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The Isle of Ancoraalso known as Ancora
[[File:/{{ /cities2/ancoramap.png|300px|class=align-right]] <wrap lo>A Map of Ancora (OUTDATED)</wrap>File:/cities2/ancoraflag.png <wrap lo>(Unofficial) Flag of Ancora</wrap>
Subreddit /r/CivcraftAncora
Local Languages English
Demonyn Ancoran
Leader(s) lightning1789(Local) Mickale(National)
Establishment Around the second week of Civcraft 2.0, date unclear
Population 11 official residents (Jan. 9, 2014)
Abbreviation ANC
Location X: -5000 Z: -7200


Brief Description

Ancora is a town settled in -,- and occupies the island under The United Volterran Empire. The island is elevated above water level approx. 100 blocks and the summit is an extreme hills biome where the buildings are located. It has past roots from the Civcraft 1.0 city: New Augusta.


See the Event Log for a brief overview of events.

Ancora was created during the first few weeks of Civcraft 2.0 when New Augusta began its reform. Some citizens in New Augusta were unsatisfied of the bureaucratic state the city had fallen into. Progress of the city ground to a halt, and this is when many citizens left and started the town of Ancora with /u/CoolMouthHat leading the way.

During September 2013 CoolMouthHat negotiated with Haven to make it (Ancora) a satellite town of Haven (image courtesy of /u/Dydomite), although not much was heard from this development and the deal probably doesn't hold true anymore.

New Generation

After many months of inactivity (around the week of November 17), the city of New Augusta became interested in using Ancora as a method of connecting the metropolis to the rest of -,-. However, before a deal was made, /u/lightning1789 settled the city once again with a group of players (and established a parliamentary monarch). This was not disscussed with CoolMouthHat, and there were many small conflicts over the ownership of the land.

Lightning1789 provided some 'proof'(subject to controversy), which read that CoolMouthHat had agreed to some terms. CoolMouthHat denied the statement and commanded that they vacate Ancora, but the settlement stayed anyway. There is no public log as to why CoolMouthHat could not keep the ownership of Ancora, but he submitted to the situation and left after much conflict and grief.

Shortly after, lightning1789 apointed Battleborn_Sarin to assist in building the city. Battleborn attempted to start a coup of sorts to overthrow lightning1789, but it was quickly 'squashed'.

On December 2 2013, Ancora had it's first parliamentary 'elections'. One thread was created for the voting, which /u/CivChefVortivask won with 100% spproval. However, lightning1789 did not recognize the thread as valid, and made his own thread for the elections. This caused some conflict as lightning1789 continued to ignore the validity of CivChefVortivask's push for democracy, and tried to keep control of Ancora even while the people wanted a democratically elected Prime Minister. 6 days later after many underhanded deals and threats, he banished CivChefVortivask from the city. (It is assumed he is not banned any longer however.)

On December 16 2013, lightning1789 was pearled by Orion for charges of theft. Ancorans questioned the leadership of lightning1789, and pushed even more for a new government, requesting help and support from the neighbouring city of Orion.

On December 20, 2013 Ancora drafted a new constitution shortly followed by the city of Orion guaranteeing Ancoran independance.

On January 1, 2015, lightning1789 Agreed to join The United Volterran Empire.


The first Ancoran government constitution.

Geography and Surroundings

The town is located on the most eastern tip of the island. The island is mostly cliffs and mountainous terrain, although it does even out into fields in places. There is also a tiaga biome at the southern tip of the island. A map of the island can be found here (courtesy of 6myname): eqYOrcx.png (MAP OUTDATED)

There is also a village about 400 blocks east of Ancora, named Sarnath.


Ancora has an xp shop run by /u/niffyjiffy.

Notable Players in Ancoran History

See the History for a more in-depth explanation.

Jett213- Constructed the town hall

Lightning1789 - Founder and leader of Ancora

Mickale- National Leader of The United Volterran Empire

Event Log

Please note the date for each event!

July 18, 2013: Ancora is connected to Harvest and Orion by road.

September 2013: Ancora is supposed 'satellite town' of Haven, negotiated by CoolMouthHat.

November 17-24, 2013 (specification needed): /u/Lightning1789 and company settles Ancora, CoolMouthHat (reluctantly) relinquishes ownership of the town.

December 2-16, 2013: Ancora fights for a democratically elected government.

December 20, 2013: Ancora drafts its new constitution. Orion guarantees its independance.

January 6, 2014: Ancora elects its first official council members under the new constitution: DalekofSkaro, Jagow100, and Mj371.

November 11, 2015: Ancora has been abandoned for an unknown amount of time. lightning1789 soon comes back and revitalizes the area.

January 1, 2015: lightning1789 signes the contract of Volterran and Ancoran Unity, placing him under the protection and rule of The United Volterran Empire.