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===Initial Settlement===
===Period of Informality===
===Construction Era===
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Jorvik has undergone democratic elections for its executive branch three times since the nations inception, resulting in three distinct government administrations.
An unofficial election was hosted in private chambers sometime on or before June 8, 2022. The result of this first election was a unanimous selection of real-estate mogul, programmer, and politician ''[[Longboyy|Ulfrich Stormcloak'']]. Stormcloak's victory was announced on June 8th, following the election. Citizens callum, Highboy[[S4NTA]], and mark_Antony were swiftly appointed Huskarls within the fledgling government. This administration would come to be known as the '''First Jarl's Administration'''. Under Stormcloak's guidance, this administration accomplished great deals such as the creation of the nation's initial infrastructure, the establishment of commerce, development of a national identity, and the construction of architecture.
In Jorvik's first contested election, three citizens declared their candidacy; incumbent Jarl Ulfrich Stormcloak, acclaimed builder Bjorn LaBlaze, and celebrated warrior Pride. However, out of respect for his opponent, Stormcloak conceded his campaign upon LaBlaze's announcement of his intentions to pursue office. Elections began promptly on July 9, 2022, with LaBlaze securing a definitive early lead in early polls. Pride would concede shortly after the elections commenced, resulting in Bjorn LaBlaze securing the electoral victory. LaBlaze retained the entirety of the First Jarl's Administration but appointed Megra and Highboy as additional Huskarls. This expanded government would become the '''Second Jarl's Administration.''' Despite the advantage of having developed infrastructure as a result of the first administration's efforts, this government would be wrought with political controversy and the incursion of raids from foreign groups. Despite these struggles, the second administration succeeded in other areas, with the advancement of formal legal procedures, the establishment of greater foreign diplomacy, and the organization of fledgling military efforts.
The following regime would find itself thrust into much greater tribulations than the former two governments had experienced. Ulfrich Stormcloak and Bjorn LaBlaze pursued candidacy, both having significant political experience. Victory was narrowly secured by LaBlaze and he was reaffirmed as Jarl on August 12, 2022. The '''Third Jarl's Administration''' would remain much the same, with all Huskarls retaining their office. Seemingly symbolic of the growing global friction, renowned warrior and former Jarl-candidate Pride was the only addition to this wartime legislature. Mounting political and military tensions that arose during the earlier administrative eras reached a boiling point early in this cabinet's tenure. The administration is most popularly known for its navigation of Jorvik's involvemententrance ininto the [[Estalia-Rhode Island War]] after the ''Invasion of Jorvik'' by Rhode Island.