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'''Lambat''' (/lamˈbat/; Filipino: Lambát), officially the '''RepublicKingdom of Lambat''' is a nation-state in the CivMC server. UntilIt Januaryhas 25,been 2023,a itpart wasof the [[Pavia|Empire of Pavia]] since May 2024. It is located in the Lyrean Subcontinent region of the [[Geographical Regions (CivMC)|Eastern Continent]], south of the Lyrean Sea bordering Judea to the east and Mery to the west. AfterFrom theJune [[January2022 2023to LambatanJune coup d'état|Monarchist coup]]2024, Lambatit haswas beenknown inas athe state'''Republic of a [[Farley wars|Farley civil war]] between the pro-Monarchist faction and the Republican, pro-Kaprediem faction. The Monarchists control Lambat City and Chungia, while the Loyalist faction holds the remaining territories'''.
It is a member state of the Lyrean Council and an honorary member of the Medi Sea Forum. Lambat in CivMC is the direct successor to the [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|eponymous state]] in post-Infinity War CivClassic 2.0. {{Infobox civilization|image=Lambat_CivMC_Flag.png|position_title1=President|national_color=|discord=|national_anthem=Dear Lambat (Tagalog: Inang bayan kong Lambat) <br> [[File: Dear Lambat (Piano only).mp3]]|motto=Sipag at tiyaga (hard work and perseverance)|ideology=|religion=None (secular)|language=* English (lingua franca)
It was a member state of the Lyrean Council and an honorary member of the Medi Sea Forum. Lambat in CivMC is the direct successor to the [[Lambat (CivClassic 2.0)|eponymous state]] in post-Infinity War CivClassic 2.0. {{Infobox civilization|image=Lambat_CivMC_Flag.png|position_title1=King (Rajah)|national_color=|discord=|national_anthem=Dear Lambat (Tagalog: Inang bayan kong Lambat) <br> [[File: Dear Lambat (Piano only).mp3]]|motto=Sipag at tiyaga (hard work and perseverance)|ideology=|religion=Secular with some adherents of Coppronism, Chungianism, and other religions|language=* English (lingua franca)
* Filipino
* Portuguese
* Swedish
* German
* Spanish|preceded_by=|foundation_date=June 4, 2022|position_name1=[[Kaprediem]] (Republican faction)|governing_document=Provisional Constitution (until May 2024)|name=RepublicKingdom of Lambat|government_type=DisputedMonarchy|territories=|settlements=|capital_city=Poblacion, Lambat City|alliance=Lyrean Commonwealth|demonym=Lambatan|location=Eastern Continent<br>
+-|caption2=Great Seal of Lambat|image2=Lambat_Coat_of_Arms_2022.png|caption=Flag of Lambat|nat_color_desc=|subheader=Kaharian ng Lambat|position_title2=Prime Minister|position_name2=[[TikraiNiGedvilas]]|position_title3=|position_name3=|currency=}}
* Unitary presidential republic under civilian dictatorship (Republican faction)
* Absolute monarchy (Monarchist faction)|territories=|settlements=|capital_city=Poblacion, Lambat City (de jure) <br> Timberbourg, Lambat City (Monarchists) <br> Kota Kabanuan, Kawayan (Republicans)|alliance=Lyrean Community|demonym=Lambatan|location=Eastern Continent<br>
+-|caption2=Great Seal of Lambat|image2=Lambat_Coat_of_Arms_2022.png|caption=Flag of Lambat|nat_color_desc=|subheader=Republika ng Lambat|position_title2=Emperor|position_name2=[[Banyough]] (Monrachist)|position_title3=|position_name3=|currency=}}
== Etymology ==
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At the end of the war on September 18, Lambat's borders were reopened. With the exception of Estalia, Titan, and occupied Rhode Island, all travel restrictions were lifted.<ref></ref> The Lambat nether portal was also reopened on the same day.<ref></ref>
=== Post-war period (September 18 2022 - January 25April 2023) ===
[[File:Lambat Subdivision Map (first level) without towns.png|300x300px|thumb|A map of Lambat's political subdivisions prior to their reorganization.]]
Lambat's population growth tempered after the war. No new citizens were registered in November 2022, a first for the nation since its reestablishment. In spite of demographic decline, Lambat's economy benefited from postwar stability, which allowed for major infrastructure projects: the Great Lazuli Oceanic Bridge (GOB), built by SamBonusG, and the Yoahtl-owned [[Great Overland Railway]].
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In December 2022, Lambat saw its first election in more than year with the conduct of Lambat City's Metropolitan Council elections.
In February 2023, the southern portions of Letos were annexed by Lambat, an act the Government justified due to the city-state's lack of activity. Within the same month, Lambat also acquired New Oldendor (Varathia) and Margaritaville, the latter made possible after MaybeGravy's request. During the same month, Lambat City held its second Metro Council elections, where SamBonusG secured a second term and became the first person to be reelected in CivMC's iteration of Lambat. Meanwhile, VilyanZ is the first citizen to be elected without being appointed prior to a government position.
=== Lambatan civil war (January 25 2023 - ongoing) ===
In March, the territories of Mercado Strait, Blanco, and Valle Occidental were merged by the Lambatan government to form the province of Valle Occidental. TikraiNiGedvilas was appointed as the provincial governor.
In June, Lambat acquired Lusitania's unclaimed badlands, tentatively named the Lambatan Exterior Territories (LET).
==== Lambatan civil war (January 25 - February 1 2023) ====
Normally peaceful, Lambat engaged itself in a farley civil war that started as a coup, initiated by Banyough and her so-called monarchist supporters against the republican Government. The war lasted for six days, ending in restoration of the status quo. Despite its farcical nature, the conflict was well-documented in the form of subreddit posts and internal banter.
=== The Grass Age (April 2023 - May 2024) ===
By the middle of 2023, many Lambatans became less active in CivMC due to non-game related concerns. Kaprediem announced in May that he would become less involved in CivMC for personal reasons.<ref></ref> On June 17, 10 Lambatans were revoked of citizenship due to inactivity, cutting Lambat's population down to 29.<ref></ref> The 4th Lambat Metro Council elections resulted in the first victory for the Lambat Royalist Party, represented by Metriximor.<ref></ref> SamBonusG then stepped down as Mayor after a six-month term. He was replaced by AKJanklin.
The following month, Magnileve vacated his post as Minister of Agriculture and went on indefinite leave, reducing the State Council's seats to seven.<ref></ref> At the end of July, the Lambat Post announced its permanent closure and rebranding into the Lambat Express News Service (LENS).<ref></ref> Growth in Lambat City continued as MaybeGravy started developing the District of Pampang.
On January 18, 2024, Kaprediem went on indefinite leave due to IRL commitments and waning interest in CivMC, and appointed SamBonusG as Lambat's first prime minister and co-head of government.
=== Transition to Monarchy ===
Despite attempts to boost activity, Lambat fell into near absolute stasis by the middle of 2024. This lead to SamBonusg's 'RP-death' and resignation as Prime Minister.
On April 2024, using his then-backup Discord account, Kaprediem announced to Lambat his intentions to implement reforms. This culminated in the replacement of Lambat's long-standing republican government with a constitutional monarchy. Pending official documentation, Kaprediem proclaimed himself as King of Lambat, using the title of Rajah. He appointed TikraiNiGedvilas as Prime Minister and Regent. Lambat also declaimed a third of its territory, including Mercado Strait, Kawayan, Parfait, Southern Letos, and its external territories north of Lusitania (now ruled by Kallos).
== Geography ==
[[File:LambatMap Subdivisionof Map (firstLambat level)- withoutMarch towns2023.pngjpg|right|frameless|518x518px525x525px]]
Mainland Lambat's climate is temperate, with flat plains on both the north, center, and south of the country. Between these flat areas are various biomes featuring rougher, hilly topography. In the cases of the three national parks, these areas are also heavily wooded.
North VarathiaParfait's climate is tropical, with it being completely covered by a dark-oak thicket. It features rocky, raised plateau terrain. Meanwhile, Kawayan is populated by jungle trees.
Both landmasses border the Stony Sea.
=== Lambat City ===
Line 85 ⟶ 106:
==== • Poblacion ====
West of Pioneer District is the urban heart of L-City, Poblacion. Governmental-purpose buildings, embassies (with the exception of [[Reconstruction Era|ReEra's]]), large-scale businesses, and various public amenities are located here. Buildings in this area tend to be larger-scale, taller and made of more advanced material, due to both looser building restrictions and greater government spending in the area. However, because of these factors (as well as existing mandates requiring homes be built in Pioneer Village), little if any residential buildings are present.
The northern area of Poblacion houses buildings that make up the cultural quarter of Lambat City. This includes the Lambat International Museum: it had a flag collection and as of August 11, 2022, was the only museum present in the [[Lyrean Community|Lyrean]] region. A heist around the end of November 2022 wiped out its entire flag collection.
Following the passing of Minecraft Youtuber [ Technoblade], the north-south running boulevard in western Poblacion was renamed to Technoblade Boulevard via a proclamation made July 1st by President [[Kaprediem]].
==== • [[New September]] ====
Named after [[Mount September]] in CivClassic 2.0, New September (formerly known as Progreso and Northend) is located north of Pioneer Village, separated by the Gold Line and University Street. ThoughIt muchhas a beautiful skyline thanks to it being the only part of Lambat without a height limit law on it's building infrastructure. It contains many references to buildings from the area[[CivClassic is2.0]] undevelopediteration, itsuch isas plannedthe "Voter Tree" and [[Lazuli Tower 2.0]] (references to featurestructures largefrom buildings[[Mount similarSeptember]]) inand stylea 4G Tower (an upgrade to those[[Lambat found(CivClassic 2.0)|Lambat's]] 3G Tower in East[[CivClassic and2.0|Classics]]). Other buildings include a rail station connected to the [[Lambat Rail Transit Authority|LRT,]] a bank that functions as an Southiron-Eastdiamond Asianexchange, megacitiesand (ega Singaporemassive, Hongbeautiful Kong)theater that was constructed by [[AKJanklin]].[[File:KatipanStation.png|thumb|Katipan Station (July 9, 2022)|312x312px]]
==== • Katipan ====
Katipan district is a thin strip of land encompassing the northernmost area of Lambat City. It borders Northend to the south, Mt. Abedul to the west, and Mt Flor to the north. It is connected to Judea via the Two-Cities Bridge, a medium-sized wonder featuring two tall towers inspired by industrial European architecture.
Line 96 ⟶ 117:
'''• Lumbria and Frontier Hills'''
The eastern portion of Lambat City is covered by the rural districts of Lumbria and Frontier Hills. Its main settlement is Timberbourg, a German-style village built by [[MoonDemon19015]]. Both districts were acquired by Lambat after the annexation of Judea.
'''•''' '''Pampang'''
it consists of the western plains of former [[Judea]]. The southern portion of Pampang is being developed by MaybeGravy, and features several mid-rise buildings that make use of colored terracotta. The district also features a hippodrome currently under construction by SamBonusG.
=== Chungia ===
Line 103 ⟶ 130:
=== Valle Occidental ===
Valle Occidental is divided into three sub-regions:
The '''Valle Occidental''', or the Western Valley, is an area in the west of the country. It features the central plain to its east (called "Newfriendland"). The Settlement of Heavensroost and the Mt. Pico de Blanco mountain range lie in the west of the territory.
'''BlancoValle Occidental'''
The province's namesake features a central plain to its east (called "Newfriendland"). The Settlement of Heavensroost and the Mt. Pico de Blanco mountain range lie in the west of the territory. Mt. Flor is historically a part of Valle Occidental before being transferred to Chungia.
West of Valle Occidental lies Blanco, the site of Mt. Blanco, an important source of cold-climate crops for Lambat. Blanco is a condominium shared by Lambat and the [[Djani'hweh|Mehri people]]. It was formerly held by a one-man naton called Za State, known for the ruins of its former capital, Provcap.
=== Parfait ===
'''Parfait''', also known as '''North Varathia''', is an exclave located northeast of Varathia and south of Judea - its closest border being separated by Mainland Lambat border by approximately 200 meters. It is completely comprised of a tropical roofed-forest biome, with a beach overlooking Parfait Bay on its northernmost end.
West of Valle Occidental lies Blanco, the site of Mt. Blanco, an important source of cold-climate crops for Lambat. Blanco is a condominium shared by Lambat and the [[Djani'hweh|Mehri people]]. Blanco's main settlement is Bazariškės, which was briefly an anarchist commune during the [[January 2023 Lambatan coup d'état|Lambatan civil war]].
North Varathia is an agriculturally-oriented region. It is mainly used to farm dark oak and jungle wood, and grows various tropical flora as well.
[[File:Kota Habagatan - Kawayan Territory, Lambat.png|left|thumb|375x375px|Kota Habagatan, Kawayan Territory]]
Blanco was formerly held by a one-man naton called Za State, known for the ruins of its former capital, Provcap.
=== Kawayan ===
'''Kawayan,''' also known as Reedy Creek (not to be confused with the former Blockchainistan exclave in Impendia, which bares the same name) borders North Varathia to the east. It is a lush jungle formerly occupied by Blockchainistan under the United Fruit Company. It was annexed by Lambat after the fall of Blockchainistan in the end of the Generic War. Kawayan hosts one settlement, Kota Habagatan, a jungle rest stop located beside the GOR.
==== PampangMercado Strait ====
Mercado Strait consists of the southernmost part of Lambat, and contains the commune of Bazariškės-Peniškės, as well as the remains of one of the first nations to go dead on the server, [[The Collective]]. These remains include a massive, hilly field of wheat that has remained untouched since the country's extinction, as well as a seemingly religious structure (true purpose unknown), and an abandoned underground railway system that leads to nowhere. If you continue traveling south into the jungle along Route 40, you will eventually come to the beginning of the [[Great Lazuli Oceanic Bridge|GLOB]], along with a stable selling horses for faster travel.
'''Pampang''' consists of the western plains of former [[Judea]].
=== Mercado StraitMargaritaville ===
See [[Margaritaville]].
'''Mercado Strait''' consists of the southernmost part of Lambat, and contains the commune of Bazariškės-Peniškės, as well as the remains of one of the first nations to go dead on the server, [[The Collective]]. These remains include a massive, hilly field of wheat that has remained untouched since the country's extinction, as well as a seemingly religious structure (true purpose unknown), and an abandoned underground railway system that leads to nowhere. If you continue traveling south into the jungle along Route 40, you will eventually come to the beginning of the [[Great Lazuli Oceanic Bridge|GLOB]], along with a stable selling horses for faster travel.
=== National Parks ===
Line 134 ⟶ 158:
* '''Monte Flor''' is a mountain range located directly in between Lambat City and Chungia. It mainly features rolling hills covered by colorful flowers and mixed woodland. Notably, there are a sizeable amount of conifers growing amongst the forest. These trees are endangered in Lambat, as they do not grow back if manually replanted in the area.
* '''Bulaclacan Field''' is a lush flower meadow located west of Chungia and south of Develhof, [[Djani'hweh]]. It is the only National Park to have been established with existing infrastructure; that being a tree farm operated by the [[Mehri]] people.[[File:Pico de Blanco.png|left|thumb|AK on top of Mt. Pico de Blanco beside a sign, read "smal was here"]]
=== Former Territories ===
==== Kawayan ====
The territory of Kawayan comprises of Lambat's southeastern frontier and mainly serves as its source of dark oak and junglewood.
==== Parfait ====
Also known as '''North Varathia''', Parfait is an exclave located northeast of Varathia and south of Judea - its closest border being separated by Mainland Lambat border by approximately 200 meters. It is completely comprised of a tropical roofed-forest biome, with a beach overlooking Parfait Bay on its northernmost end. It is an agriculturally-oriented region. It is mainly used to farm dark oak and jungle wood, and grows various tropical flora as well.[[File:Kota Habagatan - Kawayan Territory, Lambat.png|left|thumb|375x375px|Kota Habagatan, Kawayan Territory]]'''Kawayan,''' also known as Reedy Creek (not to be confused with the former Blockchainistan exclave in Impendia, which bares the same name) borders North Varathia to the east. It is a lush jungle formerly occupied by Blockchainistan under the United Fruit Company. It was annexed by Lambat after the fall of Blockchainistan in the end of the Generic War. Kawayan hosts one settlement, Kota Habagatan, a jungle rest stop located beside the GOR.
==== Pulang Bato ====
==== Villafranca ====
[[File:Pico de Blanco.png|left|thumb|AK on top of Mt. Pico de Blanco beside a sign, read "smal was here"]]
== Government ==
TheDuring the Republican era, the central government of Lambat iswas a transitional oligarchy headed by a president. Initially a dictatorship, the Lambatan government evolved into its current form by gradual delegation of certain powers to appointed ministers. This transitional form of government is expected to be succeeded by a hybrid democracy. The present form of government is derived from the Provisional Constitution of 2022. The president serves as both head of state and government, handling foreign affairs and national security. Kaprediem is the inaugural holder for this position, having been president from November 2021 in CivClassic 2.0.
Lambat in CivMC held its first elections in December 2022, where citizens of Lambat City elected members of the Metropolitan Council, a legislative-judicial body with jurisdiction limited to Lambat City. The Metro Council itself elects the Mayor of Lambat City, who is formally appointed by the President.
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The Supreme Court will retain its previous structure, now named the Judicial Council.
{| class="wikitable"
|+List of incumbent government officials during the Republican era
!Other names
Line 166 ⟶ 203:
|4th of June, 2022
|[[File:Presidential Seal - Lambat.png|center|109x109px]]
|Prime Minister
|Punong Ministro
|18th of January, 2024
| colspan="5" |'''State Council'''
|Minister of Public Works and Transport (MPWT)
Line 177 ⟶ 222:
|9th of August, 2022
|Minister of Agriculture (MA)
|''Kagawad ng Pagsasaka''
|26th of August, 2022
Line 189 ⟶ 228:
|4th of June, 2022
|Governor of Margaritaville
|22nd of February, 2023
|Governor of Valle Occidental
Line 216 ⟶ 267:
| rowspan="3" |Province
|Derived from [ Big Chungus]
Line 226 ⟶ 277:
| rowspan="3" |Governor
| -
| rowspan="6" |Territory
|''Reedy Creek''
|Filipino name for [ bamboo]<ref>,Noun,as%20a%20material%20or%20cane</ref>
| rowspan="6" | -
| rowspan="6" | -
|Valle Occidental
Line 244 ⟶ 293:
|Spanish for 'western valley'
| rowspan="4" |Territory
|''North Varathia''
|''Reedy Creek''
|Derived from virtual streamer [ Millie Parfait]
|Filipino name for [ bamboo]<ref>,Noun,as%20a%20material%20or%20cane</ref>
| colspan="2" rowspan="4" | ''Central government''
|Southern Letos
|''Togehrha Tay''
|taken from [[Letos]]
|Spanish word for 'white'. Named after Pico de Blanco, a mountain shared by Lambat and Mery, literally 'white mountain'
|''Western Judea''
|in Tagalog precolonial religion, one of the two guardians of the underworld/afterlife
|Filipino word for 'riverbank'<ref></ref>, shares the same root as the province of Pampanga, Philippines
|Lambat External Territory**
|Mercado Strait
|Spanish word for market, sometimes used in Filipino
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Nether side
<nowiki>**</nowiki>Exclaves north of Lusitania
== Demographics ==
Line 291 ⟶ 346:
!Influx (increase)
|June 2022
| -
Line 332 ⟶ 387:
| -
| +2
|January 2023
| -3%
| -1
| -
Line 347 ⟶ 408:
==== Rail transport ====
''See [[Lambat Rail Transit Authority]].''
{| class="wikitable"
Line 359 ⟶ 421:
! colspan="7" |'''Domestic lines'''
|[[Red Line (LRT)|Red]]
| rowspan="6" |Lambat Rail Transit (LRT), MPWT
|Moon Hill (current)
|Partially constructed
|[[Green Line (LRT)|Green]]
|Katipan (current)
|Partially constructed
|[[Gold Line (LRT)|Gold]]
|Cape Cocoa (current)
Line 381 ⟶ 443:
|L-Line, Copper Line
|[[Blue Line (LRT)|Blue]]
|Poblacion (current)
| colspan="2" |''TBD''
| Pens
|Partially constructed
|[[Pink Line (LRT)|Pink]]
Line 394 ⟶ 457:
|[[Grey Line (LRT)|Grey]]
|Cape Cocoa (current)
Line 408 ⟶ 471:
|Under construction
|OneDest system
Line 442 ⟶ 505:
[[File:LambatAugustInfraMapLambatMayMetroMap.png|thumb|501x501px|Metro map for L-City (credit [[AKJanklin|AK]], updated AugustMay 20222023)]]'''Roads'''
Lambat has an extensive road network that spans its entire territory. Its roads are managed by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, under the oversight of the Office of the President. There are five numbered routes, as listed below. Primary highways or trunk lines are numbered with single digits (e.g. Lambat-Chungia Highway being Route 1), while secondary highways, which are major roads confined within a province or city, are given two digits.
Line 584 ⟶ 648:
A copypasta that satirizes a particular Phiippine presidential candidate's campaign became somewhat popular both in Lambat and in other nations. It follows a template that consists of the title "WHY (person's name) IS MY (a misspelled name of said person's government position or role in a country)", followed by a list of ten items supposedly praising a person's positive traits and achievements in a sarcastic and/or tongue-in-cheek manner.
'Lambatan Imperialism Strikes Again' is a phrase coined by [[CommradePotatoe]], used as a remark for perceived imperialistic actions committed by Lambat. It shares its acronym with the Lambat Intelligence and Statistics Agency (LISA).
