Communist Republic of Rostov

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National Colors of the State

Коммунистическая Республика Ростов [The Communist Republic of Rostov] is a relatively medium sized city-state located in the +, - hemisphere. It is mostly know for its complex form of government, isolated nature, and industry focused economy. While it is a relatively new nation, it is growing at an accelerated rate, with new members gaining citizenship at the approval of the Department of Domestic State.

The name of the state is from its slavic nature and location in the north east. This is as well, reflected in that the official language of the Communist Republic of Rostov is Russian.

The State Government of Коммунистическая Республика Ростов derived main inspiration from the governing form of Союз Советских Социалистических Республик [The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.] It is composed of three major bodies: the Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary, all of which are obligated to govern according to Конституция коммунистической республики ростов [The Constitution.]

Geography of the CRoR

Territorial Map of the State

Consists of three main land masses including: Столичный остров [The Capital Island] Великая Родина [The Grand Motherland] and Народный остров [The People's Island.]