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The '''history and origin of [[Yoahtl]]''' lies shrouded mostly in myth, legend, and non-living memory. While Quauhtli_Mia has recorded most of Yoahtl's history into a series of volumes ingame, it is not complete. Yoahtl has divided its history into a series of 'Eras', each with their own feeling and style and population. There have been nearly a dozen of these, but for our purposes, Yoahtl's has defined its existence in four Eras in the Civ server genre:
== '''<u>Age of Origin:</u>''' ==
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== '''<u>The Nomadic Days/ The Wichitan Era:</u>''' ==
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== '''<u>The Crystal Age:</u>''' ==
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These warriors were aided by the fact that Yoahtl could now mass produce enchanted diamond weapons and armor. Quauhtli allowed himself to think Yoahtl had found a home where it could continue to grow and be a meaningful community. For another month, they had fun, debated, and continued to prosper. Thus, the Yoahtlan time up to here in Halbryrd was dubbed “The Crystal Age”.
=== The War of Horses: ===
The time of relative peace ended when people started to see pixel art and towers being built near Tlaloc. Upon investigation they found that a new faction had sprung up in the plains west of Tlaloc. This faction called “Mylttlpny” had seized control of the western part of the island. This was the first time Yoahtl had ever encountered such a large amount of bronies, or bronies in general. Several Yoahtlan were very uncomfortable due to the massive pixel art next to Tlaloc and how close the faction was on a whole. To try to settle matters, the first diplomatic mission met with the bronies of Mylttlpny.
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After the fighting, and after the ugly buildings and pixel art were removed, and since the Yoahtlan claims were there, Tuton became a settlement of Yoahtl. Many Yoahtlans moved into the city and fixed it up into a respectable place and Tuton became a symbol for the Yoahtlan dominance of the island. With this city joining the previous three, Yoahtl reached fifty citizens.
=== End of the Crystal Age: ===
After the war and the annexation of Tuton, Yoahtl reached new heights of wealth. So much wealth that the pyramids of Tlaloc were adorned with diamond, gold, iron, and lapis blocks in elaborate designs. It also spurred the creation of a new palace and enchanting building. This also lead to the formalizing, mapping, and naming of regions within Yoahtl's claims. All was well and peaceful for another month until a new update and new map which marked the end of the Crystal Age.
The sudden reset of the map lead to many players of Halybrd to leave because of all the lost progress. Many of those players were Yoahtlan. The server was different following the reset. The factions plugins were gone and it was announced that Halybrd would be converted into a zombies survival server. Zombies spawned too much for any one group to settle and it became clear Halybrd would not last. Yoahtl sought a new home as before. Quauhtli was extremely disappointed. And once more, Quauhtli and the Yoahtlan traveled to a new server.
== '''<u>The Age of Valor</u>''' ==
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This continued for a week and a half, and we slowly grew from from finding and observing those on the main continent and spawn who did not typically fought or mostly indulged in building. It was through this Yoahtl would grow to become a sprawling metropolis of comparable server iterations in the later future, and by now Yoahtl would soon become a major name on the list of top factions in EndlessCraft. EndlessCraft was a PVP-factions server, and as such ran on the factions plugin; those being noted on plugin-based notoriety based on member count, as well as rhetorical notoriety that would spread across the server; and while Yoahtl was keen on avoiding attention, it couldn't be help as their ambitions outweighed their caution. Slowly Yoahtl began to move away from it’s fear-driven caution; and more-so into it’s Halybrd moldings. As they built higher towers, greater aesthetics, and far more houses for far more people; they began to notice new houses built in various parts of the continent to which they called home.
=== The Second Wayon-Dot: ===
After investigating the sudden new residencies popping up across the continent Yoahtl called home; they have discovered that several brand new factions have been established on said continent. Many of which had been founded by people who had friends in Yoahtl, but whom of which did not necessarily want to *live* in Ixilitlon. Many others also came from abroad from the main continent of Spawn to avoid the constant warfare and toxicity, and to be apart of Yoahtl’s dream of a peaceful and productive game-time, and like the others; did not want to live in Ixilitlon. And as Ixilitlon grew, so did the neighboring factions of the continent over the coming days and weeks. The ideals of the Huehuetlic culture quickly spread throughout the span of the continent through its new neighbors; save the aesthetics and culture of Ixtlilton. The Yoahtlan saw these new entities as opportunities rather than competition than what they had in Halybrd and they all grew close to Yoahtl and in turn; to each other. Roads were built, trade and bartering was made; and the dream Yoahtl had envisioned became closer to fruition; they were good times.
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By this time; DeathPunch had not only managed to grow a following and become the second largest faction of E.C; but had also managed to gain near total domination of the Continent spawn by violently incorporating factions into a loose confederacy of sorts; while those they saw as threats, they had simply wiped out. However this was not done by skill alone; for they had something that put them far ahead the other feudal factions of Spawn. A client-based modification called “NODUS”. NODUS was by all means; a hacking software, and gave great power to those who used it; especially in a server where staff cared little to none of the goings-on of the server overall. And it was because of this; a mediocre group of raiders turned into the dominators of Spawn with many to boot. And when they had conquered Spawn; there was nowhere else to go but Wayon-Dot. Ofcourse at this time; Yoahtl was all but oblivious to what was happening; too busy and content with what they had built in Wayon-Dot. Not untill it was far too late.
=== The Invasion/The Arrival of Inmysovietrussia: ===
(to be written)
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== CivClassic ==
=== '''The Era of Reclamation - (July 2017 to March 2018''') ===
The Era of Reclamation is marked by the return to traditions and a more informal governing style and focus on community rather than politics. This era began after the arrival of Yoahtl to its current home. This era also is marked with the removal of redundant or useless laws and regulation and ensuring that those in power make rules to serve the populace and build community rather than gaining power. This era has come of age during the [[Somber War]], but ended with the Lex vault break and the formation of [[SATO]].
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Yoahtl initially maintained neutrality throughout the [[Somber War]] until the defeat of [[Anguish]] and subsequent confinement of Lexington to their vault. After entering talks with Hjaltland, BlueSylvaer and bgbba agreed that Yoahtl would enter the [[Western Alliance]] and commit to the war effort. Yoahtl's presence was felt heavily at the final assault on Lexington, with many Yoahtlans participating on the skybridge including bgbba who was at the time the Deputy Alcuahtl and TheOrangeWizard the Alcuahtl. The defeat of Lexington led Quauhtli_mia to declare that the era had ended and a new era had begun.
=== '''The Era of Resurgence - (March 2018 to- January 2019''') ===
==== The Konigsberg Intervention - March 15 to March 17th 2018 ====
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Since Feathercrown's ascendance Yoahtl has had three Alcuahtls, all of whom served for long periods of time overseeing an era of political stability and relative unity. bgbba has also remained Chieftain since this time, but has never held the reigns of power again. This was the great gift of Feathercrown's leadership, wisdom, and political insight.
=== The Era of the Olympiad - January 2019 to December (2019) ===
==== New Yoahtl City Redesign - Spring of 2019 and Summer of 2019 ====
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As a final note, in August of 2019, bgbba was considered reformed by the admins and allowed to be unbanned, along with Reiko and others who were deemed to deserve a second chance due to deescalation of toxic behaviors. Public apologies were made and Yoahtl's reputation was rehabilitated. [[ComradeNick]] agreed to free bgbba and to bury the hatchet. In order to maintain the balance of power and in keeping with the deal to free bgbba with ComradeNick, Yoahtl declared official neutrality in the ongoing [[NATO-Mir War|Infinity War.]] However, times grew dark again as raiders, obby bombers, and others rampaged across the map. When Yoahtl and other neutral nations were attacked by Ransackistan, Yoahtl joined the UDF and declared war on Ransackistan in the second week of December 2019. The [[War of The Coalition|Coalition War]] had begun. Now fully reintegrated with old and new allies, Yoahtl's community threw itself into the war effort and began a renewed focus on infrastructure to win the war effort.
=== The Era of Infrastructure (2020- December 2019 to Winter 2021) ===
==== The Infinity War ====