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=== Prelude to War ===
=== Prelude to War ===
While Wayon-Dot experienced two months of peace, a brutal conflict was being waged on main continent of Spawn; a faction by the name of “DeathPunch” was conquering other factions across the Spawn continent, incorporating them into a confederacy. DeathPunch had already become the second largest faction of E.C, The secret to their success was a client-based modification called “NODUS”- a hacking software, it gave great power to those who used it, if they could keep it hidden from the admins. Having conquered the mainland, there was nowhere to go but Wayon-Dot; the invasion would take Yoahtl completely by surprise.
Nearly two months of undisturbed peace and growth in Yoahtl; and now Wayon-Dot. For nearly a week now; most of the denizens of Wayon-Dot had grown accustomed to the new day-to-day business of a peaceful existence in their slice of EndlessCraft. The Yoahtlan themselves within the walls and pyramids of Ixtlilton were not akin to the level of violence one would typically see on a server such as EndlessCraft; having wisely chosen to be secretive at the very beginning of their settlement. Those who were came to deaf ears, as they’d bunker and adorn spaces with walls of obsidian and water in their parts of the continent. And it would be known, that they too; held a wise policy. Unbeknownst to the Huehuetlico of Wayon-Dot. a conflict on the main continent of Spawn; was about to end.

=== The Battle of Ixtlilton ===
For months, even since before Yoahtl’s arrival; a brutal conflict was being waged on main continent of Spawn; waged against a divided and feudal populace. A faction by the name of “DeathPunch” was founded for an unknown amount of time before Yoahtl’s arrival to E.C and they too; like Yoahtl, were different. However; unlike Yoahtl, they were unique only in their unparalleled ferocity and toxicity. Governed by anger, ambition, and a rooted child-like happiness to which they soaked from the destruction of those they encountered; and the concept of total domination. They were not like the raiders of Spawn; they were far more ambitious and by far more driven to conquer. And woe drew from those who could not see their blind evil or their blind ambitions. For there is a story behind their inception and their rise to power. And it started and ended from a player named “Inmysovietrussia”.
DeathPunch first arrived on the southern coast; the Assassins spotted them on the water from their cliffside fortress: two dozen ships with diamond clad archers, toting NODUS hacks; before they reached the shore, they were already firing volleys of arrows at the cliff face; the Assassins fired back; TNT cannons and arrow-dispensers were set on the approaching fleet, and rigged to keep firing; the advance continued, and retreat to the fort was ordered; when the invaders stepped off their boats, some fighters remained on the beach to defend the entrance; the DP swords sent Assassins flying 20ft across the sand; no one on the ground was left alive.

Word got out, and Wayon-Dot mobilized; while on their way to the battle, Yoahtlan reinforcements could hear the constant rumble of TNT explosions from the coast; a crack in the rock was made for them to enter the fort discretely; the XPShniks soon arrived too, bringing much needed supplies; they all huddled in the fort and continued to fight off the invading horde, which was now pounding at the front gate.
By this time; DeathPunch had not only managed to grow a following and become the second largest faction of E.C; but had also managed to gain near total domination of the Continent spawn by violently incorporating factions into a loose confederacy of sorts; while those they saw as threats, they had simply wiped out. However this was not done by skill alone; for they had something that put them far ahead the other feudal factions of Spawn. A client-based modification called “NODUS”. NODUS was by all means; a hacking software, and gave great power to those who used it; especially in a server where staff cared little to none of the goings-on of the server overall. And it was because of this; a mediocre group of raiders turned into the dominators of Spawn with many to boot. And when they had conquered Spawn; there was nowhere else to go but Wayon-Dot. Ofcourse at this time; Yoahtl was all but oblivious to what was happening; too busy and content with what they had built in Wayon-Dot. Not untill it was far too late.

The siege went on for hours; chat was a blur of savage war cries and Yoahtlan despair, as the invaders continued to advance on their walls and dig gaping holes in their defenses; it is reported that, at some point, the screaming outside the gate stopped, and the horde retreated onto the beach - when the general looked, someone else was fighting them on beach: it was Inmysovietrussia.
=== The Invasion/The Arrival of Inmysovietrussia ===

(to be written)
It is not known at what moment he decided to turn against his faction, but his skill in combat was far beyond any of them; when he turned on them, the scenario shifted dramatically; DP were suddenly on the defensive, and after a moment of shock and awe, Yoahtl began to storm the beach.

Inmysovietrussia fought with sword and bow; he swung in every direction, firing pointblank arrows- all around him they fell dead; they would converge on him, and he would pearl between them, taking them out one by one. When the Yoahtlan line reached the battle, he started to give orders, and they followed; he was added to groups, and they began to claim land on the battlefield; eventually the invaders were cornered, and someone finally ran to turn off the TNT cannons - the battle was won.

Following the battle, Inmysovietrussia would sit down with Quauhtli for many hours to talk; he would reveal that he was DeathPunch's leader, and the reason for their military success; that it was he who assimilated the tribes of Helios, and forced them to install NODUS or be killed; and that he decided he couldn't go forward with it anymore; he saw how the subjugation of people's wills weakened them, and took away their spirit; he revealed that the Admins were with the faction, permitting the cheat; Quauhtli wanted to leave the world behind, and take Yoahtl to a safer place, under better Admins, but Russia had a plan.

=== The War on Heaven ===
(to be written...)