Lambat (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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The '''Republic of Lambat''' or '''Lambat''' (/lamˈbat/; Filipino: Lambát) is a nation-state in the CivMC server. It is located in northern Oriente (Totec), composedsouth of the Lyrian Sea bordering Judea to the east and Mery to the west. Lambat is a member state of the Lyrian Council and an honorary member of the Medi Sea Forum. Lambat in CivMC is the direct successor to the [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|Lambat'seponymous citizensstate]] in post-Infinity War CivClassic 2.0]]. {{Infobox civilization|image=Lambat_CivMC_Flag.png|position_title1=President|national_color=|discord=|national_anthem=Dear Lambat (provisional)|motto=|ideology=|religion=None (secular)|language=* English
* Filipino
* Portuguese|preceded_by=|foundation_date=June 4, 2022|position_name1=[[Kaprediem]]|governing_document=Provisional Constitution|name=Republic of Lambat|government_type=Unitary republic under transitional civilian dicatorship|territories=|settlements=|capital_city=Lambat City|alliance=None|demonym=Lambatan|location=+-|caption2=Great Seal of Lambat|image2=Lambat_Coat_of_Arms_2022.png|caption=Flag of Lambat|nat_color_desc=|subheader=Republika ng Lambat|position_title2=|position_name2=|position_title3=|position_name3=|currency=}}
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== Government ==
Lambat currently operates as a civilian dictatorship with appointed government officials. Despite this designation, citizens still participate in the government through consensus and direct participation. This transitional form of government is expected to be succeeded by a hybrid democracy. The present form of government is derived from the Provisional Constitution of 2022.The planned Lambat government will have a President with an unlimited term. The President will serve as both head of state and government, with a stronger focus on foreign policy and diplomacy. Kaprediem is the inaugural holder for this position.
Meanwhile, the new position of Prime Minister is elected by citizens of Lambat every two months, and may run up to three consecutive terms. The Prime Minister will oversee domestic affairs such as the national economy and industry.
