Imperial Federation Secession Crisis: Difference between revisions

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=== The Status of The Imperial Federation ===
After the secession of Grenada , the proposed new constitution had the support of 6 of 7 parliament members and a plurality of remaining senators. It was almost certain to pass and come into effect. Despite the imminent passage of their constitution, King_Cupar, HassDaMahn, dcruzyx, are working to form a proposed new nation: Asgard. Asgard would occupy IF territory consisting of IF states: Midgard, Joseon, Gotland, Regentsburgh, Vermont and the IF Capital of Imperia. The secession of Imperia from the IF is unconstitutional. Asgard is not internationally recognized at the time of writing this article.
Vermont additionally seceded from the IF claiming the territory of the former states of Vermont, Gotland, and Regentsburgh. However Spoonce, one of the former leaders of Gotland claimed the state of Gotland for Rivia.
Remaining IF government officials have sustained their claims over a majority of IF territory.