Icarus (First Republic): Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox civilization|image=Icarus_flag.png|language=English, Swedish|name=Icarus|demonym=Icarian|activity_level=Medium (as of 12/9/21)|government_type=Parliamentary Democracy|capital_city=New Trantor City|preceded_by=Several [[NDI]] nations|religion=Potatoeism|discord=https://discord.gg/25HMuvYM|motto="Glory to Icarus!"}}
'''Icarus''' is a nation on [[CivRevolution|CivRev]]. It was created by mainly the [[NDI|Lower aministrations chamber]] in [[NDI]] around the 1st of November 2021. It went on hiatus immediately after its founding due to obligations in [[CivClassic]], however would pick back up on December 9th when it was announced the server was being ended.
== Government ==
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=== The Beginning ===
Icarus started as an idea for a nation between members of [[NDI]] in mid-October in anticipation for the release of [[CivEternal]]. However, it's release got delayed and in early November [[CivRevolutionCivRev]] released instead, to which everyone in Icarus agreed to play on. On the day of it's launch, most members got set up in the -,- and began working on their houses and factories. Due to obligations in [[CivClassic]] however, Icarus went inactive fairly quickly until December 9th when CivClassic was announcing they were shutting down. So after returning, they continued to build up Trantor as best they could.
=== Icarian-Savaguard War ===
[[File:Icarian refugee camps.png|thumb|Icarian refugee camps in Lusitania.]]
Not soon after starting back up, [[Savaguard (CivRevolutionCivRev)|Savaguard]] began continually raiding Trantor and attacking it's citizens. Soon after the citizens panicked, gathered their things, and mass evacuated Trantor. For the next couple of weeks, Icarus would be no more than an nomadic tribe, moving from one area to the next as each place they moved to was either preoccupied or had issues with the land. Savaguard would eventually be stopped and leave Trantor alone, but it was highly debated whether it was even worth it to go back. During this period, they took refuge in nations such as [[Sovia]] and [[Saint Lola]]. Later they would decide to settle at the world border in the South, hoping to get away from everyone else and live in peace. However, Savaguard had decided they wanted to settle there as well and proceeded to destroy New Trantor and pearled two Icarians, Dbug113 and Glerk. In response, Icarus declared war and proceeded to IRO bomb the new Savaguardian fort. The Savaguardian elites demanded the groups to remove the grief in exchange for peace which was at first rejected by Icarian High Command. However, the next day, General of the Icarian Federal Army and Cabinet member Deo, decided to take the offer in exchange for stolen goods and peace was restored.
