History of Acadia: Difference between revisions

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Around the end of September, Acadia was shocked by the sudden, short reappearance of Rainie, whose temporary ban had apparently been finished after one month. As Acadians never knew the lenght of the ban, they were surprised to see Rainie back again so quickly. After Rainie's temporary dissapearance the other members of TNSC had decided to rebrand their nation as Consortium with Hawkeye as their new leader, and relations between Acadia and Consortium were generally friendly, though there was not much contact with them as activity in Consortium had long been very low. According to Hawkeye, the TNSC members considered Rainie to be a dictator and they had effectively overthrown him after the events of the TNSC crisis. Hawkeye claimed that, after escaping from his bounty hunters, Rainie was then hunted by his fellow TNSC members, that they eventually had Rainie logboxed, and that they had not been in contact with him afterwards. Choosing to believe him, Acadia asked Consortium for the location of the logbox, so that they would be able to pearl him if Rainie logged in on his main account again.
However, Hawkeye was not very willing to do so, as he demanded payment in return. Negotiations proved fruitless and Acadia decided to go looking for athe logbox in Consortium. As Consortium members tried to obstruct the Acadians they were briefly pearled so the Acadians could continue their search. The search was unsuccesful, and another round of negotiations followed where, eventually, Hawkeye led Acadia to Rainie's supposed logbox. The logbox was guarded almost 24 hours a day for several days but Rainie never logged in on his main account again, nor would themost Consortium members who, by this time, had grown fully inactive. With the attention Rainie's reappearance had amassed on the server a discussion starting to appear around whether the Rainie's ban was sufficiently long enough given the seriousness of doxing, with the admin team eventually making the very unorthodox decision to reach out publically for opinions.<ref>Rainie Ban Details (r/civclassics): https://www.reddit.com/r/civclassics/comments/pv6iji/rainie_ban_details/</ref>
Unfortunately, especially as far as public information goes, a lot of what exactly happened with Rainie after the first TNSC crisis is shrouded in mystery. It is unclear whether Rainie's ban was kept on one month only, or, as Rainie would later claim, that it was extended to three months, which would mean that he was banned again not long after his reappearance. If his ban was not extended, it is also unclear to what extend he had been active on an alt-account during September/October, which he, contradictingly enough, would later claim he was. Neither was it ever publicly established whether Consortium had actually broken ties with Rainie as Hawkeye claimed, or whether the logbox was real or a fabrication.
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The PMC alliance had grown with the admissions of [[Kallos]], at the time close to Columbia, and [[Jomsviking Confederation|Jomsviking]]. The alliance soon proved unstable however, when Jomsviking suddenly unilaterally annexed its neighbour and fellow PMC ally City of England during the [[Jomsviking-England Incident]], dissatisfied with their low activity which delayed their admittance into the PMC as England took a few days to cast their vote, and desiring Englands plains biome for the agriculture of melons. As Acadia helped out with the removal of the banners, signs, and the hostile city bastion Jomsviking had placed in the City of England, the situation escalated dramatically as heated dicussions, especially between Acadia's newly elected Prime Minister Owain and Kallos' leader Kayla, supporting Jomsviking, turned relations sour. While Jomsviking had already decided to back down, the fall-out increased and virtually all PMC members at that point planned to leave the alliance, with Acadia and Fish together moving to the re-established [[United Northern Congress (New)|UNC]] alliance, announced by [[Varkonia]] and Gabon. The PMC alliance was disbanded mere days after the original incident.
The initial tensions were worsened when the leader of Jomsviking, [[Cat alunya|Alunya]], who held citizenship in Acadia, was declared POS by Prime Minister Owain, asking her to renounce her citizenship in Acadia in order for the POS to be removed. The Acadian Senate disagreed with this action and Owain briefly resigned, as well as High Commissar Cortwade, as there was a heated discussion around whether the POS was an appropriate tool to use in this situation. Unfortunately, the Acadian Constitution did not allow the government or the National Assembly to remove an individual's citizenship. This was eventually fixed with an amendment, but together with a legal incident during the December elections where it took days for it to be established whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs actually legally existed and whether an election for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs was to be held, this highlighted a growing problem with Acadia's legal system. Acadia, no longer a simple newfriend nation, had fully outgrown its original Constitution, and, at the same time, with all its amendments which at times conflicted with each other, the Acadian legal system had become increasingly complex, to the point where there was in practice only one Acadian, [[Aelfred]], who fortunately happend to be the Chief Justice, could somewhat effectively navigate through it. This complexity exacerbated the already existing practice of e-lawyerism in Acadia.
In the meantime, New Turing, for the first time, began to thrive as [[Yoahtl|Yoahtlan]] economic presence began to grow in the city and a large newfriend wave increased activity and the need for more residential units. Many residential units, as well as commercial units, and a new, larger factory and storage building were built by [[TheGreatUniter]] who had recently started playing on CivClassic and joined Acadia. Whereas New Turing never managed to find a convincing, cohesive general aesthetic before, and was limited by the small-scale Acadian architectural norms, Uniter introduced a new architectural style for the city, with taller and more detailed buildings. His style proved immensively succesful as many buildings in Uniter's style began to pop up and genuine excitement about the future of New Turing began to emerge. Rapid development in New Turing kept continuing until the very end of the server, with the government discussing far reaching plans to increase its control over the capital to organize its redevelopment and to find a way around the e-lawyerism and lack of executive tools that made derelicting unused, unaesthetic buildings in the capital near impossible. Center to the redevelopment plan was to remove the western half of the large boulevard reaching down to the quartz Parliament building construction site, as well the largely unfinished quartz Parliament building itself, which after many months of stalled construction had become a symbol of New Turing's previous stagnation.
