Gabon: Difference between revisions

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| label7 = Formation
| data7 = By [ Letters Patent]
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| data11 = [ highgrovenow.gash Gabon Online]
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Throughout this time as a Principality, The Principality of Gabon was governed by a small privy council of BritishWanderer, Tvman999 and Gobblin who advised her Majesty Queen GetSkinny in day to day duties and decisions. The government was an absolute monarchy without a constitution until late July 2018.
After GetSkinny's accession to the throne, Her Majesty, by letters patent<ref></ref> created the position of Lord High Chancellor and through a Commission<ref></ref> appointed BritishWanderer to that office. The Lord High Chancellor had effective control of the Privy Council and was entitled to require them to present information about the activities of Gabon to himself.
==== Construction of Salisbury ====
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=== The Transition of Government between Gabon and Varkonia ===
In late July, the privy council and Her Majesty decided that it was in the best interests of the Gabonese peoples to open negotiation talks with the '''Grand Duchy of Varkonia''' to discuss and ratify ''The Treaty Effecting a Transition of Government for the Principality of Gabon through Cession of Lands to the Grand Duchy of Varkonia''<ref></ref> which saw Gabon lose its title as “Principality” and become a "Province" of Varkonia.
This also saw the dissolution of the royal throne of Gabon, including Her Majesty’s Privy Council. In its place, the monarchy was replaced with the Assembly of the Province of Gabon which was headed by the Grand Prince of the Province of Gabon. Her Majesty The Queen became the Grand Prince and appointed her privy councillors to the Provincial Assembly. This also saw the appointment of two members of the Assembly of Gabon to the Senate of Varkonia. Whilst serving on the Senate, these senators brought the virtue of codified law to Varkonia. This was something that had not been introduced beforehand to Varkonia. However, Gabon’s rich history of lawmaking and the prowess of its Assembly were a welcome addition to Varkonia.
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==== Declarations of War ====
Both [[Varkonia]] and [[Hjaltland]] decided to rally behind the revolutionaries in their revolt against the Independent Principality of Gabon. Invoking the Security Act of Gabon<ref></ref>, Her Majesty declared war on The Grand Duchy of Varkonia and U.F.R Hjatland<ref></ref> along with the republican rebels. The rebels, led by BritishWanderer, promptly made a response with their intention of an official military coup of Gabon<ref></ref>. Large outpourings of 'Long Live Gabon!' came in from home and abroad in support of the revolutionaries.
With the military of Gabon giving their assurances of continued loyalty to their Queen, The rebels were forced to wait outside city boundaries for support from the Grand Duchy of Varkonia and Hjatland. However outside of the Capital, vast progress was being made by the rebels forces, taking position in the town of Bakerswood and surrounding Cottingham to the far south. Upon hearing updates about the incidents occurring in Gabon, The Red Duke of Varkonia ordered a bombing raid by the Varkonian special military forces of the Gabonese capital, the City of Salisbury. This sole horrific act devastated the loyalist stronghold in the centre of the city allowing for it's immediate capture by supporting revolutionary forces.
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== Government ==
Gabon is a Republic with a Monarchical form of government under the '''Chancellery Act''' passed by the Executive Council in early January 2019, shortly after the signing of the ''civil war peace treaty''<ref></ref>. The head of state for Gabon, namely the Lord High Chancellor is a hereditary position. The position is served until death or abdication. The Lord High Chancellor has the power to appoint and dismiss any government position outside of the elected Lord's Council. The Chancellor has supreme authority in all the affairs of Gabon, assuming the highest representation of Gabon in international relations and exercises the functions expressly conferred on him by the Constitution and the laws of Gabon. The Command-in-Chief of the Land and Naval Militia, and of all Naval and Military Forces, of and in Gabon, is vested in the said Lord High Chancellor.
Gabon has a unicameral legislature with a Lord's Council. The Council currently has four sitting members, representing five boroughs of Gabon. These councillors are elected by the citizenry and serve three months until their re-election or resignation. The Lord's Council is the only entity possessing the ability to legislate on any matter whatsoever within Gabon. The head of the Lord's Council, namely the Vice Chancellor is elected by the council itself with a simple majority vote every three months.
