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Civcraft Music
Hand-crafted piano company A Civcraft Music piano shop in Orion Inside a Civcraft Music store in Commonwealth
Founder GTAIVisbest
Logistics TheCrazyGrape
Founded 3 January 2014
Head Office The Commonwealth
Primary Sponsor Government of Orion


Civcraft Music

Civcraft Music, a hand-crafted piano company, is a small Civcraft company founded on the 3rd of January 2014 by GTAIVisbest in Orion. The company was the first to pioneer its fully functioning Minecraft piano design with multiple tuning arrangements for sale after a closed testing phase with certain residents of Orion.


The very first recorded instances of a functioning Minecraft piano was in 1.0, in the basement of GTAIVisbest's house in Mt. Augusta. He had constructed a small row of three noteblocks side by side activated by pressure plates in an attempt to build a very basic piano that could be "played".

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A picture of the very first prototype of the Minecraft piano


However, the piano prototype was destroyed and abandoned during the New Augustan war of Independence, and all development on a functioning Minecraft piano was halted.

About a year later, GTAIVisbest was active playing in the city of Aurora as a refugee from the fall of Kappi. One night, there was a local city event held at a small bar. The bar featured a different prototype of a functioning piano, consisting of two rows of blocks instead of one, with a progressive-rising tuning arrangement. GTA was alleged to have spent many days at the bar, trying and playing the piano and discovering it's tuning. Later, the bar was damaged in a fire and the piano was disassembled into note blocks by the owner and sold.

Approximately a year after the events in Aurora, GTAIVisbest was active in Orion as a government member. With a large salary from his government position and having been granted the use of multiple spare rooms by appartment owner ChasOhlson, he bought many noteblocks and began to tinker with his own piano design and prototypes. One day, he assembled a new prototype together, a Tritone piano- what would later become the standardised Civcraft Piano- and a crowd gathered around his appartment building demanding to know how he was playing "Custom midi files". Amazed by the ability to re-create music on that particular model, GTAIVisbest began to craft more Tritone pianos during his closed testing period.

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ttk2 himself gracing a Civcraft Music store with his presence


After ending the closed testing period, GTA then began to publicly advertise his pianos by becoming a travelling piano salesman. Selling to players in Orion, first, including MasilV and TugBoat, he then travelled south to The Commonwealth where he attemped to sell Peter214, leader of the city, a piano. After the succesful trade, GTA used the diamonds acquired to build more pianos and began to publicly busk in the city-center of the Commonwealth. This attracted many citizens of the city who then donated many diamonds. The owners of a newly-built commercial building downtown donated the lower floors to be used as a piano shop and the new HQ of the newly-founded company Civcraft Music. At the same time, GTA then hired a logistics advisor, TheCrazyGrape, to help repair and renovate the building.

As the pianos became a large success in The Commonwealth, GTA travelled back north to Orion, leaving TheCrazyGrape in charge of completing the building while he was away. The government of Orion, including Itaqi and Malice213, having heard of the success of the piano, offered to sponsor GTAIVisbest and give him the top two floors of the Glitch commercial building in downtown Orion to use as another piano shop. GTAIVisbest completed construction of the piano shop himself, and, using the diamonds acquired in The Commonwealth, he bought a large amount of pianos with which to stock the piano shop.

The piano shop was an immediate success, and GTAIVisbest was immediately overwhelmed with requests from most of the Orion citizens to install custom pianos in their homes, sponsoring his endeavors.

Returning south again to The Commonwealth, GTA used his recently earned wealth to purchase a very large amount of piano materials with which to hand-craft the new pianos that would go into The Commonwealth's piano shop. At the same time that this shop opened he also fufilled many orders inside The Commonwealth, including an organ for the Commonwealth Cathedral.

Products Sold

Civcraft Music sells two different instruments, the piano and the organ. A piano is a small, 3x3x3 compact fully-functioning musical instrument with which one can replicate certain midi-tunes and improvise to create their own music. An organ is a slightly larger and louder version of the piano.

Many different tuning arrangements exist for both the piano and the organ, and all can be ordered from the company.


  • Western European Major scale (3 diamonds)
  • Western European Minor scale (3 diamonds)
  • Arabic scale (4 diamonds)


*Western European Major scale (5 diamonds)
*Western European Minor scale (5 diamonds)
*Arabic scale (6 diamonds)