Dzarian is a conlang created by Ogel6000 that was used on the civ server CraftLang. Neither the grammar nor the lexicon were inspired or based off of any real world language; Dzarian instead being a part of a conworld unique from Earth. The two biggest goals of Dzarian are precision, and completeness. Dzarian is mostly SOV.
Note: The language can be reffered to as 'Dzarian', 'Dzarid', or 'Dsarid', all of which are correct.
Dzarian was originally created as a cipher of English, to allow its creator to write, or say crude things in public without anyone understanding. As people began catching on, it was made increasing more difficult to decipher. Eventually, it was decided that it would be built into a proper language, under the name 'Zarian'.
After an interest was taken in conworlding, Ogel6000 merged the language into his conworld. It wasn't until months after this when Ogel6000 realized the first letter of the language's name was not available as a phone or phoneme in the language. From then on, it was changed to 'Dzarian', the 'dz' being spelled using 'ds' in the language's alphabet, and pronounced as the /dz/ affricative. The language in its own name is 'Dsarid', literally translating to 'of Dzaris'.
/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/
/v/, /s/
/m/, /n/
/l/, /r/, /h/
/a/, /æ/, /ɛ/, /i/, /ɪ/, /ʊ/, /ɔ/, /ə/, /ʌ/, /ɘ/, /ɶ/,
/ʌi/, /ɘi/, /eɪ/
The alphabet contains 17 letter:
a, e, i, o, u, b, p, t, d, k, v, s, h, m, n, l, r, and h.
The pronounciation of the consonants is self explanatory.
a: /ɶ/ (middle of word), /a/ (middle or end of word), /æ/ (end of word)
e: /ʌ/, /ɛ/, /ɜ/, /i/ (only in 1s pronoun)
i: /ɪ/, /ɘi/ (end of word) , /ɘ/, and /i/ (rarely)
o: /ʌ/, /ɔ/, /ɑ/
u: /ʊ/ /ɯ/
ah: /eɪ/
oh: /o/
oo: /o/
The following are sounds not available as single letters in the Dzarian alphabet, though can be created by combining multiple letters:
th (unvoiced): tv
th (voiced): td
g: kk
f: vh
sh: ss
ch: tss
j (voiced alveolar affricative): dd
dz (the affricative): ds
Another thing to note: nasals are never velar in Dzarian. if an 'n' is next to a 'k', the 'n' is still alveolar.
Basic Words
hi: sora
hey: ra
hello: edisora
bye: non
welcome: enito
thanks: kar (or edikar, more polite)
please: konnar
sorry: toredi
1s: e
1p: os
2s: oh
2p: or
3s: in (either gender, casual)
3s: ta (either gender, casual, though implies a romantic feeling between the speaker and the target)
3s: so (either gender, formal, can also represent inanimate objects)
3p: etr ('tr' pronounced as in 'train')
to be: ena
to have: revvid
to want: terva
to need (needs to happen, not needs to have): nalta
to be at the location of (at): kam
to go: enid
to cause something to happen: selra
to walk: krum
to speak: mespa
to kill: tileda
to injure: kudinla
to be like/to be as: tilok
person: skasa
this: tari
location: ebbet (hence: 'here' would be 'tari ebbet')
time: bettel (hence: 'now' would be 'tari bettel')
-> However, tari alone can mean 'here' or 'now', depending on context.
and: metu
if: nis
but: mahit
or: oo
with: siv
without: sivorb
things/stuff: setadda
noun declensions:
-in: pluralization
-id: possession
Verb declensions:
-ep: past tense
-it: future tense
-ah: negation -> (ena: to be; enah: not to be)
Note, all declensions come at the end of the word. If the word ends in a consonant, they are simply added on, if the word ends in a vowel, the vowel is removed (except to pronouns), and then the declension is added.
Word Order/Syntax
Dzarian is SOV, but requires an auxiliary verb in between the subject and object (thus following a pattern of noun - verb - noun - verb. This word order is very strict, and cannot be broken. Also, nothing can be put inside of these four words, with the exception of 'uk'; this is used to declare the existance of clauses, which are then placed at the end of sentences. Dzarian does not (yet) differentiate between transitive and non transitive verbs, which may lead to some confusion in a few situations (though it has not been an issue with regards to understanding)
e ena oh mespa:
1s to-be 2s to-speak
I am speaking to you
In the above sentence, the 'ena', (to be) is the auxiliary verb, and it states the nature of the verb 'mespa'.
E ena oh uk mespa nibbar:
1s to-be 2s clause-declare to-speak [clause here] good
I am speaking well to you
E ena uk skasa mespa selrep oh kudinla:
1s to-be clause-declare to-speak [clause] to-cause.past 2s to-have-pain
I am speaking to the man who injured you.
Ta terva oh uk mespa solp:
He/she wants to speak with you more (solp = more)
E lersep oh mespa:
lit: I received your speaking (You spoke to me); this is used to acknowledge that the action went through (as in; yes, I heard you)
E nalta tretin revvid:
I need to have diamonds
Subjunctive is created with the use of 'sorla', and used exactly the same way as it is in English. (However, sentences which would use 'in which' or 'of which' or something similar, are classed as subjunctive.
I think she likes me: E dertra sorla ta ena e ima.
I'm thinking about the time when you hurt me: E ena bettel dertra sorla oh enep e kudinla
If/else statements:
nis ___ brev ___
If I sleep with your girlfriend, you will kill me: Nis e ena ta tilek brev oh selra e tiled.
Note: both are in present tense. Both parts of conditions are written in the same tense.
Negation is done by adding -ah after a verb. (either verb, it doesn't matter which, though it's more common to add it to the auxiliary verb.)
Dzarian does not have words for 'yes' or 'no', you instead just use a verb, or its negative.
- Pena oh Antoine?
- Enah:
Are you Antoine?
- Pena oh e mespa?
- Mespa:
Are you speaking to me?
Inflection/declension rules:
-id (possession) can only be attached to pronouns
-in (pluralization) can be attached to anything except pronouns
To possess a non pronoun, use 'uk':
the house's room: uk tesa mokuhr the man's house: uk mokuhr skasa
uk, followed by the item being possessed, followed by the item doing the possessing.
Verbs can be negated, or have tense.
They can also have both.
If they have both, the negation comes first, and then the tense is added, leaving the full extent of the word
to be: ena
will be: enit
not to be: enah
will not be: enahit
Adjectives can be placed immediately after pronouns (this breaks the S-auxV-O-V word order, so the sentence would only allow these two words), and in this case, it is implied there is a 'to be' in between.
e mat: I am good
e empar: I am great
oh nibbar: you are happy
If the pronoun is possessive, it assumes the adjective is a noun being possessed (english: -ness)
eid nibbar: my happiness
Using 'ena' as a pronoun
The phrase 'it is' in English should translate to 'so' in Dzarian.
As in, "It's okay/It's fine" should translate to "so meta"
And this is grammatically correct, however a more common, casual translation is "ena meta". This is technically grammatically incorrect, though it's a figure of speech in Dzarian, and should be used in general conversation
Multiple 'uk' rule
'uk' can be used multiple times in the same sentence. If so, then the clauses afterwards appear in the same order which they appear.
Try this sentence:
The cat I said my sister brought home is dead: I will make the base sentence "Serriv lersep ralen temak" which translates to "The cat received my sister's bringing"
uk serriv uk lersep nelta uk temak kam staksa e mespep kam mokuhr
The first declared clause goes onto the cat. The cat is now dead, so the first clause is 'kam staksa', the best way of saying 'dead'
The second goes on the receiving. the sentence claims that 1s said that the receiving happened.
The third clause goes on the uk temak. We know that the help given was bringing the cat home, thus the temak's description is 'kam mokuhr'.
Note, you can attach multiple clauses to a single word.
For example:
uk uk tesinal venikam sitolik
the 'tesinal' is the main noun here.
It receives two descriptions: 'venikam' = evil; 'sitolik' = public
public, evil, door. (public nether portal)
'Amsel' means 'for', as in "amsel oh" = "for you". It also has various miscellaneous uses.
I'll be there for 9 minutes: e ena ebbet uk kam amsel tralik
I'll be there in 9 minutes: e ena ebbet uk kam tralik
I am too tired for this:
e uk enlat ebeln amsel
Applying an ending to the auxiliary verb indicates imperfect (past or future), applying it to the acting verb indicates pluperfect, applying it to both indicates perfect. Note, in Dzarian, use of the perfect tense is uncommon, mostly only pluperfect and imperfect are used.
E enep etr mespa: I was speaking to them
E ena etr mespep: I have spoken to them
E enep etr mespep: I spoke to them
E enep etr mespit: I was going to speak to them
E enit etr mespep: I would speak to them (notice, this is one way to indicate conditional)
could: mer
should: dervam
might: delid
thought of/considered: telisha (pronounced telissa, but aspirated)
would: telak
Conditional verbs are implemented into sentences as auxiliary verbs.
E mer: I could/I can
E mer tari tidira: I could/can come here
E mer oh mespa: I could be speaking to you
E merep oh mespa: I could have been speaking to you
E mer oh mespep: I could have spoken to you
Questions are created by inverting the subject and aux verb, and replacing the aux verb with a question word.
how: oma
why: isp
what: kor
how many: nebarak
Are ___ : pena
Do ___: pena
Can ___: mer
Should: dervam
Notice the lack of 'when' and 'where'. These are implied when talking about locations or times.
Oma oh: How are you?
Kor oh ebbet kam?: What place are you at (Where are you?)
Kor oh bettel tidira?: What time are you arriving? (ie When are you arriving)
Kor oh ebbet enid?: What place are you going? (ie Where are you going)
Kor oh ebbet tidirep?: What place were you coming from? (Where did you come from?)
Kor oh ebbet tidirit?: What place are you going to come to? (Where will you go?)
Pena in oh kudinla?: Is he hurting you?
Oma in oh kudinlep?: How did he hurt you?
Kor setadda oh kudinlep?: What hurt you? (lit: What object hurt you?)
Kor in oh uk kudinlep ebbet?: Where did he hurt you? (lit: What place did he hurt you?)
Nebarak tretin oh revvid?: How many diamonds do you have (diamond = treta)
Imperatives are merely statements in future tense. They still require the four base words, and can include clauses as well. You may, however, use just the basic verb in future tense.
Oh enay ta tilekit: You will not sleep with her (Don't sleep with her.)
Oh ena e tiledit: You will kill me (Kill me.)
torranit!: Stop!
talrahit: Dont take [anything]. (notice the double verb declensions)
Dzarian is a base 10 counting system, like most of Earth.
0: ok
1: mu
2: ak
3: ni
4: or
5: do
6: er
7: su
8: an
9: ti
10: di
11: dimu
12: diak
20: akdi
21: akdimu
30: nidi
100: dort
101: dortmu
256: akdortdodier
1000: skort
10,000: mentar
100,000: drenahto
1m: etsolina
10m: korinmar
100m: ramak
1000m: ramalak
10b: tarala
100b: taralan
1000b: taralana
10t: ditaralana
beyond 10 trillion, you merely start adding 10, then 100, then 1000, and so on, in front of the number. (This happens infrequently in English too: "There could be a billion billion stars in our galaxy alone")
1/2: uk ak mu (literally: of two, one)
1/3: uk ni mu
2/5: uk do ak
.1: daltmu
.2: daltak
.01: daltokmu
.001: daltokokmu OR daltakokmu (lit: point two-zeroes, one)
first: muid
second: akid
Notice, if the number ends in a vowel, leave the vowel when adding the ending.
-1: trepmu (lit: less one)
-54: trepdodior
-1.65: trepmudalterdido
Adjectives and adverbs are identical. They can only be implemented to sentences as clauses (with 'uk', as described above). However, adjectives can also double as verbs, or nouns, depending on location in a sentence.
good: mat (response to 'Oma oh?')
okay/decent: mek
satisfactory, good enough: meta
great: empar
excellent: enissar
slightly below good: mepa
bad: meparo
horrible: onstin
happy: nibbar
sad: trinan
tired: enlat
excited: sanalo
scared: belta
bored: tavori
angry: hosa
nice: kensa
smart: tenlid
annoying: sokul
funny: somla
stupid: tedla
depressing: karinl
lazy: talintra
embarassing: salkinra
lonliness: salkup
lonliness/upset/anger: tanalim
attractive (a person): seriosa
short: benad
medium height: vema
tall: nedita
skinny: vana
medium weight: kalat
overweight: atrel
small: muk/menl (both are identical)
medium size: nemar
large: bulra
red: urta
orange: barva
yellow: must
green: runk
blue: inar
purple: keran
light (colour): vasa
dark (colour): elsinad
peaceful/tranquil: tesin
cold: seladan
medium temperature: toresa
hot: telvidala
again: derlos
correct/true: vita
incorrect/false: tinl
so/very: skal
barely: telnar
barely enough: lodura
enough: pudor
abundance of: lokra
still: doltro
above: kesid
below: senl
first: muid
last: dolana
next: teska
previous: tuhar
easy: trolad
medium difficulty: melnean
hard: sulman
only: nadsa
yet: patolin
ever: skesa
exact: oltus
before: tilmar
after: tralton
despite/ even though: kila
as well (too): ebeln
too much: anerlo
usual: emlon
dark (lack of light): sonrik
medium amount of light: vanars
bright: silkan
free/public/open: sitolik
good: stalap
evil: venikam temporary: menilt
permanent: starak
My girl/boyfriend is hot: ta seriosa
The sky is purple: harel keran
I am happy here: E ena tari nibbar
I am eating a fat chicken: E ena uk bevare rohn atrel
You are talking happily: Oh ena nibbar mespa
You are talking to me happily: Oh ena nibbar uk mespa kam e. OR Oh ena e uk mespa nibbar (in the former, note the use of 'kam' to mean 'to'.)
Verbs are negated by replacing the final 'a' with 'ah' (pronounced as diphthong /eɪ/), if verb ends in consonant, replace the last vowel sound in the word with /eɪ/. Irregulars are specified.
to be: ena
to have: revvid / revvadi
to want: terva
to need: nalta
to use: dosel
to be like/to be as: tilok / tilaki
run: sun
jump: ebim / ebami
swim: ralan
walk: krum / krami
fly: lav
talk: mespa
move: terba
play (game): remar
play (music sport etc…): remina
eat: rohn / rohnah
watch: deban
see: taka
look (for): kehren / kehrani
look (see): taka
find: vorat
lose: tarov / taravi
drop: marak
go: enid / enad
stop: torran
give: nedar
stay: mistah
buy: addranor /addrahnor
like: ima
want: terva
to have to: malta listen/hear: merrias / merrahs to know: destra pay: ellisa
to have the opinion that (to think): dertra
think: tedrios / tedrahs
wake up: evoba
make (something to happen): selra
make (create): ardo / ardu
win: mald / malahd
lose: sert / seraht
to swear: kilnet
live: mulra
happen: selor / selari
read: sedrit / sedrati
receive: lersa
hope: mardo
write: lunda
erase: belundra
arrive: peba
leave: nalsta
buy: terin / terani
sell: nilra
ask: unsin / ursani
explode: pada
open: relinra
close: mada
inhabit(live at) setira
answer/respond: hadal
to have pain: kudinla
to exist: tridel
believe: inva
to take for granted: torvim
to be impressed: velant
to kill: tileda
to help: temak
to dream/sleep: dalinstra
to fight/go to war: davul
to love: andral
to commit genocide: andrilenra
to use sarcasm: salikrah / salikrahna
to go to sleep: teristra
to wake up: antaltra
kidnap: talakra
to steal what is rightfully yours: aliktra
to steal: taldra (softer word)
to steal: amitra (heavier word)
to copy documents: tenartra
to do work: mavinra
to do one's job: alhanra
to come / arrive: tidira
to leave: tilianrato restrain/hold back: viledrah / vilehdrahna
to wash: nadilra
to be jealous of: hasinrah / hasinrahna
to sleep: selarkra
to kiss: sranikra
to obsess over: tarivra
to have sex: tilek
to bite (the neck of another person): soltikra
to write: daltra
to try: anod
to lead: trarova
to wait: mepalra
to duplicate (or breed): tanara
These are words that can only be used as nouns. Note, nouns can have a possessive pronoun attached, and still qualify as a single element in the basic sentence order. When listing multiple items, pluralization is done with '-in', however is you specify an amount (via a clause at the end of the word), pluralization is not used. On the other hand, some words (trin = eyes) represent multiple objects. If you wish to specify one of the object, you must declare 'uk trin mu'.
E ena ohid tretin taldra: I am stealing your diamonds.
civilization: sadrilad
consciousness: taltrin
branch/wing: skerahl
school: trival
pecnil: dunnar
pen: sila
book: mentar
male person: navil
female person: ralen
undefined person: skasa
sibling: nelta
parent: tralikk (note the double k, which is pronounced as /g/.)
son/daughter: telarn
aunt/uncle (by blood): kivri
aunt/uncle (by marriage): terba
spouse: atrilik (note, atrilik is also the word for ocean freighter)
grandparent: taralikk
grandchild: talorn
guard/police/soldier: vetaka
merchant: rakesa
carpenter: telsid
Body parts:
head: leti
face: nilik
hair: tarv
ears: karis
eyes: trin
nose: delit
mouth: eltin
chin: tiri
forehead: aldun
teeth: srinl
tongue: tarad
throat: mant
neck: alisk
body: dava
shoulders: mita
front (chest): kseliv
breasts: treliv
somach: veris
arm: denal
hand: tersk
fingers: murl
waist: sepa
legs: patav
feet: vebar
toes: tilisa
genitals: terilis (vaskar, more informal)
freckles: tarsk
bone: taver
pig: arsida
chicken: bevare
cow: nusp
bird: trelara
fish: ansi
dog: mepsa
cat: serriv
wild cat: butraserriv
wild dog: butramepsa
sheep: telip
human being: lata
spider: takrak
horse: etranor
mokuhr: house (the word alone implies that it is the house of the speaker. Specify otherwise if it is not)
edimokuhr: mansion or other large house
emistkur: country or farmhouse
mok: shack
karpenmokuhr: government or administrative building or corporate headquarters
mekurmok: guildhouse, or other artisanal building, such as an art gallery, or museum, or library.
kesila: store
vhelnid: skyscraper
edikesila: large mall
ebrimkesila: outdoor mall/village
protarmokuhr: smithy/blacksmith house (literally: metalhouse)
stables: etramokuhr
level (as in a building): elitar
door: esinar
window: telba
wall: erta
floor: tellan
ceiling: serias
roof: vanti
stairs: kesa
room: tesa
chair: larb
couch: edilarb
ottoman: setri
coffee table: ebil
shelf: dersi
carpet: lerran
table: nadra
bed: mesio
wardrobe: asiona
bedroom: mesiotesa
kitchen: sourrintesa (sourrin: water)
atrium: esinartesa
counter: sourrinnadra
basement: sekota
Places (natural)
ebrim: small village
kodure: larger village
masta: town
hirs: city
atro: harbour
mortro: forest (temperate)
espoor: desert
netar: swamp
ektobrin: badlands/wastelands
lonnun: hills
patur: mountains
detrios: ocean
patar: sea
trios: lake, pond
inkor: cove, inlet, or river
dorp: cape, peninsula
edbar: grassland
mensar: landmass (island or continent)
brink: fort
darbrink: fortress
marous: stronghold
hedross: river (fast moving)
ross: creak
istiar: coastline, shore
mekrum: valley
katrum: jungle
kern: land, solid ground, territory
emistkern: farmland
air: sodris
water: sourrin
earth: tellan
dirt: abersa
rock: evorrim
grass: abersalerram
plant: abeda
fire: sokari
sand: ebasas
wood: norrid
glass: ediebasas
metal: protar
iron: rebed
titanium: edorta
copper: terius
zinc: redius
lead: baram
brass: terred
bronze: terlad
alloy: protarprotar
gold: sevretna
silver: kesarn
plastic: berkul
rubber: drettil
food: munda
bread: uskan
sandwich: uskanmar
loaf (of bread): treva
wheat: klevar
meat: susar
pig (meat): teskl
fish (meat): ansi
beef: nusp
chicken: bevar
fruit: sellara
apple: emara
orange: mekuta
grape: nebar
berry: inkasa
blueberry: inarinkasa
strawberry: berdoinkasa
blackberry: dortinkasa
melon: sutar
pumpkin: barvasutar
watermelon: sourrinsutar
beer: metasor
wine: undel
juice: skran
potato: tinkar
carrot: dinok
sugar: satomik
mushroom: itorik
disease/sickness: velit
magic: teldra
death (noun): staksa
Street/path: dubar
motor vehicle: edif
small sail boat: matar
large pleasurecraft: rusan
navy ship (destroyer): inarsanra
large cargo ship:atrilik
battleship: thallok
passenger liner: otrelik
See a translation of the periodic table of elements into Dzarian here
coal: saltar (lit: carbon)
friend: endo
enemy: ikaman
kingdom (monarchy): hedla
empire (implied authoritarianism): pilad
nation/republic/territory (non hereditary leadership): vodri
nighttime: tawn morning: mok
afternoon: lost
evening: mutta
early morning: evendrin
question/problem/crisis: vitella
answer/response: hadel
stuff/things: setadda
light source: tenoris
greater being (ghost, angel, god, devil, demon, Nicolas Cage, etc...): tera
death: staksa infiniti: tarak
universe: so (same word is also a common pronoun)
energy: tolar
Professions (note: The following can be used either as nouns, or as verbs meaning 'to be employed as said word')
Farmer: kolusik
fisherman: teldrakkal
miner: molvinar
logger: plekik
self employed merchant: sekilik
store merchant: moralk
grocer: telhad
baker: ladim
butcher: elakra
herbalist: ekratil
doctor (medical care): elisikil
pharmacist (drug/medicine trader): toredad
carpenter: telsid
blacksmith/tinkerer/engineer: taralan tailor: elanat
stonemason: talad
writer: torilin
office worker (any office job): kiselin
king: soral
president (/ prime minister/magistrate (non hereditary)): saroka
advisor/senator/cabinet: teldra
ambassador: kotarad
parliament member: talidar
Server specific nouns
language: kistelpa
use of language (vocabulary, grammar, etc...): kitelda
toki pona: uk kistelpa menl
esperanto: sparanit
Tokianto: uk sparan menl
Lizza: lidsa
creeper: uk skasa runk
zombie: uk skasa staksa
skeleton: uk skasa taver
spider: takrak
cave spider: uk takrak menl (or uk takrak inar)
Telling the Time
The word 'time' in Dzarian is 'kut', this word is a noun, and can be implemented to sentences as such.
Oma kut?: How is the time? / What time is it?
Kor kut?: What is the time?
Kor oh kut tidira?: What time are you arriving?
day: torhit
night: relas
dusk: amit
dawn: akliv
day (as in a full rotation of the Earth): talad
year: tilrad
Earlier/ago: trepkut
later/in the future: solpkut
I went there earlier: E ena ebbet uk enid trepkut
90min: derak
9mins: tralik
54sec: tarik
(note: there are 16 of 'derak' in an Earth day)
I'll be there in an hour: e ena ebbet uk kam er tralik
I'll be there in 45 mins: e ena ebbet uk kam daltdo derak
weather: Kaloris
Sunny: trena
rainy: selin
cloudy: hosin
lightning: menl
thunder: tiven
hail: ebra
snow: kelt
wind: bred
storm: telderis
blizzard: edikelt
drought: mesil
flood: vebin
How is the weather?: Oma kaloris?
It is sunny: Ena trena
It rained today: Uk enep trena tarikut
to go: enid
to stop: torran
to turn: sel:
to turn right: melvar
to turn left: bos
(right and left can be used as either nouns or verbs)
north: nodro
east: esla
south: sordin
west: olma
slow: ven
medium speed: sehot
fast: melian
Turn right: Melvarit; Oh selrit kam melvar; Oh selit kam melvar
Go north: Nodrit; Oh enid kam nodrit
I can see you: E mer oh taka
I want to see you: E terva oh taka
You are like a fish: Oh ena ansi tilok / Oh tilok ansi ena (both are identical in meaning)
You eat like a dog: Oh tilok mepsa rohn
Your house: Ohid mokuhr / uk mokuhr oh (the latter being more formal)
away from: sivorb (lit: without)
therefore: You are leaving me: Oh ena e nalsta / Oh ena sivorb nalsta
The cat my sister brought home:
Serriv lersep nelta uk temak kam mokuhr (temak means to help, but by specifying a location, it means to bring back/save)
However, the sentence can also be translated: Uk serriv nelta ena mokuhr taldrep
The man you think I love is in Madna:
Uk skasa ena Madna kam oh dertra sorla e ima.
Pronunciation Help
Hey: /rʌ/
Hi: /sʊra/
Hello: /ədɪːsʌra/
thank you: /kær/
Sorry: /tʌrədi/
Please: /kʌnar/
1s: /iː/
1p: /ɔs/
2s: /ɔː/
2p: /ɔr/
3s: /ɪ̆n/
3s: /sɔ̆/
3s: /taː/
3p: /ɛ.tr/
to be: /ʌːnə/
to have: /rəʋɪd/
to need: /næltæ/
to want: /tərva/
to go: /ʌːnɪd/
Some words in Dzarian have anomalous sounds/letter combinations which only appear in a few words in the entire language, or otherwise are not recognized as official sounds in the language. Sone anomalous are:
to have: /rəʋɪd/ ( /ʋ/ is the anomaly)
water: /sorɪn/ ( /o/ is the anomaly)
small: /mɛnl/ (/nl/ is the anomaly)
to be loyal: /sɪgəlɘk/ ( /g/ is the anomaly)
The most common verb ending is /ræ/. Some verbs with this ending include:
to obsess over: /tɶrɘvræ/
to restrain or hold back: /vɘlʌːdræ/
to dream: /dalɪnstræ/
Notice how vowels in the middle of words tend to become slightly more centralized, whereas vowels at the end of the word do not.