CivcraftImport:Cities2/new covenant

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New Covenant...
Part of the Metropolis region
Local Languages English
Demonyn <demonym>
Leader None
Establishment May 2013
Population ~15
Abbreviation NC
Location -750,-13879


New Covenant

New Covenant is a Christian anarchist town in the Metropolis. Its members ideologically vary, including anarcho-capitalists, anarcho-communists, and those in-between. New Covenant's economy is market anarchist or voluntaryist, with several cooperatives and ambitious enterprises. Most if not all of New Covenant's members are Christian, and the town has no denomination outside of Christian. Individual residents, however, do adhere to a variety of denominations; there are baptists, calvinists, universalists, catholics, and more.


New Covenant was founded in the early days of Civcraft 2.0, as the Metropolis region was claimed. The town has grown slowly since then, withstanding a number of attacks and gaining more residents. New Covenant has avoided the fate of much of the rest of the Metropolis and is now the most active city, and arguably the last remaining settlement in the region with any activity.

Landmarks and Surroundings

The center of New Covenant is a small church, complete with pews, outside of which is a Free Bread chest, reflective of the compassionate nature and aims of the residents. To the west of New Covenant is the small outpost known locally as Cliffside, overlooking a large wheat farm.


Internally, New Covenant is sustained by multiple public farms, mainly producing wheat, cows, and potatoes. Externally, New Covenant exports wood to nearby towns. The forest biome location allows it to sustain rapidly-growing tree farms.

New Covenant is also home to multiple businesses, including City Construction Company, which has built roads for New Covenant and the surrounding Metropolis, and Lysander Spooner Parcel Service of New Covenant, which provides postal services to the city.