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<WRAP right 310px>

Wismar"Capital of Mecklenburg"
mecklenburg_flag.png <wrap lo>Flag of Mecklenburg</wrap>
mecklenburg_coa.png <wrap lo>Mecklenburg Coat of Arms</wrap>
Anthem: Das Mecklenburglied
A Town of The Kingdom of Prussia
Local Languages German, English
Demonyn Mecklenburgian, Prussian
Leader Herzog Gotter I von Mecklenburg
Government Absolute Duchy, subject to the Prussian Crown
Establishment 3 September 2014
Abbreviation WSM, MKB



Wismar is a small Prussian town with a very strict building order; traditional, labor-oriented culture; and strong political influence for its size. Its location is not given directly, but it welcomes players who are visiting Breslau or happen to be passing through the region as long as they keep the town a secret. It is planned to be fully revealed in the spring or summer.

Wismar, Mecklenburg, and the Duchy

The full, proper names of the three elements are Stadt Wismar ("The Town of Wismar"), Mecklenburg (the territory/province/region), and Herzogtum Mecklenburg ("The Duchy of Mecklenburg", the Fief and local government), respectively. The three names are commonly used interchangeably since they all overlap each other. The only city in Mecklenburg is Wismar, thus Wismar by default covers the entire territory, and the Duke controls the territory. However, they are separate entities and will not entirely overlap should one element expand. For example, the Duke of Mecklenburg could inherit another territory.


Originally conceived as an idea by Gotterdammer, the founder of Mecklenburg, in the winter and spring months of 2014 as a response to escape from the urban city of Breslau, he settled the area with a small house and a field of wheat in the early summer. Though working sporadically, the settlement grew to meet the standards of a Prussian Fief. At the time of its incorporation as a Fief on the 3rd of September, the town had a house, a storage barn, several fields, a quarry, and the foundation of the chapel. Gotter was the only player working on the settlement since he wanted to keep total control over the project to achieve his goal of creating a picturesque rural German town.

Over the course of the following months, Wismar expanded to several buildings, including a town hall. A change of ideas took place with the construction of a fortified wall around the two hill tops that the buildings were on, turning the aim of a rural settlement into a hanseatic-styled brick gothic town. Around this time, the Kleinherzogtum ("Little Duchy") became a Herzogtum ("Duchy") due to its significant presence not only physically along the Prussian coast, but also politically due to its extensive involvement in the Holy Krautchan Empire including the ascention of the Duke of Mecklenburg to Emperor of the HKE.

In late December, Wismar and its surrounding fields were lightly griefed by a rouge player who unlawfully settled further up the Memel river. The player agreed to leave the region and no further damage was done.

Landmarks and Surroundings

Mecklenburg covers an area about the size of Breslau on the southeastern edge of the Baltic, which stretches east of Breslau. It is about 80% plains, 10% beaches, and 10% ocean biome, making it ideal for growing a variety of crops and raising animals. In every direction, plains are to be found, but with Baltic Sea to the north, and the Prussian Ore Mountains far to the east.

Future plans include improving the shoreline of the region to become a getaway location for tourists.

Landmarks, built and planned, include:

  * The //Wismarsche Kapelle// - The local chapel for the t faithful (built)
  * The //Rathaus von Wismar// - The town hall of Wismar, seat and storage for the town government (built)
  * The //Palast von Mecklenburg// - The elegant palace for the Duke of Mecklenburg, throne of the duchy (planned)
  * The //Mecklenburgische Heide// - The lovely fields spreading over the Mecklenburg landscape, the main source of income for its inhabitants (built, WIP)
  * The Flower Polders - Replacing some beaches along the coast, the flower polders offer a lovely getaway for city dwellers (built)


Mecklenburg's greatest products are wheat, seeds, carrots, and potatoes from its expansive fields. A stripmine quarry is also in operation, producing both gravel and stone for the region, which is largely used to build roads and paths.

The only materials that are commonly imported are brick, smooth stone if needed in large quantities, and spruce wood due to the lack of of expansive underground mining, veins, and correct biome for spruce in the region. The construction and planting of a small logging forest was successful and now supplies Mecklenburg with all its oak and birch needs. Imports are financed through loans from the central Prussian storage and through the Duke's own fortune from his business, Baukunst.

Tourism is planned to become the largest sector of the Mecklenburgian economy once the town and heide are fully completed. Players will be able to rent houses in both the town and countryside to get away from the drama and business of Civcraft, and relax along the lovely Mecklenburgian coast. Mecklenburg will hopefully be complete and tourism-ready by summer 2015.