Josh and Friends

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Josh and Friends

<WRAP right>

Josh and Friends
Capitol N/A
Government Dictatorship
Leader Josh / Foogoot
Date of Creation April 3rd, 2012
Members ~10

</WRAP> A group of assumed 12 year olds that run around doing whatever they believe is right.

Pre-1.0 History

The "Josh and Friends" group originally formed on Amethyst Blade (AB), a survival server run by Dr_Oracle. There they were known as Ruby, one of the three or so substantial clans on the server. As AB closed down, the group sought new servers to play on.

1.0 History


Josh and Friends (known as Ruby at the time) joined CivCraft 1.0 at the start of the map.At the time, Rift was the most wealthy and powerful city of its time. Rift was an AnCap city started by Matticus_Rex, evolving into a thriving metropolis. After Ruby wandered upon Rift, they made a plan to sack the city for loot. When the initial attack failed however, Josh and his second in command at the time DCubed3 were pearled in the process. Knowing Minecraft mechanics however, they managed to escape from the current Prison Plugin at the time known as PrisonBed. They did this by relogging really fast in the 1x1x2 Diamond Reinforced Obsidian room to glitch to the surface. After they were successful in escaping, they planned their next attack more carefully next time. After bringing in more people to help them in their assault, they spent a few days gearing up, and then attacked without warning. The citizens of Rift were slaughtered, their houses were pillaged, and their city was burned to the ground. Ruby made out with stacks upon stacks of diamonds, and were now armed to the teeth.

Cresemopolis and Surrounding Cities

When hearing that the AnCaps were retreating to friendly cities, Ruby wanted to make sure they had no chance of rebuilding. They attacked Cresemopolis first, with it meeting the same fate as Rift did. After they sacked Cresemopolis, they attacked the third city, known as Agora. Again, the city fell as the first two did. Ruby, with their newly found wealth decided to lay low for awhile. They planned to build the biggest work camp in the server, with its inhabitants being the people of CivCraft.


After about two months of lying low and constructing the work camp, they needed to fill their blood lust. No one other then Josh and his second in command, MinecraftIsFTW wanted to go raiding, so those two began searching for the hidden AnCap City known as Atlantis. After setting up ambushes in the nether, MinecraftIsFTW managed to convince someone to send him the coordinates of Atlantis. They went to Atlantis, only to be outnumbered 1:10. Abusing an old Minecraft glitch, Josh and MCISFTW logged in and out every three seconds, so they were invunerable. They managed to kill most of the people there, but had no where to store the prisoners, so they just kept rearming, coming back out, and fighting again. Josh and MCISFTW managed to escape, but barely.

The Pearling of Josh

After continuing construction on their work camp, they began to get bored and ended up becoming inactive. They returned to CivCraft a couple of months later during the Columbia Era. Columbia was more active and larger then Rift ever was, and Ruby knew they couldn't defeat them. They tried to be friendly with Columbia, but it was no use. Some of Columbia's founders were members of Rift, and they wanted revenge. What Josh and Friends didn't know however, was that the PrisonBed plugin was gone, and they replaced it with PrisonPearl. When Josh entered the city, he was pearled immediately. In an attempt to ransom Josh's pearl for a member of Columbia's pearl, MinecraftisFTW was pearled as well. DCubed3 was pearled trying to raid Columbia by himself. With three members pearled, the rest of Ruby decided to call it quits.


About 4 months later, Ruby decided to return on alts, only to continue constructing their work camp. After finding out about PrisonBed being removed and PrisonPearl being added in it's place, they decided to scrap their work camp and turn it into a Vault. They began playing more and eventually set up a house in Kizantium. Word eventually got out that Josh was playing on an alt and Shortman didn't like it. He ambushed Josh in a diamond mine with two of his friends, Dhingus and NKCamp. Their three-on-one attack failed, and Josh killed all three of them. Everything was going good until they implemented the Alt Plugin, making it so Josh couldn't play because he had more then two accounts pearled. He then attempted to talk his captor, Foofed, into letting him out of the End, to no use.

The Fall of Ruby

It took some time, but finally Josh managed to convince (annoy) Foofed into allowing him to pay reparations. His total time in the end had been about six months now and he wanted out. He took some diamonds out of the Work Camp Vault, and payed everyone he ever griefed back. It wasn't cheap, but he managed to do it. Foofed kept his word, and released him. Josh was now a free man. With most of Ruby in-active, Josh decided to disband Ruby. After picking up some new members, he decided to buy a castle known as Satan's Castle. Josh decided to form his new group known as Josh and Friends.

The Beginning of the HCF War

Josh decided to turn his group around, instead of griefing, they would fight crime. Josh, with his second in command Tutterise, tried to lure a criminal into Mount Augusta, where a force of 8 AnCaps were waiting. They decided to stage an attack on Mount Augusta to catch the criminal MrTwiggy, but failed horribly. MrTwiggy had more potions then any of them. He ended up running around Mount Augusta eventually escaping. Betrayed, MrTwiggy and his friends started gearing up even more then they already were, starting the HCF war.

The HCF War

The HCF War was a prolonged war spanning over 4 months. CivCraft started to band together to repel these mass hordes of raiders. Josh and Friends fought in almost every battle there was, personally pearling countless HCF Raiders. With HCF getting more members by the minute, and VPNing when they got pearled, they were basically unbeatable. Josh and Friends started to give up hope. The HCF Vault had over 200 pearls, and pearling more every day. The admins then implemented the coal cost into Prison Pearl. Unable to supply thousands of coal per day to fuel their vault, HCF were forced to release most of the people they had, including members of Josh and Friends. With HCF members getting banned every day for cheating, the HCF war was starting to turn on the side of CivCraft. Though Josh and Friends played no part in breaking the HCF Vault, they made it possible by pearling some key members of HCF, such as Richard_T, Supposed, and more.


After the HCF War was basically over, ServerError decided to "practice free speech" through harassment and threats of sexual violence, and got pearled for it in Valenti. Not liking this, Foofed and Josh and Friends teamed up and went to talk with Bananaphone, leader of Valenti. After saying she would release ServerError after two weeks, Josh did not like this. Josh and Friends attacked Valenti, griefing it like no city they have griefed before. Whosnick, a member of Josh and Friends, decided to grief harder then any of us did, making lava fall from their glass shield they had to protect from lightning. The city was under lava, and ServerError was freed. After Bananaphone put up bounties on Josh and Friends members, Josh and Friends became enraged. Though no one was willing to try and claim the bounty, it still made Josh angry. He decided he wanted to pearl Bananaphone, who was now in hiding. After searching for weeks, he couldn't find her. Josh and Friends decided to go back to patrolling the server. Eventually, Bananaphone built a new city, known as Black Stone Keep. Josh and Friends teamed up with some other players, such as NJPalms, Cliffnerd5, and ServerError404, and attacked Black Stone Keep for harboring Ex-HCF criminals, and for posting false bounties.

The Hampstering

After the events of Black Stone Keep, the server files were leaked and the map was forced to reset.