Laconia: Difference between revisions

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====== First Laconia-Yoahtl War ======
This all came to a boiling point when Yoahtl attacked Laconia, resulting in the first Laconian Yoahtl war and Laconian victory, resulting in the first treaty. This resulted in many Yoahtlans moving away, viewing they could no longer live beside usthe Laconians.
FRESH_Candy and TofeeDodger decided to reinvite ashnwill to the reborn Laconia around this time, playing on the secret alt TotallyNotHigh. Around this time Laconia began to slowly go inactive again, with Bucky rarely logging on and Fresh and Tofee somewhat working on Mt Doom, while ash began to grind at Mt Doom, building a vault and tunnel to it on world border.
