Imperial Mountain of Casson: Difference between revisions

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== The Battle Of No Historical Significance ==
The first event of IMC on civclassics happened in the December of 2017 when a 9 man poorly geared team of IMC/TKON decided they wanted the clout and launched a mission to pearl [[Posedion]] and [[Saren Solaris|Saren_solaris]] which was coordinated by [[Wilson5756]] ,
The plan was to attack an island by sea near 0,0 which was supposedly home to the two , obviously this ended badly and concluded with all but 3 of the team being killed. This failure is often attributed to [[Impactic]] , who ( during the fight ) broke everybody's boat for a 'joke'.
Impactic succeeded in pearling Posedion - however was forced to drop the pearl because their armor was too badly damaged for the kite back to their base.
