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<WRAP right 500px>

RomaCapital of the S.P.Q.R.
Capital City
Motto "No Greater Friend, No Worse Enemy"
Government Type Republic
Constitution August 26, 2014
Date Established October 2013
Population ~50 registered primary citizen residents

Census: 2/19/2015

Culture Latin
Location -11,500, -8,500
Affiliations: S.P.Q.R.


City Plan August 2014
Public Subreddit /r/CivcraftRoma
Private Subreddit /r/CivcraftSPQR


City of Roma

Roma is a medium-large city in the deep -,-, it is the capital of the S.P.Q.R. The city was founded in the Winter of 2013-14 as the new Capital for the S.P.Q.R. after the fall of Solis. The center of the city is located on a peninsula that is encircled by a river creating an almost complete island. The city center is adjacent to Taigia and Jungle Biomes.

The city is built to be Romanesque in architecture and layout.


The Government of Roma doubles as a local city government, and as the national government for the entirety of the S.P.Q.R. It is a mixed-republic, made up of various elements, monarchical, oligarchical, and democratic.

The organization of the government is divided between Executive Magistrates and several Legislatures.

Executive Magistrates:

  • Emperor Mark_Antony

Roman Senators:

  • Senator Tullius_Cicero - Central Roma
  • Senator Flyingmeatballs // - West Roma//
  • Senator Herbieversmells // - East Roma//
  • Senator Fernum - Brynley

Citizens in the Comitia Tributa:

All Principes class Roman citizens are by right members in the Comitia Tributa.

District and Neighborhoods

<WRAP right 650px> Roma City Plan As of August 20, 2014 Full Resolution of Image Link. </WRAP>

Capitolinus - // The Northern half of theCentral Roma Island. This is where the larger government buildings, state monuments, and functional facilities are located. It is the oldest part of the city; this is where the rail hub is.//

Palantinus - // A mixture of residencies and state controlled builds. This is the oldest residential area in the city, many of the residences are historic.//

Caelius - Commonly called East Roma, it is the most populous residential district in the city where some of the most prominent citizens live and work. It is built around an old NPC village. This area is also where the Colosseum is located.

Aventinus - Commonly referred to as West Roma. This is where the Jungle Estates are located, middle-class housing built up on the jungle bluffs overlooking the capital from the west side of the river.

Golden Terraces - Technically part of the Aventine District, this is the public farming District straddling the boundary between the Jungle and Taiga biomes. It is the oldest agricultural area in the city.

Quirinalis - Commonly referred to as the Northern Village, it is a rustic residential area of scattered houses in the Snowy Taiga area north of the Capitol island. The central feature of the district is the large Weirwood, but the district also houses the popular Spleef Arena, the Northern Lodge, and historic farmsteads that predate the city.

Esquilinus - Located to the Northeast of Roma, this is the Newest planned neighborhood expansion to be laid out like a modern grid. Former home to the planned bot farms.

Viminalis - Located to the Northeast of the Colosseum and East of the Esquiline, this is an area for future development.

Nearby Territories

Campania - Nearby plains separating the Latium Plains of Roma and Terminus.

Syracusae - Island fortress town built by _Boa_ to the south of Roma. Marks one of the southern most points outside of the city that has been improved. It is planned for future organization and settlement at a future date.

Brynley Jungle Outpost - The New Brynley Jungle outpost was once an active farming complex owned by New Brynley. It is now largely historical as the Golden Terraces and other resource colonies have replaced its original function. It lies near the mouth of the great river Tibris, that flows through Roma.

Cerabruul - Serabruul is a large estate owned by Koorban and Vipsanius. Koorban plans to develop this into a future town once the basic structures are complete. It lies between Roma and New Brynley.

Wolfswood - Discovered by Roma citizens, the Wolfswood mine was once a booming industrial center where Romans pulled hundreds of diamonds from the ground. Now the mine is mostly abandoned, but the old mining camp remains. It was built along the horse road to New Brynley.

Goblin Mountain - Goblin Mountain is one of the highest peaks on the server. At its base is an NPC village built into the side of the mountain. Goblin Mountain was built up and named by settlers that predate Roma's movement into the area. It was annexed in May along with most of the other surrounding areas.

Lothlorien - Lothrlorien was a small town that was established to the north of Roma sometime after Roma was established in the region. The town never took off and now lies abandoned. The town was declared a historic site in May and annexed for preservation.

Tora Bora - Between Roma and New Brynley there is a vast expanse of rough mountainous terrain that is uninhabited. The region was used to gain access to the Latin Plains by the griefer Jonouchiha during his raids on Roma, and a lot of the counter-griefer operations took place in this area. Here was found some of the griefer stashes and other traces of activity that were suspected to be the work of griefers.

Carthage Port - South of West Brynley, there is a port that connects the Brynley River to a large bay area that opens into the southern oceans. MarkRWells founded Carthage Port and has done most of the work there, an ongoing project.

Prominent Religions

Roman Polytheism - Faith in the Ancient Gods of Rome, headed by the Pontifex Maximus

Imperial Cult - The worship of the divine Augustus, headed by the Pontifex Maximus

The Old Gods - Faith in the Old Gods of Westeros


State Capitalism, Free-Market Capitalism, Communal Tendencies.

Businesses and Organizations

In the S.P.Q.R. There are a number of organizations that have been created at various points, both private and public. Here is a list of some of those organizations.


  • Flyingdust Insurance - A Private Organization Founded by Flyingmeatballs and polaritydust that sells property and theft insurance to Roman citizens on a monthly basis.
  • Labor Exchange - A privately organized and funded, non-profit, tools exchange established by Nebiz that sells at-cost tools and items to the S.P.Q.R. and its allies.
  • O.G.O.M. - Organization led by herbie that specializes in XP to be sold below market value to Roman citizens and for-profit to foreigners.
  • S.R.U. - A formerly prominent, now disbanded, group of Roman citizens that specialized in animal husbandry, particularly the breeding and selling of horses.
  • Knights of St John - (K.O.S.J.) - //Formerly known as the T.N.R. (The New Republic), the K.O.S.J. was a knightly order established in Solis to be a builders guild. When the Consul Poopdish confiscated their properties in Solis, many left, but a few have remained on Civcraft and loyal to the S.P.Q.R.//


  • S.P.Q.R. Logging Company - Silianat's Logging Company, specializing in Sugar Cane and Lumber Exports.
  • Builders Exchange - State funded and operated supplies exchange in the Founders Square of Roma.


  • Legio I Praetoria - First Legion raised by Emperor Silianat to support the Catholic Crusades against Aytos, subsequently disbanded after the Catholic victory.

Prominent Buildings

Great Temple to Jupiter Optimus Maximus

Temple to Fortuna


Imperial Palace

The Great Lodge

Notable Events In Roman History

Roma Founded - October 2013

Silianat Proclaimed Emperor - January 2014

Athens joins S.P.Q.R. - April 2014

Roma supports Orion in the Cuban Conflict - May 2014

New Brynley joins S.P.Q.R. - June 2014

Roman Legionnaires secede to found Sparta - July 2014

Mark_Antony Proclaimed Emperor - July 2014

Restoration of the Republic - August 2014


Roma became the new planned capital for the S.P.Q.R. after the split and abandonment of Solis, the former capital, in October of 2013. Ground was broken in Roma in December of 2013.

The initial founders of Roma were Silianat, Mark_Antony, Varkanos, Gielnorian, and ITIDeathGod, the Roman refugees from Solis. The city of New Brynley was generous to the Romans in the exile, offering them a refuge while they explored the deep -,- was mapped for a suitable city location. In the early days of the city development was difficult. Fk_54 and the city of Terminus, an established and industrialized city, offered great help to the Romans that was invaluable in the early days of the city.

In the early days of the city, the Consuls proclaimed Silianat Emperor and accepted his Imperial reorganization of the government of the city.

The first wave of citizens to come to Roma in February were former S.P.Q.R. citizens who had faded away during the decline of Solis, namely the remnants of House Baenre under Jupiter_Maximus, and the S.R.U. of Wadefrakers and Herromongorians. While the city grew, it suffered under a terrible set of raids carried out by Jonouchiha, but the city continued to grow.

Along the way, several more groups of citizens joined Roma. The contributions of the Auralian Clan were among the greatest. While adventuring around the desert colony of Gippos, Mark_Antony stumbled upon and gave aid to Sir_Grettir, who founded Athens as a member of the S.P.Q.R. at the end of April.

Roma supported Orion and contributed soldiers to fight alongside Orionite forces during the Cuban crisis.

Most recently, most of the 1st Legion soldiers seceded from Roma and removed themselves out of the S.P.Q.R. to establish Sparta. After an initial escalation that nearly led to war, both cities now share friendly relations.

After a period of reorganization following the Spartan Secession, Roma moved to restore a more republican form of government, after weeks of discussions the planning culminated with the implementation of the reformed republican constitution, where 2 Consuls would rule over the state in the place of the Emperor.