Industrial Workers of the World: Difference between revisions

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==== Makhnovia ====
==== Anvard ====
Anvard, officially the Free State of Anvard, is a country located in Westernmost region of the great Mesa. Anvard was settled by a group of Varathian settlers led by VolutionFs in early December 2019. Currently it hosts a population of about 6 players.
==== Crystalis ====
==== Exarchos/Vescau ====
==== Christianada ====
Christianada, officaly the Commune of Christianada is a commune founded on the principles of Christian anarcho-communism. The commune itself is non-denominational so all denominations are welcome. it was founded by comrade_gus on the 14th of April after realizing there was unclaimed land there.
=== Leaders of the IWW ===
