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<WRAP right 350px>

In game username Cheshirelulcat
Known Alts NotCheshire, LobsterMidwife, Alexander_Nevsky
Languages Russian


Residence Mount Augusta
Political Ideology State Socialism
Professions Former Minister of Bereza, Former Shareholder of Stoneburrow, Doge of Monaco, President of the Russian Federation, Officer of Nox



Cheshirelulcat joined the server in November of 2012. He lived as a hermit shortly before joining the city of Petra. As a result of the Christmas Massace, the original HCF invasion of 1.0, Petra went inactive and he then joined Bereza.

Post-Christmas Massacre

After the Christmas massacre, several former Petranian citizens founded their own town, Bereza. Cheshire joined it and brought the city from a 3 person outpost to a prosperous village with over a dozen citizens. He showed exceptional skill in creating a constitution and a government structure for what was effectively a village under mob rule. This lasted until the end of 1.0, which happened in April of 2013.

Continuation of Petranian Legacy

In 2.0, Cheshire rejoined after a several month break. He teamed up with the same people that created Bereza, Letsplaycmansez and Staffenburg. Together they founded Stoneburrow, as equals. Stoneburrow was a city which was supposed to be created on the same model as Nine: total anarcho capitalism - your land is your own, build whatever you like on it. Issues began to arise, however, when laborers which were supposed to be temporary wanted to stay and have a plot in exchange for their labor, Letsplaycmansez and Staffenburg refused. They did not feel that the workers deserved a place in the city, the same workers who were digging and building for pennies on the dollar.

Cheshire's time in Stoneburrow was not wasted, however, as during his tenure he worked with several other people in order to establish the United Provinces, or the U3P. The original charter was written almost solely by him.


When issues arose with Stoneburrow, Cheshire teamed up with Thymos to form Monaco. Together, they started what could've been the greatest city in the ++. Monaco and New Danzilona had a border conflcit which quickly escalated into an all out war. After being pearled in the conflict, Cheshirelulcat took a break from Civcraft, being absent from the game from late February of 2014 to September of 2014.

Return to Civcraft

His return to Civcraft was primarily fueled by interest in the server by college roommates. He brought them together and they all founded Donetsk. He continued to work on that city with his friends for most of autumn, up until Clone's vault break.

Introduction to America

Cheshire was introduced to Papa_Pound via Mumble, by simply hanging around certain people. Papa recruited him to help with the vault break, seeing potential. After the break, Cheshire was invited to become involved with the America group. They were based at the vault in +10000,+10000. Cheshire helped carry pearls during the infamous Duke cliff slip, where most of the pearls which America had were released due to mental error.

Mount Augustan Affairs

Alongside these events, Cheshire grew increasingly distant from Donetsk and instead began to take part in Augustan affairs. He joined the city officially as a citizen in October, under the helpful hand of AMBeaudry. He remained loyal to Augusta, taking countless steps to ensure it avoided the wrath of raiders, griefers, among other things. He pearled countless griefers, aided in the defense multiple times, and to this day continues to be active and a part of the Augustan people.

Involvement with Nox

As a continuation of America, Cheshire once again got himself involved with Papa_Pound and sintralin. He helped forge the unity between Libertas/Nox and Mount Augusta. He has been actively involved in the defense and support of the Noxian state, protecting it from raiders, weepee, and other troublemakers.

Current Status

Cheshire continues to live life as a free man in Mount Augusta, being heavily involved in Augustan and international politics and affairs. His criminal status continues to be disputed, however more evidence can be held for his innocence than against. The main argument is that one cannot put blame on individual actors of a state when it is the state itself that commits crimes. If we acknowledge the existence of statist ideology in Civcraft, then we must also acknowledge the distinction between state actors and actions and individual actors and actions. Cheshire did the right thing by promoting the life of his state, both morally and legally, with respect to statist ideology. In a global, moral framework, however, there is the argument that what he did may have been wrong. Various sources have stated that the state of Aurora had little to no effect in regards to aiding the anti-Nox war effort, however these points are countered by former Noxians.

As a result individuals state that what he did was wrong, seeing as even though they were engaged in direct conflict, the action taken upon Aurora was unnecessary. The issue lies within the fact that there are no rules of engagement or regulation of military conflicts and as such Nox technically did not break any international law. Legally Nox was in the right engaging on Aurora. The entire issue rests upon a set of morals decided by the winners, which will always be inherently biased against the losers of the war. It is because of this that most of the server views Cheshirelulcat as "...absolved of responsibility for any and all past wrongdoing...".

According to fringe opposing sources, Cheshire's enemies claim that "..Mt. Augusta has declared Cheshire a pariah - the world police are allowed to enter Mt. Augusta and pearl him at any time..." and that according to those envious of his status and power " seems likely that Cheshire will need to play on an alt for a long time if he wants to be left in peace...", implying threats of violence against a man loved by all.