<WRAP right 350px>

** tehaleks

<wrap lo>Queen Tentacle Pornatrix</wrap>// **//

http://i.imgur.com/bSWIYqa.png <wrap lo>tehaleks in all her glory!</wrap>
Residence Breslau
Languages English, French (a little)
Ethnicity Tentacle Mother
Joined 12/14/2012


tehaleks spends most of her time derping around and harassing people with tentacle porn on mumble. She doesn't really do anything else.

Civcraft 1.0

At the start in December 2012, she lived in Melona, Belwyn, and Sayvard. Shortly after she met newbie NJpalms and they traveled to Danzig and Nine. In Danzig she met her fiance, bigshothobo, and moved in with him in Danzig, also building a vacation home in Tux City. He abandoned her shortly after this, leaving her heart broken.

Shortly after she moved with Theodius, NJpalms, and Makanla to Danzilona, to create the infamous Beverly Hill Cops, but she will always consider herself a Prussian at heart, finding most fun in the game hanging out with the Prussians on mumble because they are super cool as fuck and dbb has a sexy voice.

After Danzilona was leveled by a few HCF dudes, they, tehaleks included, moved to Myra. tehaleks also started building a home in Bay City which was not finished before the end of the map.

Titled "Queen of the World" at that time, many residents of Myra enjoyed a fun game of "kill the Queen" in which players (most notably Cliffnerd) fought to find the most creative ways to murder her. She turned off Theodius' lamps a lot and built a giant jizzing penis on Teajizzle's famous bedrock-altered plot.

The first griefers she pearled were Mine_Hero07 and U_R_FUMING.

Civcraft 2.0

This time around she plays a major part in the build and growth of Bryn, and has participated on many drunken raids on Aurora and the vault of a few banned VPNing players. Many poor decisions have been made thus far and many more have yet to come, because she is an alcoholic.

She began an almost-daily paper for Bryn, The Bryn Chronicles, until vacation. She returned home in the midst of MrGerbic's descent into madness and crime, and could no longer defend the person she once considered a friend. In MrGerbic's breakdown he removed her from Bryn citadel groups and the subreddits, effectively removing her from the city.

Frantically searching refuge from that dramabomb, her old friends the Prussians welcomed her home. Breslau will be the new home for the revival of the Civcraft Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CSPCA), for which tehaleks is the founder and CEO, and the brand new Tentacle Romance publishing company.

Famous quotes:

  • "I'm gonna put it in your butt."
  • "Poop."
  • "Diarrhea."
  • "Butts."