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Civcraft Nomadic Community

Common nomadic buildings

Local Languages English
Abbreviation CNC
**Founders ** arrow74, NateCampatition, ninj3rz
Establishment 11th October, 2015


Civcraft Nomadic Community

The Civcraft Nomadic Community (AKA The Nomads) are a group of people that roleplay as real life nomads, settling at some place, then packing it up and leaving to another place after a few days.


In 8th October of 2015, ninj3rz, former King of Nowhere in 1.0, made a post to the Civcraft subreddit asking if people were interested in traveling the world as nomads. In 11th October, the nomads made their first settlement on an undisclosed location.


The nomads build simple houses with enough space for a bed and chests, they follow this simple guide, with added features to distinguish the houses. Their structures don't last long as they take most of their buildings along when they depart.