CivcraftImport:Whitedog farm

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Whitedog FarmFarming Town
File:/whitedogfields.jpg <wrap lo><Whitedog's expansive wheat fields during the settlement's Golden Age></wrap>
Local Languages English
Establishment October 2012
Population 20 - 30
Abbreviation WF
Location -,+


Whitedog Farm

Whitedog Farm is a settlement situated in the -,+ region. During the time of the HCF Invasion in 2012, it was a bustling community focused on the production of food for the war effort. Due to severe griefing and the gradual decline of active citizens, the settlement was abandoned for over 3 months.

As of the 20th of April 2013, many of Whitedog's inhabitants have returned.


The city was originally a single house, built by Ikkle. He named it after a tamed wolf which lived on the beach nearby, which he terraformed himself. In all respects, Ikkle is the forefather of what is now Whitedog Farm.

Months later, in December 2012, DonutCat117 and Xataz were looking for food on their travels. They came across Surinade and HDauven, who gave them bread in return for tending to a small field containing wheat, melons, sugarcane and pumpkins.

After fully cultivating the field, setting their spawns and mining, the farm started to attract new members. ThePieMan arrived, soon followed by many others. A skeleton grinder was set up, which allowed for bonemeal and more food. The farm became involved in some relief efforts, via PITBEAST.

After a few minor griefings, HDauven, the accepted leader of the town, was forced to hold elections after Xataz became worried about the safety of citizens. Whitedog's first Meyor, ThePieMan, was elected. The position of Meyor was an honorary post which served to reassure the populace and elections for it were held every two weeks. It was widely agreed upon that the Meyor would have no real power.

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// ThePieMan, First Meyor of Whitedog Farm //


After a third round of minor griefings, and stale politics in the area, Xataz and Zatax decided to "go on holiday", when in fact they had moved to Buenos Aires and became Yugoslavs. The underground network project was shifted to ThePieMan. Soon afterwards, an extreme griefing hit the town, the fields were trampled, entire buildings were destroyed and many of the remaining inhabitants left the server.

As of April 2013, many of Whitedog's former citizens have returned to rebuild, reinforce and tend to the farm's many crop fields once again.

Landmarks and Surroundings

Whitedog lies on flat grasslands, making it ideal for farming and animal husbandry. In the first weeks of the settlement's existance, the populace excitedly built around the central wheat field, resulting in a circular sprawl of houses protecting the livelihood of the town.

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File:/2013-04-24 17.34.39.png
// The preserved and redeveloped wheat field, April 2013 //


Despite the sparce ore distribution of the area, a labyrinthine tunnel network and mine was carved out under Whitedog. A surprising yield of coal and iron was extracted frequently, but fewer diamonds were found. This expansive space was to be developed into an underground home for the farmers, but the project was never completed.

Following the news of the HCF Invasion, a tall watchtower was built to provide archers with a bird's eye view of the surrounding area. Holes in the walls allowed the bowmen to let off arrows without being shot themselves.

A dock was built on the coast to provide travellers with a place to dock their boats.

The open-roofed animal pens next to the central wheat field kept cows, sheep of every wool colour, chickens and pigs. Famine was never a problem in Whitedog Farm and all who lived there ate well.

The coastal areas near Whitedog are packed with clay, which was used primarily during the rebuilding of the town in April 2013.


Whitedog Farm has strong connections with the local people in the remote countryside. Food is its main export, along with animals, bows and arrows, building stone and iron. A trade office was under construction at the time of the massive griefing which devasated the town.

Much of the trading takes place far from the farm, lest the wealth of animals and other valuable commodities in the town be noticed by bandits and 'unsavoury types'. It was for this same reason that Whitedog was never connected to the overworld or nether roads.

Notable Residents

  1. DonutCat117
  2. Xataz (Village Idiot)
  3. Zatax (Caaaaaaaaaaarl)
  4. HDauven (Meyor the Second)
  5. Pozole_Rojo (The Insane Bandit)
  6. ThePieMan (Meyor the First)
  7. Surinade (of the Signs)
  8. Thorgon (The Ok-sayer)