Kingdom of Fish: Difference between revisions

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== Imperial Council ==
It is ruled by Emperor [[Seekinq]], who served as King of [[Nymph]]-[[Kraken]] and for a small time the King of [[Wyvern]], before stepping down to allow alexmelons to rule as the King of [[Wyvern]] for the rest of [[CivUniverse]]. As well as Empress [[the__druid]], a player who is pretty new to the Civ genre due to only starting to play on [[CivUniverse]] but has proven himself capable of the role. and the Imperial Council of Fish, made up of [[Wyvern]] Dukes from [[CivUniverse]], these players are, _Monkee, otherwise known as alexmelons, ItzJoshs and SpankMeHarder, otherwise known as kiimmy, and [[JayTeeR]]
== Capital City ==
