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Minas MinasCity of Gondolin
City State
Nation Gondolin
Government Constitutional Monarchy (predates 2.0)
Organization 12 physical districts
Leader King Masterful921, 12 House Lords
Founder berge403
Establishment May 19, 2013
Local Languages English, Noldorin Quenya
Demonyn Gondolindrim
Population 250 Homesteaders (alleged)
Location -2917, -14714
Abbreviation Minas, MM
City Plan Original
Subreddit /r/MinasMinas
Affiliations Gondolin, Metropolis


Minas Minas

Minas Minas is an inactive city and mega-construction project on the far norther world border in Metropolis. It is the capital and sole city of the Kingdom of Gondolin, a constitutional federated monarchy led by King Masterful921. Minas was planned and surveyed in the first days of 2.0 as a planned city and keystone project for the Metropolis region. The city is divided into 12 semi-autonomous districts corresponding to the 12 Houses of Gondolin from Middle-earth. The city plans were also inspired by the design of Minas Tirith in The Lord of the Rings, and the Houses were intended to follow a theme related to their name or purpose.


Minas Minas was originally proposed by berge403, then King of Gondolin, in the latter days of 1.0 as an international city on the Minus Minus world border. The name was chosen as a pun; "Minas Minas" roughly translates to "tower of towers" in Sindarin referring to the vertically tiered structure, while it also sounds like the name of the quadrant. A site was dedicated on the ocean and volunteers from around the map came to help, but the server reset was declared before the workers made any serious progress.

Between maps, berge led a plan to reimplement and expand the concept in 2.0 into an international planned region consisting of sovereign cities and shared public land between them as a buffer. This notion became Metropolis, and several cities pledged their participation. Of these, Minas Minas and Solis would be the largest and most central cities, anchoring the regional economy and population.

Surveying of Metropolis and Minas Minas began on re-launch day in May 2013, leading to the choice of location near the north pole. After initially meeting at a base camp in the mid-quadrant, homesteaders flocked to Metropolis and largely settled in a temporary ad hoc town in what is now outer Minas Minas. From there, would-be Minas citizens were allocated to Houses to begin work on the city proper.

After an early rush to clear the land and lay down outlines of the city infrastructure, the project quickly stalled out as the scale of work became evident to the disorganized volunteers and many left for other cities. Raids and isolation led to further attrition as months went on. Some districts fared better than others, but by fall of 2013 all but a few residents had moved on and most of the city was left unbuilt. Around this time berge named Masterful his successor as King.

Several attempts have been made to restart or continue work on various parts of the city, but there has never been enough manpower to see it through.

Landmarks and Surroundings

Minas is situated on a plains biome and backed by the world border in the far northern reaches of Minus Minus. It sits near the midpoint of the Metropolis border, north of New Augusta and Freedom and east of The Settlement. As one of the keystone cities of Metropolis, it has a significantly larger footprint than the other towns except for Solis. The shape and overall structure of Minas is defined by its inner and outer walls, the former creating a shell separating the Inner, Outer, and Upper cities, and the latter surrounding the city as a whole. Districts are further defined by smaller internal walls and connected by highways. None of these major features of Minas have been completed to date, but their outlines and partial structures can be clearly seen.

Major landmarks of the city include:

  • Obsidian Gate, the main entrance to the city through the center of the Outer Wall
  • Outer wall sections, up to 32 blocks high and lined with solid obsidian
  • Minas Minas Vault, the official national vault and focus of a long conflict between Gondolin and Clone2204
  • Harp statue, the symbol of the cultural House of the Harp
  • The Fountain, central landmark of House of the Fountain, featuring a large Christmas Tree
  • Tankbuster Tower, the tallest single building (not counting city superstructure)


Gondolin adopts a strictly voluntaryist (free market capitalist) economic policy, but welcomes and encourages contributions of wealth and labor to public works projects. Such efforts provide public venues, infrastructure, and defenses for the city. The government may also participate in the economy voluntarily, such as establishing marketplaces or selling property. Furthermore groups of individuals are free to engage in other economic systems as long as participation is voluntary. This has led to a more socialist bent in some districts where citizens choose to pool their resources.

Private land ownership within the city is recognized without restriction to residents, provided only that they continue to be present on the server. Being a planned city with discrete borders, land within the city is assumed homesteaded by Gondolin at founding until transferred to another owner. Depending on the district, property may be acquired by grant, sale, or homesteading. Property boundaries are generally defined in 3 dimensions, especially in the Inner and Upper cities where districts are oriented more vertically.

Notable Residents

  • Masterful921 (King, Nov. 2013-)
  • Berge403 (King, May-Nov. 2013)
  • WildWeazel
  • Tankbuster44
  • Clone2204
  • Hobbesandi
  • ShamrockJones
  • StrangerDanger
  • Darcour
  • Nimajneb3
  • DecoyDrone
  • Unitiveshadow
  • Jarp
  • Coltguy97

Twelve Houses/Districts

Upper City

The House of the King

Government administration

The Folk of the White Wing

Royal guard and vault-keepers

The House of the Pillar

Luxury penthouses

The House of the Tower of Snow

Luxury penthouses

Inner City

The House of the Heavenly Arch

Business and trade

The House of the Mole

Civil engineering

The House of the Hammer of Wrath

Factories and crafting

Outer City

The House of the Fountain

Diplomacy and public spaces

The House of the Harp

Culture and history

The House of the Swallow

Militia and arena PvP

The House of the Tree

Forestry and terraforming

The House of the Golden Flower

Farming and XP