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AeonWestern Empire
Local Language English
Executive Council /u/Mustercull, /u/Perdikkas, /u/Siksta
Defense Counselor Mustercull
International Counselor Perdikkas13
Assets Counselor Disputed
Operations Counselor Disputed
Transportation Counselor Siksta
Date Established December 2013
Population 77 registered citizens
Abbreviation Ae
Location -12000, -1400
Subreddit /r/CivAeon


Brief Description

Aeon is a large city in the far southwest of the -,- quadrant. Aeon is a fast growing city that has quickly become one of the 'big three' cities on the server.


Aeon was started in December 2013 by Dsclouse.

Over it's relatively short existance Aeon has grown quickly in population and influence.


Capitalistic but sometimes communal.


The Clay Faith - Believes in the power of Clay


Church of Progress - Believes in Progress

Businesses and Organizations

Xian Orbital Technologies (X.O.T) - Property Management, Redstone Research, and Defense Technology. Owned and Operated by Xianefekt.

Aeon R&D - Aeon's very own research and development center

Aeon Shipping Services (A.S.S) - Goods Shipping service operation out of Aeon, currently inactive/discontinued

Aeon Security Service (A.S.S) - Aeon's Private militia, absorbed into the A.D.S.T's

Shady Housing Investment Team (S.H.I.T) - needs description. may be discontinued.

Prestige World Wide - They do everything from Legal Representaion to PR and Marketing

Aeon Mortgage Services - Currently run by Dsclouse and Laudermilk, more information can be found here

LauderClouse Inc. - Sellers of Premium, Organic, Bot-free, Conflict Free, Free Range, Gluten Free, XP, Prot, and other enchanted items.

The Aeon Depot - Aeon's oldest business, The Aeon Depot is a basic materials Wholesaler operation founded by Recrimination. The South Shore District was founded and expanded, in part, by the contributions of Recrimination and The Aeon Depot. "Builders in the know choose The Aeon Depot!" Established February 2014.

Rouge Elite - Located in the Canal Market, Rouge Elite is operated by Recrimination for an anonymous owner. This shop specializes in carrying gear for the discerning Rouges of the -,- from arrows and ladders to Diamond daggers and "totally legit gold Ingots." At these prices anyone can afford to equip their inner thief for a steal!

I know there are more, feel free to add to this list.


Current Bills

The Aeonian Government is a Council based Empire. There are currently three council members, the number of which fluctuating based on the population, each managing a different part of the government. A council member can rule his/her area of the government completely without contest, but if a citizen of the Aeonian Empire disagrees with a counselor’s decision and at least one other citizen agrees with them, they can appeal the ruling and turn the decision to a council wide vote, and can be appealed again to go to a city wide vote. The government is setup in a way that puts the real power in the citizen's hands instead of with the government.

Council Members

City Operations Counselor: In charge of city planning and plot management within Aeon. Current Counselor: /u/Baron_Von_Westphalen

Defense/Judicial Counselor: Maintains Militia and defends the entire Empire, and handles all trials within the government. Current Counselor: /u/Mustercull

Treasury Counselor: In charge of secure storage and distribution of items donated to the city. Also maintains public factories. Current Counselor: [fixme!]

Political Parties

Aeon Open Party

Aeon Nationalist Party


Aeon is currently Neutral, it does not involve itself with conflicts.

-One exception to this Neutrallity was the attack from Recharge. When the city was attacked and citizens were captured, the council activated their emergency powers to have full control of the city. They sent citizens to Rivers End to help in the attack against Recharge.

-Many Aeon citizens also participated in the Battle of Cuba.The Aeon Embassy in Cuba is noted for being the place where the Cuban Allies made their last stand before a cease-fire.

ADST - Aeon Drop Shock Troopers - This group is the military arm of Aeon, run by the Defense counselor and is used to defend the city. The group is strictly a defense force they have never been formally sent outside the empire.

Notable Players in Aeon History

Dsclouse: A Founder of Aeon. Spent 2-3 weeks traveling the map to find a good location for a new city. A bastion of government corruption.

Mustercull: B Founder of Aeon. Was notified by Dsclouse of the location of the new city, has the only house on city center, currently Aeon's defense councilor, all around badass. Animal enthusiast.

Battleborn_Sarin: C Founder of Aeon. Came to the city the day after Mustercull, then left, then came back. Follows people around the city, hits them then runs away. Very good at making everyone question Aeon's neutrality. Usually homeless. We all love him anyway.

Xianefekt: Founder of the original Aeon on a creative server the he and Dsclouse used to play on. Builder of Towers, seller of penthouses, plunderer of city storage. He has a really cool house and loves doing "Z". Quality asshole.

Tikinola: One of the first citizens of Aeon, expanded the farms extensively. Built sunset tower and is building Aeon's water district.

Rodentia123: Wrote Aeons first constitution.

Jryan20: Aeon's first public works director. He digs a lot of tunnels and built the huge arch on the south side of the city. Sometimes disappears for a month or two. Occasionally runs a bot that anyone is free to pearl for chat spamming.

Jagow100: Refugee from Ancora. Built aeons first stadium, know for his eagerness to kill anyone.

Laudermilk: Has built more towers than anyone else in the city, all on the same plot. Runs a huge stable northest of the city. Is an all-around boss. Defender of freedom and economic prosperity. Prevented the certain destruction of Aeon by a massive horde of invaders (you've never heard of this invasion before because Laudermilk routed these enemies so handily). Runs an awesome shop; you should go there and buy things. Is purported to be 3 blocks tall with the aura of a demi-god. Some say his donkey can jump 20 blocks high.

DalekOfSarko: Another Ancoran refugee. Very business-y, has a lot of doges and horses.

Siksta: Gay. Aeon's ASSets councilor, makes weird noises in mumble. Generally loved by all. Builds good shit and has lots of doges. Founded the Struglife Foundation.

Stormtrooper26: Cool dude and early citizen of Aeon. Took the government by storm (hehe) and completely revitalized International Relations. He also formed the United Minus Minus, a massive military alliance comprised of most major nations in the -,- with the help of Battleborn_Sarin.

Drkvyper: Redstone ninja.

BlackTheta: Anger Management needer. Builds awesome redstone mechanisms with drkvyper and Xianefekt.

XxDovahkiinX: cool pvp guy :o). Also Girlscout Troop 420 Denmother, former park ranger. Professional Prot Loser. Keeps the peace in Aeon while at the same time creating havoc. Sound bite king.

Marakitus: That New Australian Guy. Also the most capitalistic communist ever. Founder of Fort Exertium in the Aeon Empire.

Klaviko: Very early Aeon citizen, with an upstanding reputation. First Aeon Flag Creator. Also CEO of Klav Bros. LLC, which controls two plots next to town square.

Quivico: Very early Aeon citizen, proud and loyal citizen whose spirit will not rest unless left in Aeon. Also COO of Klav Bros. LLC, and is building plots near town square. Proud equestrian owner. In want of diamonds and building materials. Professional horse misplacer and loser.

Recrimination: Megaton immigrant, founder of The Aeon Depot, and long time resident of the South Shore District. Blacktheta's Campaign Manager and Christmas Tree Arsonist at large.

Event Log

Late November 2013: Dsclouse sets out from Ancora to search the map for the city location

Mid-December 2013: Location found, Mustercull, Chef_Vortivask, and Battleborn_sarin notified.

Mid-January 2014: Rail connection to Vahalla and Haven complete. No more running a 5k tunnel. Klaviko and Quivico join the city.

Feb 1st 2014: First Goverernment and Constitution voted and passed by the people.

Feb 2nd 2014(date might be wrong): Free Sirjim Vault-break, Aeon gets it first real influx of visitors as a large group of players came to break some innocent players out of shadowjay's vault that was near Aeon. The vault break failed and two Aeon citizens were pearled, Dsclouse (at the time was President of Aeon), and Jagow100, along with many others. 10/10, would do again, was fun.

Feb 7th 2014 The Aeon Government is dismantled and Dsclouse is put in temporary command.

Feb 11th 2014 The new Council type government is voted upon and passes with a 90% approval rate.

Feb 16th 2014 The city of Aeon confronts its first problems within the city. A person by the name of Cris1133 enters the city and begins to openly oppose the Council by building beyond the plot he was given and change the roads. The council shows that it is to be taken seriously by forcing cris out of the city, and establishing a precedent that the Aeon Empire controls the land within its borders.

Feb 19th-20th 2014 The citizens of Aeon vote for their new Council members, and the Council is established.

Mar 5th 2014 The Council excersizes their power to create new council positions and establishes the Assets and Transportation Council positions.

Apr 20th 2014 Recharge, a group that had been raiding various cities across the map for over a week, finally attacks Aeon. 7 killed and pearled, 1000's of diamonds worth of goods stolen.

List of those who died in the Easter 2014 massacre:


Siksta (on alt)






This was the biggest attack to date on the city of Aeon.

May 7th 2014 Aeon is victim to a small raid by two players, CollieLuver and Eb0nyGurls4Evr. A few citizens, including Quivico and Sarin, were pearled for a couple minutes before being freed. The attackers were also confirmed to have attacked Orion previously, but who cares. (names and more info here)

please add more...(konartist konflict)

District and Neighborhoods

City Center

Three Waters


Lake Side

West End


South Shore


Prominent Buildings

Xian Estate - Located in the Estates Neighborhood.

Siksta Manor - Located in the Lake Side Neighborhood.

City Center/Aeon Spire/The Spire - Center of the City

Clouse Tech Tower (Originally DSC Labs) - At City Center

DrkVyper's House - Located in West End

Erindu Tower - At City Center

Laudermilk's Stables - North West Shore

Mustercull's House - At City Center

The Factories (Originally Factory 2.0)- Located in the Factories District

Tikinola's House - Located in West End

XOT Tower - Located in Lake Side Neighborhood

Rykleos' House - Located in the Three Waters District

Dalek/Niffy House - In Lakeside Demolished

Stadium - South East of the City

Wilted Lilac - Located at City Center and Lake Side

Aeon Arch - Located at Market and South Shore