Lambat (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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(Added more info under history section + more citations)
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The '''Republic of Lambat''' or '''Lambat''' (/lamˈbat/; Filipino: Lambát) is a nation-state in the CivMC server. It is located in northernthe OrienteLyrean Subcontinent region of the [[Geographical Regions (CivMC)|Eastern Continent]] (locally known as Oriente or Totec), south of the Lyrean Sea bordering Judea to the east and Mery to the west. Lambat is a member state of the Lyrean Council and an honorary member of the Medi Sea Forum. Lambat in CivMC is the direct successor to the [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|eponymous state]] in post-Infinity War CivClassic 2.0. {{Infobox civilization|image=Lambat_CivMC_Flag.png|position_title1=President|national_color=|discord=|national_anthem=Dear Lambat (Tagalog: Inang bayan kong Lambat) <br> [[File: Dear Lambat (Piano only).mp3]]|motto=Sipag at tiyaga (hard work and perseverance)|ideology=|religion=None (secular)|language=* English (lingua franca)
* Filipino
* Portuguese
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=== Inter-server periodera (December 2021 to- May 2022) ===
Upon the closure of CivClassic 2,0, most of the players in Lambat remained in their Discord server. On January 27th, the National Transitional Council was proclaimed by Kaprediem as Lambat's sole governing authority, suspending the constitution, marking the beginning of Lambat's transition into a future server by consolidating the nation's more active members. The Council comprised of three members: Kaprediem, [[Banyough]], and [[Creepi0n]].
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After the announcement of CivMC's launch date, a referendum was held in the Lambat Discord server that asked whether the nation should move to the upcoming server; the measure passed 18 against 1.
=== CivMCSettlement Period (June 20224 to- presentJuly 24 2022) ===
Lambat initially settled in the ++Medi Sea region of the Eastern Continent, to the west of Lusitania. A land dispute between Lambat and [[Ila'Kyavul]] ultimately led to the former scouting for new land in the less crowded +-. The Lambatans resettled to a meadow east of Mery on the 4th of June, 2022, establishing a settlement named Pioneer Village. In no less than three days, Lambat's active population has grown to at least five.
==== First settlement, exodus, and arrival in the +-. ====
Lambat initially settled in the ++, to the west of Lusitania. A land dispute between Lambat and [[Ila'Kyavul]] ultimately led to the former scouting for new land in the less crowded +-. The Lambatans resettled to a meadow east of Mery on the 4th of June, 2022, establishing a settlement named Pioneer Village. In no less than three days, Lambat's active population has grown to at least five.
Within the span of two weeks, Lambat became home to 15 active citizens. Several businesses opened in Pioneer Village, while the Minstry of Public Works, led by AKJanklin, spearheaded the construction of a local railway system. A rail line between Lambat and Lusitania was built by both nations, dubbed the L-Line 2, named after the line in CivClassic 2.0.
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North of Lambat City, the settlement of Cape Cocoa was established by Governor Orhint of Capeland Province, which was renamed Chungia in late July as a callback to its legacy in ScratchCiv.
==== EffectsGeneric ofWar theperiod Generic(July War24 - andSeptember continued18 development2022) ====
In the middle of July 2022, a transnational conflict involving Estalia and Rhode Island broke out, which gradually affected Lambat's trade relations with its neighbors. By August, the Lambatan government issued travel bans to seven nations, including the main belligerents as well as neighboring Pavia.
Amidst the war, economic activity in Lambat continuescontinued with several infrastructure projects being conducted by the government, including an expansion of the existing rail network, most notably the Gold Line connecting Lambat City to Chungia, and a link to the Copper Line. The ongoing period also saw an increase in agricultural output, under the supervision of Minister of Agriculture Magnileve.
On August 12th, 2022, a presidential decree was put into effect, establishing national parks as a means of preserving SOTW natural flora/terrain generation from destruction via player activity. The three areas given national park status were Mt. Abedul, Mt. Flor, and the Bulaclacan Fields. Existing infrastructure was not affected in any way by the decree and thus continued to operate as normal.
On August 27th, 2022, President kaprediem and leader of [[Varathia]] [[Aresot]] came to an agreement where a portion of north-east Varathia would be ceded to Lambat. The purpose was, according to kaprediem, to develop the land into farms. Later in the following days the area would be formally marked as Lambatan land, a firewatch would be built, and dark oak/jungle wood farming would commence shortly thereafter.
Although Lambat was generally unaffected by the war, it was occasionally raided by lone actors such as Vah and Ez2Clutch. Two notable incidents involve the murders of SamBonusG in Pioneer Village <ref></ref> and Kaprediem in CivMarket.<ref></ref>
The Lambat-Letos Nether Portal was temporarily closed to the public on September 7, after it was used as a transit point by two raiders who attacked New Yoahtl City.<ref></ref>
A Rhodesian operation in Pavia on September 11 prompted the Lambatan Government to reactivate the Lambat National Guard and implement total closure of the country's borders.<ref></ref>
At the end of the war on September 18, Lambat's borders were reopened. With the exception of Estalia, Titan, and occupied Rhode Island, all travel restrictions were lifted.<ref></ref> The Lambat nether portal was also reopened on the same day.<ref></ref>
=== Post-war period (September 18 - present) ===
== Geography ==
