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[[File:Ndz and grundeswald.png|thumb|A map of the Civcraft 2.0 +,+ with the final land claims of New Danzilona (orange) and Grundeswald (administered land in green, claimed but not administered in lighter green) highlighted. ]]
'''Grundeswald–New Danzilona relations''' refers to the foreign relations between the [[Grundeswald|Kingdom of Grundeswald]] (and to a lesser extent, the entire [[Holy Krautchan Empire]]) and [[New Danzilona]] (including the entire [[Danzilonan Federation]]), which includes the diplomatic, cultural, and economic ties and tensions between the two nations on [[Civcraft 2.0]]. They were close geographically and shared a border with each other's allies, but the two countries were not apart of any mutual organisations and were largely hostile to each other mostly on ideological grounds. The Grundeswegians formed a pseudo-satirical far-right, jingoistic, and chauvinistic government and society, whereas New Danzilona was a socially progressive liberal democracy for most of its existence. Although relations were initially neutral and sometimes even friendly, New Danzilona was in fact Grundeswald's closest neighbour who didn't sympathise with their ideology and vice versa, and so NDZ became Grundeswald's natural target for griefing, raiding, and trolling as NDZ mostly attempted to keep their distance but also sometimes engaged in counter-trolling. Grundeswald also opposed NDZ through their anti-[[World Police]] sentiment, as NDZ largely favoured the WP and was home to some of its fighters, like [[TheTrackball]] and [[JPEGz]].
Although the state of their relations could mostly be best described as a cold war, it notably spilled over into a hot one in the [[Riverford War]] in late 2014. The two nations also pearled a number of each other's citizens in some isolated incidents, including most notably the "Grundespology."<ref></ref> Nevertheless, there were also some periods of peace, especially during the summer of 2014 when Grundeswald citizen Amunak became the first and only NDZ-Grundeswald dual citizen and attempted reconciliation between the two.<ref></ref><ref></ref> Grundeswegian mazznoff also continuously operated an armour shop in [[New Danzilona#Danzmarket|NDZ's market district]].<ref></ref>
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The Danzilonan populace was devastated by the division brought about during the war. Most of the DSF and some of NDZ's original founders planned to leave NDZ and found their own town outside the DZF, but anti-war DZF government officials caught onto their plan and themselves announced their self-exile from NDZ, leading to a total collapse of the federal government.<ref></ref> This division, combined with a natural decline brought about by the end of the summer, essentially halved the population of NDZ. A temporary all-powerful council was declared to fill the power vacuum in the city and to help deal with the ongoing [[Aeginan independence movement]] that was bolstered by NDZ's devastation.<ref></ref>
In the HKE, Grundeswald refocused their attention to Istanbulite independence and attempted to get them to join the HKE, but to no avail.<ref></ref> Fatigued by foreign conflict and also torn apart by personal disagreements about the direction their nation had been taking, theythose remaining Grundeswegians instead looked inward and began working on building projects and nationbuilding.<ref>
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=== December 7th Screenname Statue Incident ===
A small diplomatic incident occurred when, in the early hours of the morning on December 7, 2014, Danzilonan citizen [[Des23]] and Augustan citizen spada81 griefed a statue of Gensokyo's autocrat, Screenname, by building a penis made of snow blocks on it. Screenname was offended and demanded it be removed, to which the two griefers complied, but then she also issued a private bounty on spada. spada was pearled and brought to Grundeswald's vault with many unarmed Danzilonans and Augustans in pursuit. Upon reaching the vault, not much was done besides a protest for the release of spada, who it was agreed would be released the next day. However, after the pursuers had cleared out, Des23 was also pearled and put into the vault. Having rejoined NDZ after the Riverford War, she called in her Danzilonan friends to help secure her release. Tensions were high, and eventually a compromise was reached where Des would be moved to a third party vault and released the next day.<ref></ref> The incident did little to damage already deteriorated NDZ-Grundeswald relations but did help reinforce them.
=== Grundeswegian Collaboration with Titan ===
In December 2014, Titan was put under the new management of HanTzu, who promptly gave the Titan vault to notorious raider Papa_Pound, sparking the [[Titan War]]. Grundeswald, who was allied with HanTzu's [[Chanada]] and hateful of the World Police, traded useful supplies with them and made regular supply runs to the vault to bolster its defences.<ref>
</ref> The DSF was a participant in the war on the side of the WP and was suspicious of their involvement, pearling some Grundeswegians but ultimately releasing them when no evidence of wrongdoing was found at the time, once again indirectly harming relations between the two states. Grundeswegians also pearled themselves to offer support and supplies to pearled Titan defenders.<ref>
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=== Civcraft 3.0 and the End of Relations ===
Both Grundeswald and NDZ founded successor nations on [[Civcraft 3.0]], with [[Nova Danzilona]] being founded on the very first day of the server in the [[Volans]].<ref></ref> Grundeswald also founded a successor nation named GRINSSR later on in August 2016.<ref></ref>The two nations were now very far apart, however, and so diplomatic relations were never again established between Grundeswegians and Danzilonans. The only contact between the Grundeswegians and the Danzilonans since the end of 3.0 has been through Lowtuff, who remains in the Grundeswald discord as of May 2022.
== References ==