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Fingerprints are a mechanic on CivRealms that allow you to track other players. They were added in March of 2020 and further expanded in July to include dusting for fingerprints [1][2]. Fingerprinting is generally used for when you want to track an alt or player after you have pearled them, have made the player voluntarily give up their fingerprints, or have retrieved a fingerprint code from an ally or friendly nation. Fingerprints in of themselves are 8 digit codes that relate a player and his alt accounts, such as shown in the images below, player _Iron will have the same code as any of his alt accounts, this fundamentally nerf's alt accounts by creating a link between the main and alt accounts.

Examples of using fingerprints could include: making a database of players fingerprints to better deal with alt raiding OR dusting the environment around a structure without snitches to see who broke in and stole items.


Results of Fingerprinting Myself

Instructions on using fingerprints for pearls:

  1. To start you must first have the pearl in your main hand as well as paper and some form of dye in your inventory.
  2. Type the command /createprints to receive their fingerprints in the form of an 8 digit code.
  3. To compare previously retrieved fingerprints place one set in your offhand and the other in your main hand and type the command /compareprints the server will then tell you whether or not the prints match.

Instructions on using fingerprints on yourself:

  1. Have paper and dye in your inventory, make sure there are no pearls in your inventory.
  2. Type the command /createprints.
  3. You should have received a piece of paper with your 8 digit code on it.
Using a Fake Name for Fingerprinting

Instructions on the use of fake names:

  1. Using the /compareprints command to compare my real fingerprints to my fake fingerprints
    Repeat the above instructions on fingerprinting yourself, however, instead use the command /createprints (FakeName).
  2. This should create an 8 digit code of your fingerprints, however it should also have the input name at the top.
  3. Doing this will alert players within 10 blocks via a serverside message whether or not you used a fake name.

As of July, dusting for fingerprints in the environment was added. In the environment, there is a 0.5% chance for fingerprints to be left for each unreinforced block break or placement of blocks within an unbastioned area, and a 0.003% for any reinforced block damage or prevented placement by bastions, bastion break attempts will be detected at the bastion itself. Fingerprints in the environment will decay after one week thus preventing dusting from occurring.

To use dusting:

  1. First grab a book and quill, this will be used fully so if you are dusting multiple times break a few.
  2. Approach an area within a snitch sized area, an 11 block radius from you.
  3. Use the command /dust to dust for fingerprints. If successful you should receive a fingerprint sheet for every print in the zone.
  4. Wait 30 seconds to dust for prints again.

Chances of Fingerprints

To calculate the chances of fingerprints being generated you must multiply the block reinforcement by the chance (0.5% for unbastioned and unreinforced areas and blocks, 0.003% for bastioned and reinforced areas and blocks).

For example: Two Stone Reinforced Walls and a Stone Reinforced Chest: 2 (100 * 0.003) + 2 (100 * 0.003) = 1.2% Chance of Fingerprints.[3]
