.

Soveign, Cabinet, and Judges

Picture Title Name
File:/3/motown.png Soveriegn Motown
File:/3/nations/gt.png Minister Of Defense gtwillwin
File:/3/nations/invader.png Minister of Agriculture Invader1337
File:/3/nations/teaearl.png Minister of Commerce Teaearlgraycold
File:/3/nations/steff.png Minister of Infrastructure Steffwo
File:/3/nations/deez.png Minister of Factory Managment Deeznueces
File:/3/nations/arch.png Cartographer Archhunt
File:/3/nations/shadow.png Secratary of State Shadowcon
File:/3/nations/uyu.png Judge Uyuxo
Judge Vacant
Judge Vacant