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The Nation of Eclipse is a small nation found in the -,+ Quadrant, near the large and well known City of [[Mount Augusta]]. The state as it is on Civclassics was founded mid-October 2018, however it has existed on other servers since 2016. Its government (Known as the Central Command Assembly) is considered to be a Representative Bureaucracy, with elected Council members and a permanent leader position, which is held by founding member SupGamingHamster. The nation is governed by the Constitution of Eclipse which was written by a group of founding members in early 2018. The Nation is founded in beliefs of individual freedom and ownership of private property.
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=== Modern Era (2018-) ===
Eclipse would regroup once more and decided to learn from experience and try to look for a more political server on which they could play. Originally, the plan between them was to join another server that was similar to Civclassics known as Civilization Experiment when it would come out, however this would not be the case (around this period of time, the Constitution would be drafted). It was eventually decided that Eclipse would join the [[Jeffersonian Confederacy]], and this would become reality on the 13th of August 2018. Members flocked to the [[State of Canopus]], a small town located to the East of Mount Augusta, and worked on developing the town. Of note is the work of Jackyback and White_N_Pasty, who started production of Exp in the town. However, there was still the issue of Eclipse not physically existing as a state on the server, and this would be rectified on the 19th of October, where the former territory of [[Compton]] (Owned by [[Maltovia]]) was negotiated between Eclipse and OLivay for 225 diamonds. Soon after this, construction of Eclipse City would begin, with plans for city walls and massive experience farms.
However, as of November 2018, the nation fell into a period of inactivity, with little to no work being done.
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== Geography ==
Currently, There is only one town in Eclipse, and this is Eclipse City. The land claimed by Eclipse was formerly the territory of Compton, and not much physical evidence survives from this time except for a Colosseum and a Vault building (This has proved a challenge to work with due to the size of these buildings). The claims consist exclusively of plains and beaches, which is ample land for Exp farms. Located to the south of Eclipse is the town of Canopus, which was founded by refugees fleeing from the old territory of [[Panem]] near 0,0. To the west is Mount Augusta, a large city, and a rail connection is in the planning stages of being built.