Cicero: Difference between revisions

Added alias of mentioned player
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m (Added alias of mentioned player)
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==== Civcraft 1.0 ====
Played under the IGN "ITIDeathGod" and joined 1.0 in January, 2013, with players such as [[Mark_Antony]], [[Varkanos]], HerbieVersmells, and [[Roma_Victor|Roma_Victor(Silianat)]] from a factions server known as MC Titan. Together with other migrants who have long been inactive, they founded 1.0 [[History of SPQR|SPQR]] and were involved in the conflicts with Yugoslavia, Beunos Aires, and Gondolin(Aristopolis). Allied to Gondolin, SPQR fought on their side during the vaunted battle that became known as the "[[CivcraftImport:Conflicts/valentinesmassacre|Valentine's Day Massacre]]." ITIDeathGod was among the combatants and was pearled by forces under ZombieLenin and Buenos Aires, alongside most of his allies. Eventually freed, SPQR was mostly peaceful for the rest of 1.0.
[[File:Valentine's Day Massacre.png|thumb|Trespassers from Buenos Aires squaring off with Gondolin and SPQR fighters right before the Valentine's Day Massacre began on 2/13/2013. Picture from Cicero's archives.]]
