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== Lannigrad (Lan) ==
A commune founded on 17 March, 2021 by [[Lanni]]. Lannigrad's territory is comprised entirely of former Little Leningrad land, and thus it is situated with Little Leningrad to the north and west, and Little Unitas to the south and east. All available land in the commune was developed between April and JuneMay of 2021, making it the most densely developed & most heavily paved commune in the Confederacy by percentage of land utilized, though it is also the smallest commune by a considerable margin. The building style is odd, but aims to convey a sense of unease, eyes are a prevalent feature, as an homage to the Overseer. Lannigrad currently houses the 8th tallest building in the Confederacy, the Lannigrad Administrative Building. The LAB is the de facto capitol building & administrative center of Lannigrad. Other structures present are Lanni's personal residence, Overseer Circle, the Red Park, and an as-of-yet unnamed buildingothers.
The Ministry of Socialist Cartography, founded 131 JuneMay, 2021, has its headquarters in the Lannigrad Administrative Building. The Ministry's purposecreates isand publishes up-to design-date and publish educationaldetailed maps of thevarious worldregions forof the international proletariatworld.
== Little Stonewall (LStw) ==