Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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== Foreign Affairs ==
=== Current Allies ===
On 22 May 2023, the IF signed a treaty of mutual defense with [[Don Fuer]] known as the [[Frostlands Treaty]]. On 24 July 2023, the IF entered the [[Builders United for an International League of Defense|B.U.I.L.D.]] alliance with [[Mount Augusta]] and [[Fempire Union]], later expanded to [[Arsenia]] and [[New Jersey]].
=== Former Allies ===
The Imperial Federation were allied to the neighbouringneighboring nations of [[Pridelands]], [[Hyperborean Confederation]] and [[Venne]] as part of the [[Meridiem Compact]] from 16 September 2022 until their withdrawal from the alliance alongside the [[Pridelands]] on 23 December 2022, a nation which joined the Imperial Federation.
The IF also maintained an alliance with [[Pavia]] and [[Venne]] as part of the [[Four Continent Concordat]] from 15 October 2022 until Pavia's departure from the alliance on 20 January 2023.
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=== Neighbours ===
The IF maintains amicable relations with the neighbouringneighboring nations of [[Akawija]], [[CommonwealthVenne]], [[VenneIcarus (Second Republic)|Icarus]] (now part of [[Icenia (CivMC)|Icenia]]), and [[Mercutio]], while relations with [[Otonabee]] and the [[Leibniz Confederation]] have been strained. The IF has mixed relations with [[Thoria]] following a long-running dispute after members of Thoria bombed a lighthouse in [[Freeport]] in November 2022, a claims dispute in July 2023 and Thorian leader [[MrCooCooman]] conducted minor raiding in the IF for which he was pearled on 12 July 2023.
Since August 2023, the relations between the IF and Thoria has improved significantly after the secession crisis. Several of other nations including the [[Kingdom of Southseasia]] and some former IF states like [[Grenada]] and [[Walled City of Surmadri|Surmadri]] also improved relations with the IF and working toward to a close partnership between the IF and former IF states through the [[Union of South Sea|Union of South Sea alliance]].
== States and Territories of the Imperial Federation ==