Geographical Regions (CivMC): Difference between revisions

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''For the other iterations of Geographical Regions see [[Geographical Regions (CivClassic 2.0)]]''
The world of [[CivMC]] is divided into four quadrants, as well as six major continental landmasses. There are also a number of named seas and regions.
[[File:CivMCGeographical Locator Continents updatedRegions.png|thumb|297x297px|[[File:Western_Box.png|20px]] Western Continent<br>
[[File:File:Karydia_square.png|20px]] Karydia<br>
[[File:Central Archipelago Square.png|20px]] Central Archipelago<br>
[[File:Stercus_Box.png|20px]] Stercus<br>
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[[File:Eastern_Box.png|20px]] Eastern Continent<br>
[[File:Alenarith_Box.png|20px]] Alenarith<br>
[[File:Southwestern_Box.png|20px]] Deluvia<br>|297x297px]]
[[File:CivMC Detailed Geography.png|thumb|Detailed geographical regions]]
==Quadrants ==
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=== Central Archipelago ===
The Central Archipelago is made up of the Estalia mushroom island of El Caro, and the cluster of jungle islands dividedunder betweenthe control of [[Estalia]], and CivMarket.
Due to its position in the Middle Ocean near 0,0, it is the only major land area falling into none of the six continents.
===Western Continent===
The Western Contient, which is as of yet unnamed, is the world's largest continent, stretchingstretches across the -,- and -,+ and taking up much of the Western Semicircle. It is estimated to be the world's most populous continent, and owing to it's huge size is highly diverse in biomes. Notable nations on this continent include Estalia, [[Icenia (CivMC)|Icenia]], [[Warmia]], [[Pacem]], and [[the Commonwealth]].
=== Karydia ===
Formed by a collection of resident nations on November 20th, 2022<ref></ref>, [[Karydia]] exists in the far-west of the world and consists largely of jungle environments, as well as some deserts and swamps. Since its formation, Karydia has been considered a haven for newfriend nations, having much of its territory in late 2022 carved out exclusively for their use. Karydia is home to [[Mercutio]], [[Kaowta]], [[Reggio Argeddina|Reggio]], and the [[Icenia (CivMC)|Icenian]] state of [[Icarus (CivMC)|Icarus]].
Stercus{{Citation needed|date=May 2023}} is one of the world's smallest continents, located entirely withing the southern -,- adjacent to the eastern shores of the Western Continent and southern Northlandia. Much of the geography is mountainous, with vast forests occupying the coasts of the continent. It is home to the former nations of [[Kallos]] and [[Columbia]], as well as a few exclaves of [[Butternut]]. This continent is notable for having several densely populated cities that have been left abandoned due to past heavy conflicts occurring within the region.
[[File:Northlandia.png|200px|thumb|Map of Northlandia]]
{{main|Northlandia}}Northlandia is located in the northern -,-. Along with [[Deluvia]], itIt is one of the most sparsely populated of the world's six major landmasses. It is dominated by cold, frosty biomes and large mountainous areas.
It is home to the North Pole, a popular tourist destination which is located within the nation of [[Winterbourne]] who welcome explorers throughout the arctic nation. There is a basic wooden shelter with crafting and cooking facilities as well as an open chest with supplies left for travellerstravelers. Many signs are left by explorers to mark their trip to the North Pole.
[[File:Impendia claims 6 17 22.png|thumb|200px|Map of Impendia claims as of June 17 2022 (credit [[Thejmqn]])]]{{main|Impendia}}Impendia, or the Northeastern Continent, is located in the northern part of the +,-, bounded on its west by the Middle Ocean, to the east by the Fareastern Ocean, and to the south by the Lyrean Sea.
The [[Impendian Assembly]] was created by most of the nations within the continent. The countries of [[Amboise]], [[Dhakhala]], [[New Jersey]], [[Dirt]], [[SPQR|S.P.Q.R]], [[IcarusCascadia (Second RepublicCivMC)|Icarus]], [[Cordoba]], [[City of England|CoE]], [[ResimereCascadia]], [[Jorvik]], [[Fempire]], [[BrumaBaile]], [[BaileVinland (CivMC)]] and [[The Far NorthOrder]] are located on the continent aswell as [[MrLlamma]]'s [[private island claim]].
===Eastern Continent===
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{{main|Deluvia}}The Continent of Deluvia takes up the southern -,+. AlongMuch withof Norland,the itpopulation are in the isEastern oneside of the mostcontinent, sparselymeanwhile populatedWestern side of the world'scontinent sixare majorsparsely populated but growing landmassesslowly. It houses nations such as [[Imperial Federation]], [[Otonabee]], [[Hyperborean Confederation|The Hyperborean Confederation]], and [[Thule]]. Currently the Imperial Federation takes up more than 80% of the continent, making the server’s only continental sovereign. Its name was decided upon by the heads of states of the nations in the Southwest Forum discord.
== Bodies of Water==
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===Lyrean Sea===
[[File:Lyreanseamap.png|thumb|Map of the Lyrean Sea region as of June 13th, 2022 (credit hitobashuru).]]The Lyrean Sea<ref name=":0" /> is an inland body of water and transcontinental region between Impendia and the Eastern Continent. Nations in the Lyrean Sea include [[Thaulos]], [[Griffin]], [[Amboise]] a vassal state of Cascadia, [[Moloka]], [[Pavia]], [[Mery]], and [[Lambat (CivMC)|Lambat]], and [[Letos]].
Most of the nations on the Lyrean Sea are members of the [[Lyrean Community]].
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===Fareastern Ocean===
The Fareastern Ocean<ref name=":0" /> is a body of water between Impendia and the Eastern Continent. It borders the [[Fempire Union (CivMC)|Fempire Union]], [[Bergburg]], [[New Jersey (CivMC)|New Jersey]], [[Dhakhala]], [[Griffin|Griffin's]] vassal [[Amboise]], [[ThaulosMythos]], [[Letos]] and [[LilliputSPQR]]. It is connected to the Middle Ocean via the southwest by the Lyrean Sea.
===Medi Sea===
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Most if not all nations that border the Medi Sea are members of the [[Forum of the Medi Sea]].
=== Karydian Sea ===
The Karydian Sea is a body of water located between the continent of Karydia and the greater Western Continent. Several nations are located along the shores of this sea, including [[Mercutio]], [[Pacem]], [[the Commonwealth]], and [[Kaowta]].
===Southern Sea===
The Southern Sea is a massive ocean in the western hemisphere that sits north of Deluvia and south of the Western Continent. It stretches from the southwestern world-border to the Leona Sea. The ocean is home to many island nations such as the [[UnitedPride Tribes of the Southern SeaIsles]], [[境界の西部共和国|the Western Boundary ( 境界の西部共和国 )Grenada]], [[Leibniz Confederation]], as well as a few exclaves and territories from nearby nations.
Like the Medi, the Southern Sea is also arguably an ocean, due to its size and borders.
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===Meridiem Sea===
The Meridiem Sea is a body of water located between [[Deluvia]] and [[Alenarith]]. It borders [[Hyperborean Confederation|the Hyperborean Confederation]], the [[Imperial Federation]], [[PridelandsPrincipality of Anisso|Anisso]], and [[Venne (CivMC)|Venne]]. AllAt membersone time, all states bordering the sea arewere members of the [[Meridiem Compact]], offrom which the sea istakes namedits aftername.
== See Also ==
{{Northlandia}}{{Western Continent}}{{Impendia}}{{Eastern Continent}}{{Alenarith}}{{Deluvia}}
''For the other iterations of Geographical Regions see [[Geographical Regions (CivClassic 2.0)]]''
[[Category:In Progress]]
{{Northlandia}}{{Western Continent}}{{Karydia}}{{Impendia}}{{Eastern Continent}}{{Alenarith}}{{Deluvia}}
<references />
