Lambat (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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The '''Republic of Lambat''' or '''Lambat''' is a nation-state in the CivMC server, composed of [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|Lambat's citizens in CivClassic 2.0]]. {{Infobox civilization|image=Lambat_CivMC_Flag.png|position_title1=President|national_color=|discord=|national_anthem=|motto=|ideology=|religion=None|language=* English
* Filipino
* Portuguese|preceded_by=|foundation_date=June 4, 2022|position_name1=[[Kaprediem]]|governing_document=[TBD]Provisional Constitution|name=Republic of Lambat|government_type=Unitary republic under transitional civilian dicatorship|territories=[TBD]|settlements=|capital_city=Lambat City|alliance=None|demonym=Lambatan|location=+-|caption2=Great Seal of Lambat|image2=Lambat_Coat_of_Arms_2022.png|caption=Flag of Lambat|nat_color_desc=|subheader=Republika ng Lambat|position_title2=|position_name2=|position_title3=|position_name3=|currency=}}
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* Lambat City
* Cape Cocoa
*Unnamed AK City
== Proposed government structure ==
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Meanwhile, the new position of Prime Minister is elected by citizens of Lambat every two months, and may run up to three consecutive terms. The Prime Minister will oversee domestic affairs such as the national economy and industry.
The State Council shall consist of the Prime Minister and three ministers: the Minister of Defense, Minister of Justice, and Minister of CommunicationsPublic Works.
The nation's capital city shall also have an elected Mayor, similar to Lambat City in CivClassic 2.0. The City Mayor shall be part of the State Council.
