Lambat (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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Kaprediem (talk | contribs)
lyrian lmao
Kaprediem (talk | contribs)
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The '''Republic of Lambat''' or '''Lambat''' (/lamˈbat/; Filipino: Lambát) is a nation-state in the CivMC server. It is located in northern Oriente (Totec), south of the Lyrean Sea bordering Judea to the east and Mery to the west. Lambat is a member state of the Lyrean Council and an honorary member of the Medi Sea Forum. Lambat in CivMC is the direct successor to the [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|eponymous state]] in post-Infinity War CivClassic 2.0. {{Infobox civilization|image=Lambat_CivMC_Flag.png|position_title1=President|national_color=|discord=|national_anthem=Dear Lambat (provisional)|motto=|ideology=|religion=None (secular)|language=* English (lingua franca)
* Filipino
* Portuguese
* PortugueseSwedish|preceded_by=|foundation_date=June 4, 2022|position_name1=[[Kaprediem]]|governing_document=Provisional Constitution|name=Republic of Lambat|government_type=Unitary republic under transitional civilian dicatorship|territories=|settlements=|capital_city=Lambat City|alliance=Lyrean Community|demonym=Lambatan|location=+-|caption2=Great Seal of Lambat|image2=Lambat_Coat_of_Arms_2022.png|caption=Flag of Lambat|nat_color_desc=|subheader=Republika ng Lambat|position_title2=|position_name2=|position_title3=|position_name3=|currency=}}