Cortesia Del Mar (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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(This is WORK IN PROGRESS. It has yet to be passed by other Cortesians. Do NOT treat it as a finished work. Anyway, I wrote Cortesian geography.)
(This is WORK IN PROGRESS. It has yet to be passed by other Cortesians. Do NOT treat it as a finished work. Anyway, I wrote the rest of the stuff.)
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==Politics and Government==
==Politics and Government==
The so-called Republic of Cortesia Del Mar is currently run by a "transitionary oligarchy" consisting of IceCarim, BrickWall_Gaming, and yodabird19. This trio, in tandem with the Republic's citizens, are working on the nation's intricate and corruption-proofed Constitution. This section will be expanded when Cortesia has a more complex government to speak of.

==Public Infrastructure==
==Public Infrastructure==

Cortesia Del Mar has, as can be seen in its claim image (shown in the "Geography" section), established rails for its city of New Sol connecting to the [[Entranan Transcontinental Express]] and [[Monterrey|Barcelona]]. These are open to the public, and can be found at approximately where they appear in the aforementioned claim image.


===Inside Jokes===
"Halfbreed master" / "GLHF go die in a fire halfbreed" - Insults directed by Zhuge at IceCarim during the April 1st revolution

"Don't come crawling back" - Removed secretariat member's "final warning" to Cortesia

"Regen moment" - Reference to despised MCAtlas "world regeneration" plugin which effectively griefed terrain

yodabird19's birthday - Jokes about and guesses at Vice President yodabird19's un-revealed birthday

epic_man_9 - Immature, overambitious leader of Exerticus on StarLegacy

yodabird19's PvP arena - An unapproved project undertaken by yodabird19 on RebirthCraft that got him demoted

"dntprtctsa" - Comical shortening of oft-repeated meaningless promise by ex-Cortesian "pirates" (griefers) not to pirate Cortesia on StarLegacy

"Insula Chan" / "Ina" - Anime girl based on Atlas nation Insula, drawn by concerningly adept resident artist

"rail gang" - Catchphrase of Atlas rail project (AIRP)

Cortesia Del Mar is several months older than CivClassics, despite being a newfriend nation on the server.

A majority of Cortesia's transitionary oligarchy lives in the Southern Hemisphere.

Nobody has ever heard Vice President yodabird19's voice.

Cortesia's city of New Sol was once a self-governing city-state.
