

The Colony of Uluru is the furthest western and least developed of the Balkanian colonies.

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Uluru'Колонија Улуру <wrap lo>Flag of Uluru</wrap> <wrap lo>Coat of Arms of the Colony of Uluru</wrap>
Country File:Http:// National Republic of Balkania
Official Languages English, Serbian
Local Government Colonial Governorate
Leadership Governor DoLLaZ
Established 17 June 2015
Population No permanent inhabitants
Location -5890, -11700



Uluru was purchased for the sum of 35d and a single chest of BBP Potions on from the Empire of Senntisten by the Independent State of Balkania in mid-June 2015. The deal can be read here.


Uluru is a desert, divided into a raised plateau and a flat area dotted with small oases beneath.


Uluru is nearly entirely undeveloped as of now, but in the future is planned to be a major exporter of netherwart and cactus. It has a rail line to New Serbia.